Group 7-day waking average?

I like Christmas
4.9 for me today. It’s the time of year when insulin seems to turn to water and the heat seems to cause havoc !

Hope everyone had an ok day. Friday for the workers!!!!

Was it PE outside @Lily123 ?
Outdoor PE - in the Summer term we always have outdoor PE. It was athletics and no running so it wasn’t too bad
Good morning. Awake at silly o'clock having gone to bed early after turning, loading and carting 240 bales of hay. Some has gone to neighbours but the bulk of it is in the barn. Would doubtless have expired, since the Ukrainians had shoved off on a jolly somewhere and the other arranged assistance didn't turn up until the job was done, but 2 old friends dropped in, planning a natter and a cuppa, but immediately leapt to the rescue. So the 3 geriatrics did the job. As my Mother always observed "many a good tune played on an old fiddle".

This mornings score? A neat HS - 5.2. Plans for today include quite a lot of lying down...
Good morning. Awake at silly o'clock having gone to bed early after turning, loading and carting 240 bales of hay. Some has gone to neighbours but the bulk of it is in the barn. Would doubtless have expired, since the Ukrainians had shoved off on a jolly somewhere and the other arranged assistance didn't turn up until the job was done, but 2 old friends dropped in, planning a natter and a cuppa, but immediately leapt to the rescue. So the 3 geriatrics did the job. As my Mother always observed "many a good tune played on an old fiddle".

This mornings score? A neat HS - 5.2. Plans for today include quite a lot of lying down...
Congratulations on the House Special! 🙂
Been awake since 3:30 and have already taken two cold showers as it’s very hot here with barely any wind.
I’m an effort to cool down at some point today I’ve booked a ticket to go and see Madama Butterfly at the Royal Opera House this afternoon.
Another standing special but there are unsold seats a couple of rows in front that I’ve got every intention of making use of. Grand Circle tickets as well so I’m hoping nobody’s going to book them!
Other than that cancelled yoga for today after two yesterday and there’s one booked for tomorrow morning.
Dad’s been in hospital for a couple of days but he’s back home with mum now. He went to see a physio on Thursday who packed him off to A&E where they hooked him up to a heart monitor and confirmed he had a pulse of 30.
He’ll likely need a pacemaker but for some reason they won’t do it at that hospital so they sent him home saying that they’ll write to the gp.
I’ve suggested to mum that she calls the gp about dad and tells them to expect a letter so that they can chase it if it doesn’t arrive.
Also suggested calling the cardio surgeon (or his secretary) and having a similar convo with them as it might help smooth the path for getting him in surgery.
Mum’s been under the same cardiologist that dad’s now under for 35 years or so. When she started with him he was whatever the lowest rung on the surgery ladder is and now he’s a top consultant/professor/miracle worker type surgeon so it’s good dad’s under him as well.
Dad on the other hand doesn’t want to make a fuss because he hates being in hospital. That’s even more the case now as he could end up being on a geriatric ward with old people. He’s 82.
I’ll push for mum to speak with the medicos as I don’t think it can hinder things but do any of you lot have any suggestions how to get things expedited somewhat?

Oh and 5.3
Good morning eveyone.

GP visit went well yesterday. My heart monitor results were ok. A few extra beats occasionally in the night. A low pulse around the 50 mark put down to doing lots of exercise. Everything else is fine.

BG this morning 4.4 quite low for me. Can the heat send BG lower?

No plans today except for walking a lot on the beach.

Yesterday, had a lovely long haired collie wander up to say hello. A gentle, calm, happy dog. A bit like its owner. Twenty paces further along and a husky and its friend bolted up to snarl and bark at me. That shot me out of my happy, peaceful mood. :(

I wonder if there is a 'no salt' product I could use to replace the salt in my diet as I am trying to reduce my salt intake a little, but Salt seems to be important for flavour. Hmm interesting. I will investigate. Anyone have any answers for that?

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
@Gwynn I’ve tried a few of the lo-salt type products and found them all lacking in one way or another. Some just taste a bit like I’d imagine a fourth or fifth carbon paper copy of salt would taste like if that was given to a scientist and they were told to make it taste better. But they weren’t allowed to use salt.

I’ve tried using seaweed and that works well but it’s not suitable for every dish I feel. So I’ve gone back to using salt but I now use Maldon Sea Salt and not very much of it.

Are you trying to cut it down or out?
It's still stinking hot the pups not handling it too well. I've had to resort to a old army trick and I'm rotating two bath tiles from the freezer for one on the floor nice and cold and the other in the freezer and I'm swapping them over ebery few hours trip to the optometrists today so script will be sorted out and I can stop seeing everything in fuzzy vision...
Most deffo having a bbq later on I can hear those spare ribs calling me
Have a great day what ever you get up to
Keep those hearts strong and your heads up
@ColinUK I am just trying to reduce salt not eliminate it. Thanks for the reply.
Been awake since 3:30 and have already taken two cold showers as it’s very hot here with barely any wind.
I’m an effort to cool down at some point today I’ve booked a ticket to go and see Madama Butterfly at the Royal Opera House this afternoon.
Another standing special but there are unsold seats a couple of rows in front that I’ve got every intention of making use of. Grand Circle tickets as well so I’m hoping nobody’s going to book them!
Other than that cancelled yoga for today after two yesterday and there’s one booked for tomorrow morning.
Dad’s been in hospital for a couple of days but he’s back home with mum now. He went to see a physio on Thursday who packed him off to A&E where they hooked him up to a heart monitor and confirmed he had a pulse of 30.
He’ll likely need a pacemaker but for some reason they won’t do it at that hospital so they sent him home saying that they’ll write to the gp.
I’ve suggested to mum that she calls the gp about dad and tells them to expect a letter so that they can chase it if it doesn’t arrive.
Also suggested calling the cardio surgeon (or his secretary) and having a similar convo with them as it might help smooth the path for getting him in surgery.
Mum’s been under the same cardiologist that dad’s now under for 35 years or so. When she started with him he was whatever the lowest rung on the surgery ladder is and now he’s a top consultant/professor/miracle worker type surgeon so it’s good dad’s under him as well.
Dad on the other hand doesn’t want to make a fuss because he hates being in hospital. That’s even more the case now as he could end up being on a geriatric ward with old people. He’s 82.
I’ll push for mum to speak with the medicos as I don’t think it can hinder things but do any of you lot have any suggestions how to get things expedited somewhat?

Oh and 5.3
Sorry to hear about dad. That’s a very low pulse rate. I’m surprised they let him home, Mr Eggy once spent a week in hospital, bed rest, for a pulse of 34. Anyhoo, re getting things moving along. When Mr Eggy was waiting for surgery a few years back to sort his poorly heart out, they kept saying it’ll be X, then it was Y, when they said Z we got mad and made an appointment with the GP. We explained that he had no quality of life as such, he was exhausted, his angina was almost constant, blah, blah blah. We may have laid it on a bit thick. The doc listened and actually typed out and sent an email there and then to the cardiologist. I think he laid it on a bit thick too! Within a week or so we had a date for his op. Now I’m expecting your dad to not want a fuss, and he’ll say he’s fine, he’ll wait etc etc. as older folks are want to do. But I’m afraid the only way to get something done in the hard pressed, but amazing NHS, is to push and nag. In the meantime, he needs to rest as much as possible. Have they changed his meds/ given him new meds? Mr Eggy’s low heart rate was due to one of the drugs he was on, once they took him off it and juggled his meds about he’s been fine, well, fine for someone who has had six heart attacks, quadruple bypass, more stents than you can shake a stick at and his final op of some sort of fancy ablation. Apart from that he’s fit as a fiddle! TBF he’s over twenty years younger than your dad and stubborn as a mule! Good luck and hope your dad is feeling more himself soon. I won’t tell you not to worry because if you’re anything like me it’s not gonna happen! X
Morning good folks of Diabetes Land. A lovely, back to normal, 5.7. An almost straight line overnight on the graph and 100% in range yesterday! It’s been a while.

Unlike, some of you, yesterday was a wash out for us northerners. Mild and muggy in the morning, then breezy, then rain, and more rain, and more rain. Never got our trip out with Zara. We got in the car and drove just incase it was brighter nine miles down the road. It wasn’t! Zara had dropped off 10 minutes before we got to our destination. We parked up, hoping the rain would stop. It didn’t, we came home, Zara still sleeping. She missed nowt! And we only used £239.20 worth of petrol. It’s ok though, it wasn’t our car! 😉

It’s showing 12 degrees on our weather thingy, the sun’s shining and “highs” of 15/16 predicted! Woo hoo. I might get my big coat off and replace it with a slightly smaller one! :rofl:

Have a super Saturday. 🙂

Congrats @TinaD and @Michael12421 on your HSs.
@eggyg no idea what needs he’s on other than a blood smoother.
I’ll push for them to nag and if they don’t I’ll contact the GP surgery myself.

Just to add to the fun, the car I’ve booked for the holiday has suddenly become unavailable and “an alternative will be assigned soon”.
I booked this specific car because I drove it a couple of weeks ago and it was a delight.
Needless to say I’ve sent an email asking why it’s no longer available and what they’re going to assign and when.
@eggyg no idea what needs he’s on other than a blood smoother.
I’ll push for them to nag and if they don’t I’ll contact the GP surgery myself.

Just to add to the fun, the car I’ve booked for the holiday has suddenly become unavailable and “an alternative will be assigned soon”.
I booked this specific car because I drove it a couple of weeks ago and it was a delight.
Needless to say I’ve sent an email asking why it’s no longer available and what they’re going to assign and when.
Here’s hoping it’s an upgrade. Porsche or Masseratti maybe! Boots are a wee bit small, but just don’t take as many shoes and handbags as you normally would!
Morning all, 6.5 here. Had a blitz on washing bedspreads, throws and cushion covers yesterday, as it was that hot everything was drying in half an hour, but every time I went down to the washing line, and inevitably saw a few weeds that needed pulling out on the way back, my blood sugar dropped like a stone in the heat, and I needed JBs by the time I got in.