Group 7-day waking average?

05:59 BS 7.4 🙂 Better than yesterday & the toe is that 1 day less raw with less throbbing & more sleep last night!🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Last day before The US Open golf tomorrow & I turn into a distracted golf nut: REALLY looking forward to seeing this golf major for the first time; I’m ok if I forget to post this weekend! 😳🙄:confused::D😉
Morning all. After a spike last night needing two corrections and then Dextrose, woke to a 5.1.

@ColinUK gorgeous photos of the cottage.
@rebrascora i'm loving the photos of you with the horses and the hat looks great.

Have a good day everyone.
6.8 again

Tiffany exhibition yesterday was full of sparkly things as expected. And a AR try on of the Tiffany Diamond (it’s only been worn in public four times and resolutely is not for sale).
I looked like Ali G.

Audrey Hepburn’s copy of the Breakfast at script, Truman Capote’s final draft of the script, the black dress (which is tiny) and the Oscars the film won were highlights for me.

Good morning - 5.5
Morning. A 5.8

Have a good day - it’s very warm here already.
Good morning everyone.

a dark, very cool. Morning it is too here.

BG 4.6 nice and sensible.

I feel still quite worn out after a weeks stressful dog sitting. It turns out that it normally has one short walk a day, but I gave it 4 walks each day, all of which were longer and one very long. It seemed happy with them, always eager to go out and walk.

I am looking at a Fostex X-15 multi track cassette recorder, for a friend, today. It seems to have got 'stuck'/'jammed'. It will be interesting taking the 1980's tech apart and, hopefully, fixing it.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning. Clear but chilly so far - promising a scorcher in due course. FBG 5.9 - not bad as I ate a dozen thin crispbreads with cheese last night instead of cooking a sensible dinner - the crunch was lovely. Enough with the good news - some demon from Hell has taken hold of my lower back from the right kidney round to under my ribs. Every time I move he sinks his claws in. This is not going to make bale humping easier come Friday. Off to spend an hour in a hot bath in the hopes of drowning him...
Morning, 6.4 and a nice straight line over night, am very happy with that.

@ColinUK …surely everything is for sale for the right price….I’m not saying you’d wear it everyday….😉 🙂

Scone / cake making this morning as elderly neighbour coming round for a cup of tea this afternoon… fingers crossed the scones turn out ok as I haven’t made them for a long time.

Have a lovely day everyone.
8.5 again with eating in the night because I wasn't sure which way it was going but I'm generally happy if it's single fingues now.
Good morning 8.0 today

Routine bloods were taken yesterday Hba1c etc …
hopefully results back before Friday‘s phone call with GP

changed one of my meds back in Jan, I feel my control hasn’t been as good (as it was prior to then, when they switched Ozempic to Trulicity)
plus have put about 8KG on (having previously lost 34 KG) so shirts & trousers seem
anxiously awaiting for results and hope GP / Consultant happy to change back to Ozempic.

Toe looking no worse this morning,
I’m hoping to keep working but appreciate might have to take a few days off and rest it a bit more to speed up the healing.

enjoy the glorious sunshine everybody - although most of us hay fever sufferer’s probably praying for rain 😎
Morning all. A back to normal 5.3. New sensor yesterday and it is reading perfectly. Two weeks of stress and five days of a dodgy sensor has made a right mess of my TIR. :(Hopefully all back to normal soon.

It’s a lovely morning so far, we actually got hot yesterday! Blimey! I’d forgotten what that was like. Day at home, we’ve both got “ admin” to do. I’ve to phone Abbott, Halifax re contents insurance and Center Parcs to book restaurants for our forthcoming family trip. As there’s 13 of us ( albeit one an infant) I can’t book anything on line, not even the swimming slots. I was getting myself in a right tizz last night. Even though we aren’t going until September, the restaurants are filling up fast. I tried a “chat” with a digital assistance, it just showed me the terms and conditions! I filled in a group assistance form, promising me that they would contact me to help book things…….four weeks before our arrival! There’ll be nowt left by then! So I’m going to talk to a real human being, I hope! Wish me luck.I might end up driving there, it’s only 40 minutes away, and walking into the restaurants myself and booking them, but that’s probably not allowed. 😡

Have a wonderful, warm Wednesday. 🙂

@ColinUK Ali G is in da house! 😉
Good morning. Clear but chilly so far - promising a scorcher in due course. FBG 5.9 - not bad as I ate a dozen thin crispbreads with cheese last night instead of cooking a sensible dinner - the crunch was lovely. Enough with the good news - some demon from Hell has taken hold of my lower back from the right kidney round to under my ribs. Every time I move he sinks his claws in. This is not going to make bale humping easier come Friday. Off to spend an hour in a hot bath in the hopes of drowning him...
Oh dear. Hope your soak helps, plenty of Epsom salts, they don’t help really but it feels like they do. Try, and I know it’s difficult, and rest, at least until Friday. Get your house guests to do the heavy stuff.

8.something today

Asked Bruce to have a look and see if Tesco in the next town had vest tops (why they removed F&F from online I'll never know) and he did it again, walked in the door telling me he'd got me 4 vest tops, asked him how much I was due him and again got the response nothing, should I try pushing my luck and ask him to go to a jewellers and see what diamond necklaces they have? :rofl: xx
4.4 for me today. 🙂

15. 8
Its high cause I'm stressed just had the worst panic attack and I can't get out the house to go for a blood test at my local surgery I've had to ring and reschedule the appointment it's just one of those days for me I'll have to reset and try again in the morning.
Hope everyone had a better start to their day than me..
Go go get em tigers