Group 7-day waking average?

My main concerns are keeping my insulin cool and the fact that one of my main hypo symptoms is sweating, which right now will happen anytime I get out of the house! :rofl:
yep over the past a few days i've offen thought hot or low the awser was mostlly hot. it is a bit anoying
Pleased to report it is done. Ian is leaving him in the field for the others to have a sniff and come to terms with it before they bury him. Archie is upset as they have been together a very long time and he was Ernie's second in command but at 25 I am not sure Archie is fit and assertive enough to take over as heard leader and Zak at 11 yrs and full of himself, will be keen to take the role, so we may have some heirachy and behavioural issues in the next few days/weeks. Hope there are no injuries whilst they figure it out.
Just trying to capture a swarm that has come out of my straw skep hive. Lovely very mild mannered bees but they haven't settled into the box I put them in so will need to go back out and try again.
Yup @Kaylz and @rayray119, in moments like that I would appreciate a Libre. Though if the adhesive is sensitive to sweat, I guess I'd have an extra issue. We can't win sometimes! Anyway I brought 120 strips for a time I would normally use around 50, so hopefully I'm covered, and can borrow my dad's meter in an emergency :D
Yup @Kaylz and @rayray119, in moments like that I would appreciate a Libre. Though if the adhesive is sensitive to sweat, I guess I'd have an extra issue. We can't win sometimes! Anyway I brought 120 strips for a time I would normally use around 50, so hopefully I'm covered, and can borrow my dad's meter in an emergency :D
yeah unfortunately the libre didn't seem to suit me. so holding out to see if i may be abble to try somthing diffenrt at some port if not i'll just make do. funny thing in the writter when i was sometimes shivering thereefore shaking i find myslef thinking cold or hypo 🙄
5.6 this morning bright and early as our dog needed to go in the garden, so up before 6.00am .... albeit briefly cos I fell back to sleep again! zzzz
I went shopping this morning so as to avoid being out too much in the expected 32c heat tomorrow - too hot to breathe kind of weather :( Popped to the chemist for my new BP pills then in "Herons" for a few extra bits.
I'm out tomorrow just to pop to a friend's house, then I'll be a-strutting my stuff in the evening, 3 course meal, drinkies and dancing for another friend's birthday/moving away do. Then Saturday we are off to the next county to hubby's cousin's surprise 80th birthday do. What with the theatre on Tuesday my social life hasn't been this busy since .... er .... who knows when - guess it must be a few decades back now! :rofl:
Daughter and co are away on holiday this week, but will probably pop in Sunday for Father's Day, though I will see her at the do tomorrow night (well it is her prospective mother-in-law's do! lol We are joint nanny/nana to our precious granddaughter, though we have been friends for many years prior)
Oh yes, I saw my DN as planned, she doesn't want to see me for 6 months (another HbA1c) - but wants me to let her know what the Diabetes Medicine appointment is about, next month, as she hasn't got a clue either! I've never been on meds, I'm back to pre-diabetic - so she is wondering if they have me muddled up with someone else. We shall see....
Hope life is being good to you all - enjoy the heat if you like it - or commiserations if you are like me and struggle xx
Afternoon/evening all. It was a low 4.9 for me this morning, needing a few sips of juice and breakfast to get me to work. Its been absolutely roasting in the classroom this afternoon so i'm dreading tomorrow. 32°, Friday and hot tired little ones might make it a long day. The heat is lowering my levels, i needed glucose to drive home.

I hope you've all had a good day.
@rebrascora, i'm sorry to hear about Ian's horse. It must have been awful to make that decision.
Aww! I can’t make it to to the end of round today, coverage until 01:00!!!😱 BUT, Rory McIlroy has hearly finished his round starting early, local time 5 miles from Boston Massachusetts, with 1 & a half holes to go in a tie for the lead on -3!😛😎:D So, will hang on for him to finish & shall miss Ireland’s Shane Lowry’s last group starting at 18:58!:(

Just got up too early today to last out & just had my dinner for a bit of help or will that send me to sleep faster? Uhm! 🙄

I hope I last longer tomorrow as Rory, with the early starters, will start late tomorrow? :confused:

The greens look a very odd yellow/green compared to the verdant green of Augusta, the only US course I’ve seen regularly but, it’s down south in Georgia just above Florida where it’s warm & humid: greens, the colour, is not so easily seen in most of the US; any wonder that SO MANY Americans when they come over to The Emerald Isle the first thing they say is very often “It’s SO green!”. :D🙄😉

I’ll see Rory finish & hope he stays in the lead with no dropped shots now & see how it holds up by tomorrow’s round when everyone is finished today? :confused:🙂
Awww! o_O I jinxed it, in my excitement!:( After not a single dropped shot all day & he made a mistake, an old Tiger mistake of trying to draw in the wind, failing & missing the green on the right! Missed his par save putt & it’s a Bogey +1 for the 18th hole to rejoin the tie for first at -3! A tad disappointing after a great round today!:(

I’m going off to catch some z’s now! A stream of z’s emoji!
Pleased to report I successfully captured the swarm, second attempt and will be taking them to their new home soon.
Here's a couple of photos of the "little dears!" Took a few stings on the hands over the two attempts but that was likely because I accidentally nipped the odd one as I was scooping them off the tree into the box. The tree trunk was too solid to effectively shake them off. I would have crushed a lot more if I had worn gloves because the leather is thick and numb whereas with bare hands you can feel and be gentle and it is an amazing sensation feeling the warmth their little bodies generate and the vibration. Not a single one of them buzzed my face at all and I got one up my sleeve but managed to release it without it stinging, so really nice mannered bees.
Hope they are happy in their new home. The guy they are going to has a lovely garden and the nice thing is that his grandfather who is 90 odd used to keep bees, so he is carrying on a family tradition!
Good morning - 5.3

Libre 2 decided to fail yesterday which was about a week earlier than it should have. Phoned Abbott but that’s like talking to a brick wall. Went on PatientAccess to order some needles and test strips and the practice wasn’t showing up. Then when I used the practice finder bit it said this practice no longer uses PatientAccess. Phoned the practice and they said it’s because I haven’t had a blood test in six months (full panel not HbA1C) . I had one last November and I’m under the hospital so they shouldn’t be messing with that anyway?????

Sorry needed the rant
Oh no. I had one fail too. It went nuts last night reading 4 units higher and 6 higher this morning. I rang and they are sending a replacement. Hope you got sorted.
Libre shocked me with a 13.7 this morning finger pricks claimed a far better 7.7 still a touch higher than I like. Rang Abbott’s and another is on the way. It literally lost the plot at 10pm last night.

So hot today.
Congrats to @everydayupsanddowns (well your T-slim pump and Dexcom anyway 😉) on your House Special this morning.

LOL! Yep, it’s completely cheating, and I know it :rofl:
Oh no. I had one fail too. It went nuts last night reading 4 units higher and 6 higher this morning. I rang and they are sending a replacement. Hope you got sorted.
Got a new one on now and it’s accurate. Could it have been to do with the heat do you think?
Good morning - 7.6

The high temperature here is supposed to be 31 😱 . I’ve got outdoor PE today which hopefully they’ll let us do theory instead
Good morning everyone.

Back to the big tease BG 5.1

I have an appointment with the doctor this afternoon to discuss my recent heart monitor results. The only thing I was slightly concerned about was a very low pulse and poor pulse pressue (depending on which NHS guideline used). A pulse of 46 and regularly low 50's does seem a tad low to me.

The sun has made an appearance after a very overcast start to the day. Set for a good walk this morning then.

Nothing else planned for today.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning 5.0 on the nose today

I had a very relaxing day yesterday, as took a day off work due to my infected toe
decided to take the podiatrists advice and keep weight off my foot for a few days

I have a phone call booked to catch up with GP late this afternoon regarding ankle referral, but I’m hoping blood test is back (bloods taken Tuesday)

Have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all. Another 4.9 for me, a bit too low for waking for me but i think its the heat and by the time Tresiba changes kick in, it will be cooler again. It will be sweltering in class today. Have a good day wherever you are.