Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone.

a dark, very cool. Morning it is too here.

BG 4.6 nice and sensible.

I feel still quite worn out after a weeks stressful dog sitting. It turns out that it normally has one short walk a day, but I gave it 4 walks each day, all of which were longer and one very long. It seemed happy with them, always eager to go out and walk.

I am looking at a Fostex X-15 multi track cassette recorder, for a friend, today. It seems to have got 'stuck'/'jammed'. It will be interesting taking the 1980's tech apart and, hopefully, fixing it.

View attachment 21252

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
That's a blast from the past.
Relieved to report a 6.4 this morning after a couple of days of battling high levels which more or less refused to acknowledge my use of bolus insulin unless I got very heavy handed.... No prizes for spotting the "rage bolus" on my graph yesterday. I don't know why I bother because it always goes straight back up again. Any other time after a hypo I can settle it nicely in the 5s and 6s but when I have days like this, it just goes straight back up to 10!

This was despite a 4.5 unit basal increase, split between night and day the day before. I added another couple of units last night and things are looking much better today. Checking back I used 14units of Fiasp in corrections yesterday trying to keep a lid on things. Funny how a couple more basal units can negate the need for so many correction units. Not all insulin units are created equal!

@Griffin. I can sympathize. I get days when leaving the house just seems the scariest thing. Totally irrational but sometimes you can't negotiate yourself past it. Hang in there it will pass and you will get things back in perspective soon. Sending (((HUGS)))

@Michael12421 Worried that you are getting a pattern of lows again, so you might want to consider another basal reduction if you haven't already, especially if you are having a long hot spell out there. Take care!

@ColinUK Looking fabulous.... but who wouldn't with a sparkler like that!

8.9 this morning, but ate badly yesterday as doing double shifts with very little breaks (I am WFH though), is taking its toll on me, if my son hadn't of ordered take away I would not have had eaten last night. Logged off work and went straight to bed, woke up this morning, logged straight on and been busy ever since. Think I might have a cold coming as well which isn't helping. Next time my colleague is off for a week I am going to speak to management and set up a finish time of 8pm rather than just trying to get everything done as they is just not working I am exhausted and not even having time to prepare and cook a simple evening meal is not on. I have something planned for dinner this evening that takes 5 mins to prep so going to just walk away, if they can't spare me for 5mins then something is very wrong.

Sorry for the moaning.
Ooohhhh! A bit annoying! :( Health centre just called to say blood samples had clotted: two half vials & vials need to be reasonably full to stop the air from clotting it! 😱 So, have to go back next Friday 14:30 RIGHT in the middle of The US Open!😱 But, it needs to be done! Sigh!🙄:(
6.3 this morning, slightly higher than the 6.1 of Monday and Tuesday, but I did go out last night with a friend. We went to the opening night of Bat out of Hell and, as we had never been to a first night before, we pushed the boat out for a front seat package - and that included a drink (just Pepsi Max for me as I was driving), a bottle of water and a fair size tub of crisps - they didn't get opened until I was home and son tucked into those! Plus a decent size tub of vanilla ice cream in the interval. Kind of had the munchies when I got home, but mainly has a few cheese oatcakes and a mini cheddar stick, one slice of pork with stuffing and a wee bit of the beetroot and ginger chutney I bought at the jubilee not too bad.
The show was amazing, loved every minute of it, the singing and dancing was awesome - would see it all over again if I could! We was not allowed to sing - but at the end there was a no brainer but to give the cast a standing ovation - and when they broke into song again we all sang regardless, with a little bit of dancing where we stood, with our camera torch lights on in memory of Jim Steinman and Meatloaf - try stopping a full house especially on press night!!! :rofl:
@ColinUK had they got the pearls to try on as well? They would look fab with the pearl drop earring you talked about! Isn't that called a "suite" when they match? That would be suitable for Tesco surely 😉
@freesia they did have a stunning pearl set which was so fine that the whole thing looked like it was lace.
I didn’t think that delicacy was something I could pull off so left it in the display case.
Morning all. 6.2
Been awake since 4am but finally getting up now.
Quick shower and then gym.

Did yoga yesterday and loved it!

Hope everyone’s feeling good today.
Good morning this bright day everyone.

Slept like a baby last night. It is so peaceful.

BG 4.2 a nice low number, a bit like (5.2 - 1) 🙂

Returning the mended cassette player this morning. But I doubt that the aging damage has been permanently sorted.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

Notice the hammer, put there as a threat so that the cassette recorder knew not to mess with me!!!



Good morning - 5.3

Libre 2 decided to fail yesterday which was about a week earlier than it should have. Phoned Abbott but that’s like talking to a brick wall. Went on PatientAccess to order some needles and test strips and the practice wasn’t showing up. Then when I used the practice finder bit it said this practice no longer uses PatientAccess. Phoned the practice and they said it’s because I haven’t had a blood test in six months (full panel not HbA1C) . I had one last November and I’m under the hospital so they shouldn’t be messing with that anyway?????

Sorry needed the rant
Morning all. 5.9.

Got in touch with Abbott, and new sensor on its way, after lots of questions. Center Parcs restaurants and swimming slots all booked, so pleased with admin done yesterday. Didn’t bother with Halifax, that can wait. I’d been on the phone for quite a while by this point. There’s only so much “ muzak” I can take in one day. 😉

Another beautiful day, although only 12 degrees at the moment but showing potential. Off for my four weekly haircut and eyebrow and tash waxing. All badly needed, the sun makes my hair grow really quickly. Going to walk into town and Mr Eggy will meet me later for a very quick lunch, Tesco Meal Deal, on a bench if we’re lucky. He has yet another trip to the hospital, four times he’ll have driven up there since last Friday. Once with me, and this will be his third time. Nothing to be concerned about, it’s just his 8 weekly cholesterol/ placebo injection today. He’s part of a trial. The other two times was fitting of ECG and then returning it. After that, he’s only in 10/15 minutes, we’re off to the pet food suppliers to replenish the bird food. I can’t keep up with them at the moment. It’s going to cost a fortune I’ve been told, sunflowers hearts have rocketed in price. I also need mixed seed, fat balls, nuts, meal worms and suet blocks. The baby starlings are eating me out of house and home, must have two dozen of them, at least! Might have to pop into the bank to arrange a second mortgage! 😱

Hope it’s sunny, but not too hot, where you are. Have a fab day. 🙂
04:55 BS 6.8 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Been sitting up in bed playing FFVIII before I put it aside altogether this weekend to watch the golf! Getting hungry now so, will test for DP in case there is any as sometimes just sitting in bed means none or very little rise! Then, I’m having breakfast! 😛

The golf coverage starts around lunchtime due to the time difference & the last groups are teeing off around 7pm, our time, & it’ll be pushing midnight, UK, before everyone’s done! So, that’ll be the viewing schedule for tomorrow too! Then, Saturday & Sunday is still lunchtime but, finish earlier as the field is cut! But, it’s all theory in my head as I haven’t watched it yet! 🙄

Silly me got in a paddy, as we say in NI, over nothing as the blood tests are NEXT week & the golf is THIS weekend! 😳🙄:D😉:rofl:

If any of you lot noticed you were awfully kind not call me out on it silly numpty that I am! 😉😛:rofl:
Morning all, 6.5 here after a well judged correction at bedtime. Libre shows a drop to the 4s, then a flat line til around 5am, when Dawn woke up.
Reason for the correction…had to do a mercy dash with son's spare house keys at 8pm after he locked himself out! Luckily he‘d got his car keys on the right side of the front door, so I met him half way and handed the keys over in a lay-by. Trouble was, I swiped the Libre and it was over 5, but showing a downwards sloping graph, and I’d been for a long hot walk in the afternoon, so I had a couple of biscuits as a precaution, which then caused a spike later on!
Morning folks. 18.4 but had been up to make a coffee already by the time I fingerpricked. Double slapped with dawn from 3am and foot on the floor because that's exactly wheat my bg needs 🙄.

libre is showing a --> now so hopefully the wee bite of cheese has calmed stuff down somewhat. Will defo delay any proper brekkie for a few hours and let bg come down (as in slowly wander down with no real urgency).

Anyway todays plan is to pick up my bag of goodies from the chemist first thing and going for a run with sis in law this afternoon to drop off my nephews girlfriend in Glasgow for a concert (ed sheeran). Who knows where we will end up on the way home, there's usually a detour of some kind :rofl:

Hope you all have a great day.
Morning folks. 🙂 8.1 here.

I love it when I get some admin done too @eggyg! Yesterday was a blinder - I finally got round to writing a new CV and sending it off to the boss of adult education for this area. Hopefully, he can find me some classes to teach from September.