Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. Nice cool breeze so far and temperature expected to be below 24. Since there will be about 300 hay bales to move I am glad not to be looking forward to 30+ as many seem to be. Enjoy the sun everyone - summer ends tomorrow according to the Met Office...

FBG 6.1 this morning.
Morning folks. 5.6.

I’m already up, showered, dressed and breakfasted! Child care day. We’re borrowing daughter’s car as we’re talking a wee trip today. Unfortunately ( or fortunately maybe), our weather is not as warm and sunny as it is down south. We’ve got a forecast of light rain and quite breezy. Probably better really I suppose. We’re going to a local tarn to feed the ducks, play on the park and have an ice cream.

Have a fab Friday. 🙂😎
Morning all. Another 4.9 for me, a bit too low for waking for me but i think its the heat and by the time Tresiba changes kick in, it will be cooler again. It will be sweltering in class today. Have a good day wherever you are.
Yep, 4.9 definitely too low. Despite dextrose. JB and breakfast, i've just dropped to 3.2 suddenly and now will be late for work. I really needed to be early today as well, i've so much to do!🙄
Well it was 7.9 when I randomly woke up at around 4(perhaps I didn't need to test then but sometimes randomly waking up had been a sign something was wrong) didn't really full back sleep proberby it was 8.2 a a couple of hours later before eating. And went to bed on 8 so all good there I selpt better last night. Still waiting to hear if this gasologist referral has been accepted. Want to get things sorted now so I can pick up shifts without worrying.
08:20 BS 10.7 😱 Not really hungry yet so, +2, 20 in total, NR for half an oatcake!🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Fell asleep with the iPad charging while watching the golf some time after the Sky interview with Rory after his round & NO IDEA of the time: just the iPad, due to the charger being in, did not switch off & I eventually noticed it, in my sleep, & switched it off! o_O

Now I’m up since 08:06, give a woozy girl time to get her act together for all the pills ready to pop before I tested: didn’t realise it took me so long to fumble them out of their foil packets with my slightly stiff fingers this morning! 🙄

I’m up a bit later today so, hopefully can last a whole round with coverage from 13:00 to 01:00? :confused:

The lead is -4 after round one so, Rory is just 1 shot off the lead! 🙂

I asked Siri first thing this morning & I’ve forgotten the player’s name, already! 😳🙄 That’s the thing: there’s so many US players I’ve never heard of before playing; it IS The US Open after all!:confused: It’s another short course with a par of 70 for 18 holes & the course is called The Country Club at Brookline about 5 miles from Boston & one of the original USGA courses that launched the USPGA Tour!😛
Last night I dreamed I'd won £14,159,265.35 on the lottery. Straight away I decided to give £4,159,265.35 to family and good causes, just so I'd have the pleasure of seeing this wonderful row of zeros in my bank statement

Sadly the happy bubble burst and I woke up.

The only figures I saw first thing today were 5.6. 🙂

Last night I dreamed I'd won £14,159,265.35 on the lottery. Straight away I decided to give £4,159,265.35 to family and good causes, just so I'd have the pleasure of seeing this wonderful row of zeros in my bank statement

Sadly the happy bubble burst and I woke up.

The only figures I saw first thing today were 5.6. 🙂

OMG! We’re related don’t ya know!!
Second yoga class done.
Another one booked for later today.

5.4 and scorching hot of course.

May go a bit quiet next week but I’ll be back of course.
8.7 this morning for me despite a correction before bed. Added another 2 units of Levemir to my tally this morning plus a 1.5 correction and still went up instead of down. That's stress for you.
Got a heartbreaking job to do soon. I have to go and say goodbye to one of Ian's horses, Ernie, AKA the Northern Powerhouse. I need to put a halter on him so that Ian can catch him for whoever is going to come and do the deed. Poor lad hasn't been right for years and vets just haven't been able to figure out what the problem is. His back end has just slowly become emaciated and his spine is arching and hips opening up. Ian has been piling buckets of feed into every day for months and his front end looks totally normal and his eyes are bright and his coat is gleaming but his back end makes you wince. He hasn't seemed to be in pain as he is keen for food and has maintained his status as herd leader but last night when I went to see him he couldn't bear me to even touch his hind quarters or legs and they kept going into spasm. Rang Ian and told him it is time to end it but absolutely gutted. I don't think either of us wanted to make the decision but there has been a notable deterioration in the last couple of weeks and last night I realised the time has come and Ian didn't argue. You could not find a more genuine horse anywhere. He would give you his all and another 50% for good measure. I'm devastated but know it needs to be done. :(

Congrats to @everydayupsanddowns (well your T-slim pump and Dexcom anyway 😉) on your House Special this morning.
It is always sad when you have to make a decision like that about a very loved animal but it is really the kindest thing for them.
Just munched breakfast of roast beef & red onion chutney sandwich & a cup of Italian roast, will help on the staying up front, & a much better 09:40 BS 8.3 after DP bust & correction earlier! 😛:D

Adam Hadwin is in the lead after round one on -4 & is a Canadian! Apologies for forgetting your name almost as soon as I heard it from Siri this morning! 😳 Also, had to check my facts on google after deleting my post almost as soon as I posted it, this is the mark II post😳, & just as well as I spelt it wrong!😳 I learnt yesterday that The PGA Tour includes playing courses in Canada so, the majority of players are American & Canadian with the top players from The European & DP World Tours!:confused:🙂
Morning all and 6.1 for me.

Fairly warm out there but pleasant in the breeze.

Today's excitement is the release of our new video so much posting of links on social media ahead.

Have a good day everyone.
Thanks for the supportive comments and "care". Feeling less emotional today and BG has dropped a bit as a result so I have dropped 2 units off my Levemir this morning which is always a good feeling. I don't think it helped yesterday that it felt so hot and oppressive. Anyway, a 4.1 for me this morning on the Libre which surprisingly dropped to 3.8 then 3.5 an hour after I got up, so I finger pricked to check and got a 4.9 which I was relieved at as I didn't feel hypo, so not taken any hypo treatment. Of course it has left some red on my graph so today will be another day that I don't achieve a unicorn...Oh well, maybe tomorrow! 🙄
When I went to deliver the swarm last night, the guy admitted before we started that he had wasps and possibly bees in his "empty" hives so we started by cutting the wasps nest out of the first hive and relocated it to a cardboard box under the hive.... wasps are pollinators too and so I try to give them a chance of survival and the returning foragers thankfully seemed to be relocating to the box after some initial confusion. I put gloves on to deal with them as wasps are usually extremely vicious when you disturb their nest but these were absolutely good as gold! I then took my gloves off to transfer my swarm to the hive and after a bit of searching we found the queen and she looked beautiful and very calm so that all went really well. More scooping of bees with hands to get them all out of the box I transported them in and not a single sting. Left them to settle and went to investigate his other hive with bees in it and within a second, I hade received 3 very aggressive and painful stings to my hands from the absolutely tiny colony that had taken up residence. Boy! Were they feisty!! Gloves had to go back on pronto. He (joking, I think) asked if I wanted to take them away with me but there is no way I want aggressive genes like that breeding into my hives... Blooming heck! With 8 hives right outside my back door, I would never be able to leave the house! They would keep unwanted visitors at bay though.... who needs a guard dog! Thankfully his hives are located right at the bottom of his paddock (no horses just a couple of sheep and poultry) facing onto open land so shouldn't be a problem for him and to be honest I very much doubt they will survive anyway.

8 today, and last day of long shifts for the time being. Looking forward to our weekend away, even if it is going to be a lot cooler on Sunday and possible showers, just be nice to get away and finally get my birthday treats.

Didn't sleep much due to how sticky it was last night, so feeling very tired today and jealous of my son and his girlfriend who are off work today and gone to the beach.

@rebrascora - sorry to hear about yesterday's events.
Yep, 4.9 definitely too low. Despite dextrose. JB and breakfast, i've just dropped to 3.2 suddenly and now will be late for work. I really needed to be early today as well, i've so much to do!🙄
Well..despite munching JBs most of the day, i suddenly dropped to hypo again...just in time for me not to go home :(. Still sitting at work for the 45 mins, hopefully going soon. What a day!
4.9 for me today. It’s the time of year when insulin seems to turn to water and the heat seems to cause havoc !

Hope everyone had an ok day. Friday for the workers!!!!

Was it PE outside @Lily123 ?
Well that’s summer over and done with then.
Roll on Christmas!