Group 7-day waking average?

8. Was Diffentty think I do get dawn phermon at least sometimes as I woke up a couple of times last night and it was in the 5s but didn't eat anything this time. Was 8.7 when I went to bed. Got another appointment with doctors today because I thought of perhaps my issues are some kind of food intolerance today. Heard they are tests that can do be down for lactose intorrance which I think maybe is a possibility.
09:20 BS 8.8 That’ll be the lack of sleep last night & anxiousness, then! 🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Case worker at 10:00 this morning armed with a very long form to be filled in & expecting some “drilling”! o_O

Then, tesco delivery 11:00 to 12:00: changed it on Tuesday as there wasn’t any sushi; on Wednesday they were back so, set delivery for today! It’s now my weekly treat! 😛
A nice 6.2 for me this morning. Waking up an hour early to inject my Levemir and then going back to sleep really seems to be making such a difference to controlling my Foot on the Floor Syndrome. I still have to wait 45mins before I eat breakfast but my levels are consistently steady as a rock after I get up now until the Fiasp eventually starts to bring them down. I am rarely consistent with anything so I find this really impressive. Of course, now I have commented on it, it will be "all change"! I also think that wearing an eye mask is helping enormously with my sleep at this time of year. Loving that I am sleeping so deeply and soundly again.

@Kaylz Sending (((hugs))). Really sorry you are struggling so badly, especially after you were making so much great progress. It must be incredibly frustrating as well as isolating and scary. Hope things pick up and you feel better soon. XX
Well! The grilling is deferred until the form arrives by post: today was ring up & registration; case worker needs the client, me, on the phone too to answer personal security questions! 🙄o_O

And some things came up that I didn’t think of such as payment for mobility scooters, walk-in baths etc. for the neuropathy in my back & legs, when it’s bad & it’s worse since covid, & my shoulder injuries! :confused:

So, 1 to 3 weeks for the form by post & contact case worker when it gets here! Then, fill in in & they’ll send in someone to access! May take up to 3 months if payment is successful & will be back dated to today!

Will catch up later as tesco has delivered & I’m having sushi now! 😛
8.1 today, but woke up very anxious about work again. Seems like my crystal ball no longer works, silly me not to just know about stuff that people forget to tell me about. Slowly realising that o matter how many hours, how hard I work it will never be enough for them, so after making work the focus of my life for the last few months, I am going to start looking after me again and as long as I work as hard as I can during my working day and I am no longer going to start all my evening activities of running and yoga again and tough if they don’t like it.

Did another run last night, slower than I had been running, but that is what I get for not running for a month, but it was hills and very hit, so pleased I got out there.

@Kaylz - sorry to hear you are having a hard time at the Monet, sending you hugs,
@Kaylz Sending (((hugs))). Really sorry you are struggling so badly, especially after you were making so much great progress. It must be incredibly frustrating as well as isolating and scary. Hope things pick up and you feel better soon. XX
Thanks hun, I was fully aware it was a risk but others were living in a dream world despite me voicing my feelings and concerns, BG is high because of it all and got very little sleep so today has already been a very long day :( xx
8. Was Diffentty think I do get dawn phermon at least sometimes as I woke up a couple of times last night and it was in the 5s but didn't eat anything this time. Was 8.7 when I went to bed. Got another appointment with doctors today because I thought of perhaps my issues are some kind of food intolerance today. Heard they are tests that can do be down for lactose intorrance which I think maybe is a possibility.
well dicussed this with the doctor said just to keep a food dairry for next 6 weeks was hopping for a more a differnt awser before then. becuase i really need to get back to work now. well allying for any shifts that meight come up.
Here I am to skew the average...

15.7 !!!
Here I am to skew the average...

15.7 !!!
We all have to start somewhere! 🙄 Welcome @Rae to the forum & this thread!🙂 & my usual cheeky little😉

My morning figures were horrendous, around 15 as well, to start with & found since eating breakfast only since 2015 at my hospital team’s suggestion did it help a lot in that department! 🙄🙂 Before that lunch was always my first meal of the day & I needed the time from getting up till then to get my stomach into gear for eating!🙄 So, eating breakfast was tricky for a few years! It was the fasting after getting up that raised my blood sugars until I ate at lunchtime!🙄 Although it may not make sense to start with eating breakfast really helps!
We all have to start somewhere! 🙄 Welcome @Rae to the forum & this thread!🙂 & my usual cheeky little😉

My morning figures were horrendous, around 15 as well, to start with & found since eating breakfast only since 2015 at my hospital team’s suggestion did it help a lot in that department! 🙄🙂 Before that lunch was always my first meal of the day & I needed the time from getting up till then to get my stomach into gear for eating!🙄 So, eating breakfast was tricky for a few years! It was the fasting after getting up that raised my blood sugars until I ate at lunchtime!🙄 Although it may not make sense to start with eating breakfast really helps!
Thank you. Yes, on diagnosis I accepted I would have to forgo an hour in bed to do all the jabbing and calculating and eating of things. Today's is (hopefully) a bit of a hormonal fluke, but seemed like a good day to join is as hopefully shouldn't get any worse!
Good morning everyone. What a change from yesterday. It is dull and overcast.

Yesterday I did my usual morning walk then in the afternoon I walked to the hospital for an appointment and then walked back after the appointment. A total of 4.3 hours of exercise. I did ache a bit after that. The sun was rather warm and I got home looking rather pink but not burned.

The best bit was that my wife came along too (she struggles to leave the house) but she caught the bus back home AND she bought me fish and chips too AND I lost 0.5Kg yesterday (or my bathroom scales are lying again) 🙂

All in all a really good day.

BG 4.8 this morning

Today, nothing planned except recovery from yesterdays exercise.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 7.4, noticed on the Libre graph I hit almost 9 at 3am. Not sure why that would be. It’s been a very hot and sticky night and I’ve been very restless. Maybe that?

Unlike @TinaD we have had loads of rain. After a glorious day yesterday, 26 degrees, it started to rain about 8.30pm and it looks like it’s rained all night. Water butt should be replenished now and we can put the water pump back on for the pond, it’s getting a bit smelly!

Not much going on today, just our usual childcare Friday.

Have a good day. TGIF! 😉
Good morning - 8.5

Going on a school trip today to The Big Bang Science Fair in Birmingham. Only 44 places on the trip so it’ll be interesting
Morning all. After a night hovering just outside target, i've woken to a 9.6.

I'm so glad its Friday! Have a good day everyone.
Good morning 6.1 wake up reading today

I have a follow up appointment with podiatrist today
and looking forward to seeing my sister later this afternoon
(and work in between)

have a great day everybody 😎