Group 7-day waking average?

A shame about the production that you didn’t like! :(

I LOVE Madama Butterfly as it’s my favourite of all the Puccini Opera’s: Turandot, specifically Nessun Dorma, is more well known perhaps but, he didn’t finish it as he died before doing so; I can’t remember WHO finished it but, I certainly noticed the joint where Puccini & the other composer finished it! So, as a complete opera Madama Butterfly is much better! 😛
It was finished by Franco Alfano from notes left by Puccini. The first performance was conducted by Toscanini who stopped the performance at the point where Puccini died before completing. Toscanini turned to the audience and told them 'This is the point at which the maestro died', and then carried on.
It was finished by Franco Alfano from notes left by Puccini. The first performance was conducted by Toscanini who stopped the performance at the point where Puccini died before completing. Toscanini turned to the audience and told them 'This is the point at which the maestro died', and then carried on.
Thanks for that! 🙂
Morning all. 6.3 on this beautiful day. Can you believe it’s only 6 degrees at the moment but it’s going to be much warmer in just a few short hours.

Day 4 of 5 of consecutive child care. We’re exhausted, I’m going to ban the other grandparents from ever going on holiday ever again! We’re allowed to though.😉 We got the Weetabix off her, just dumped her straight in the bath, the PJs got sent home to mummy to deal with.

Have a happy Monday, it’s going to be a scorcher here. At least 18 degrees! 😎
Morning All. A 7.3 today. Have a good day. Stay cool if you can !
Good morning everyone. Looks really bright out there this morning but I bet it's cold.

BG 4.6 this morning, excellent.

Nothing planned for today.

My wife wrecked my diet/exercise plan yesterday. She made a cake! And very nice it was too!!!

My daughter didn't come to visit on Fathers day. Sigh. She never even said thankyou for dog sitting for her. Sigh. I guess that's children for you. Sigh

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Good morning - 6.6
Morning all. Yesterday afternoon and last night the libre graph showed a mountain range, woke to 9.9 after reducing basal last night due to lows in the mornings and struggling to get into 5s in thr day. I think its gone the opposite way! Or maybe the DF is hovering around. I'll give it a few more days to see if it settles back.

Have a good day everybody.
21,000 odd steps yesterday which equates to about 17km or so according to Fitbit.
Was starving last night so wolfed down chicken and Brie sandwiches on sourdough.

Sleepless night in pre-holiday mode concerned we’ll make the ferry in time (the journey to Portsmouth can take between 1 1/2 and 3 hours and I’ve built in two hours grace before the check in opens so there’s plenty of time.

Packed already and now repacking into a smaller suitcase!

Quite pleased with both my 5.9 this morning and my decision to cancel the yoga class I was thinking of squeezing in before driving off…

I’m sure I’ll pop in whilst I’m away but if I don’t then don’t worry!

Morning all. 🙂 5.2 here!

Had a lovely weekend in Bristol catching up with friends I hadn’t seen since before the pandemic. Wow, I’d forgotten how busy cities are - the holidaying hordes we get here at the seaside are nothing in comparison! Bristol was rammed. o_O:D
21,000 odd steps yesterday which equates to about 17km or so according to Fitbit.
Was starving last night so wolfed down chicken and Brie sandwiches on sourdough.

Sleepless night in pre-holiday mode concerned we’ll make the ferry in time (the journey to Portsmouth can take between 1 1/2 and 3 hours and I’ve built in two hours grace before the check in opens so there’s plenty of time.

Packed already and now repacking into a smaller suitcase!

Quite pleased with both my 5.9 this morning and my decision to cancel the yoga class I was thinking of squeezing in before driving off…

I’m sure I’ll pop in whilst I’m away but if I don’t then don’t worry!

Enjoy. I’m very jealous.
Morning all, 4.5 here. Slept right up to the alarm, so Dawn hasn’t got going yet.
Congrats on the HS, @Bloden .
Have a fab holiday, @ColinUK .
Went for a walk yesterday and saw 4 hares in a field, leverets probably, they were chasing each other round, then stopping for a quick snack, then zooming round again.CEBEBEDF-8B7E-469B-8214-B638A89758FC.jpegF2B0D35B-2411-494F-B7C3-B2CE0E334276.jpeg
9.1 ill take it
morning folks,
heardle in one today made easier by the fact i probs listen the song at least twice a week and is in my all time favs playlist,
had a lovely meander along the beach yesterday morning there's a phantom rock stacker and he's been ever so busy with it all , also not amused by the amount of rubbish left behind by the tourists I found a single sandal just lying there on the sand i mean who goes home with only one shoe ? made for a good picture before i picked it up and lugged it to the bin which was a mere 5 feet away !! its things like that that make me dislike tourists i mean the bins right there why throw it on the floor next to it and don't get me started on the fag ends littering the entire place , (i will not rant)
@rebrascora i have three more to go so over the hump and on the downward slope now its been tough but i also look at how many others are going through it and some so young that it brings a tear to my eye just thinking about them.
i met a 16 year fella with leukaemia my last session and he's facing it with so much humour and joy that it kind of makes you face your own treatment with hope and tenacity .
@ColinUK hope you have fab time and i bet your glad to be getting away from the heat of the city enjoy the drive pal
to everyone else go get em tigers .
have a fab Monday whatever you get up to
remember heads up hearts strong and don't let those numbers grind you down
griff x


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Unfortunately 11.4 even with a a couple of corrections probery should have done more or one with my first one but was thinking of yesterday was a bit of a bed day so wondering if it could be my livermir carrtige I'll keep and eye on things today then maybe see if I can change it if today goes the same as yesterday. Or its just that I'm still Iill and now stressed about that plus heyfevet because pollen count has been really high over the past week or so. These days happen though.
5.8 for me today. 🙂

Well, I am on 6.3 but it isn't a waking reading because I haven't been to bed and my body clock is all out of sync, so I am just going to inject my morning Levemir and have a couple of hours sleep now and then get up and do some gardening. I have to sort out a frame to train my cucumber up and plant out a courgette and some dwarf beans and figure out where I am going to plant the 2 giant pumpkin plants that germinated. I am hoping that with sowing them late they won't be too "giant" because last time I grew one, most of it wasted as it was massive and I couldn't use it all and of course once cut into they don't keep. Anyway, off to give it some zzzs 😉 😎

@Bloden Congrats on yet another House Special! WooHoo! You seem to be getting rather good at hitting the magic number all of a sudden.
@ColinUK Hope you have a really fab time. Missing you already!
@Griffin. Pleased you are at least past the half way mark and heading for the finish. I can't begin to imagine how people cope going through that and to maintain positivity, especially young people. Total respect to you and everyone else going through it and the wonderful clinical staff who support and treat you. You show it who is boss!
Really understand your frustration with the litter and stuff. These people want to go to a nice place but think nothing of trashing it for other people. I totally despair of people sometimes. I pick up littler nearly every day on my way up to my stables or coming back.
Fading fast so must head off.
Night night folks!