Group 7-day waking average?

Morning. 9.2 for me. 5.9 before bed so I had an oatcake, which I obviously didn’t need….line went up and then flat all night….ah well.

Beautiful cottage @ColinUK …I bet you can’t wait to get there and relax.

Have a good day everyone 🙂
Good morning 6.1 today

have a great day everybody 😎

Snap! 6.1 for me too.

Supposed to be a warm week this week apparently?
Morning 8.4 did have something to eat at 3 o'clock this morning when I was 4.8.
This morning my reading was 5.6. 🙂

Morning all 15.1 (sensor) 16.8 (fingerprick) but was already up and rising by that point.

Not sure what todays plans are, been a big ball of hormones all weekend so regroup and see what needs done 🙂
Morning all. 4.4 here.

Oo, that’s a scary low @Michael12421 - I hope you’re back up at a safer figure now. How hot has it been with you lately? The weather map of Spain was purple o_O in the ne minwspaper on Saturday! That’s hot.😎😳
It is very warm, so much so that I have had to change my walking routine with Missy. In the morning it was a 45 minute walk and in the afternoon 75 minutes. I have had to swap them over because whilst it is only about 25 degrees in the morning in the afternoon it gets anything between 35 and 40.That suits both of us just fine We get daily warnings because the UV is extremely high hence lashings of Factor 50 and a sombrero the size of the Starship Enterprise. I have had 7 skin cancers removed and I do not want to go through that again.
Well, half a result! 🙄 Got a bit distracted & a wee bit late calling the chemist this morning but, just did it! They say some of the tablets I take are not made coated but, a note has made made to give me coated tablets that ARE made with a coating!:confused:

So, thanks very much for a possibility I wasn’t aware of @eggyg 🙂😛 ANY help in that department is a good thing as it’s a recurring problem that won’t ever go away: NOT going to SUDDENLY regain a fully working swallowing reflex after over 20 years of a damaged one!🙄
Well, half a result! 🙄 Got a bit distracted & a wee bit late calling the chemist this morning but, just did it! They say some of the tablets I take are not made coated but, a note has made made to give me coated tablets that ARE made with a coating!:confused:

So, thanks very much for a possibility I wasn’t aware of @eggyg 🙂😛 ANY help in that department is a good thing as it’s a recurring problem that won’t ever go away: NOT going to SUDDENLY regain a fully working swallowing reflex after over 20 years of a damaged one!🙄
Do you have access to a 'Swallowing' clinic as I know people who were referred after problems following radiotherapy for throat cancer.
Do you have access to a 'Swallowing' clinic as I know people who were referred after problems following radiotherapy for throat cancer.
Never heard of one! Though I have mentioned to my GP’s over the years about difficulties in swallowing long things etc. Will mention it to the social worker at the health centre, who will ring me back at some point checking the results of the housing benefit front, & see if there’s something to help on THAT front too? :confused:

Thanks so much for that @Leadinglights 😛

It would seem that sometimes having a rant, mini or full blown, IS very useful & helpful! 🙄:D😉

I just LOVE this forum’s lovely lot of people sometimes! 😛 Big hugs & kisses to all of you! XOXOXO!😳😛:D😉
Morning folks!

4.1 for me this morning and a lovely flatfish just above the red all the time I was asleep with no evening Levemir for several days now. Very happy with that. Photo taken after breakfast so levels are rising...

Our weekend at Beamish museum was enjoyable but exhausting. The lads were so good and let children of all ages from babes in arms to teenagers, poke, prod, tickle and hug them them from head to tummy whilst they stood stock still. I thankfully managed to keep the the kids away from their back ends but it took eyes in the back of my head! What do people not understand about a nice firm stroke as oppose to barely touching them which if course feels more like an irritating fly and of course with blinkers on the horses can't see that it is a human. The only time they were naughty was when I left them with Ian to queue for an ice cream for him and they got fidgety and Zak started bouncing. Considering that Arthur is only 6yrs old (a relative baby still in horse terms) and only his second visit to the museum he did incredibly well and was even more docile than Zak, despite trams running in both directions and coming right past them in the town centre and other horses with vehicles rumbling past on the cobbles and the bus engines whirring and conductors dinging the bells and worst of all the 2 headed monsters (men carrying children on their shoulders)! We did between 12 and 14 miles each day driving around the site in between parking up and allowing people to come and pet them and ask questions, so it was a reasonable day's work although Zak, as usual, had to do the lion share as Arthur is a slacker and hangs back just enough to let Zak do all the pulling and just trots along next to him to keep him company. 🙄
I know they look like donkeys in the first photo (or a mule in Arthur's case 🙄 ) because camera angle is unflattering and they have their ears back as they are listening for what is coming up behind them ie the next tram, bus or horse drawn vehicle. Then out on the road round the site where they look more like carriage horses... well at least Zak does. Also shows off my new hat (second hand) which I am really chuffed with. Pretty good fit too as there were only a couple of times I nearly lost it despite it being extremely blustery both days. Looking for some ribbon now to tie the colour of my skirt into the hat. For someone who is a complete and utter scruffbag 99% of the time, I was quite thrilled to hear a boy say to his sister who were sitting on the upper deck of the open top bus as we drove past them...... "Look the posh lady is waving at us" ! Compliment of the year!
Morning folks!

4.1 for me this morning and a lovely flatfish just above the red all the time I was asleep with no evening Levemir for several days now. Very happy with that. Photo taken after breakfast so levels are rising...
View attachment 21228

Our weekend at Beamish museum was enjoyable but exhausting. The lads were so good and let children of all ages from babes in arms to teenagers, poke, prod, tickle and hug them them from head to tummy whilst they stood stock still. I thankfully managed to keep the the kids away from their back ends but it took eyes in the back of my head! What do people not understand about a nice firm stroke as oppose to barely touching them which if course feels more like an irritating fly and of course with blinkers on the horses can't see that it is a human. The only time they were naughty was when I left them with Ian to queue for an ice cream for him and they got fidgety and Zak started bouncing. Considering that Arthur is only 6yrs old (a relative baby still in horse terms) and only his second visit to the museum he did incredibly well and was even more docile than Zak, despite trams running in both directions and coming right past them in the town centre and other horses with vehicles rumbling past on the cobbles and the bus engines whirring and conductors dinging the bells and worst of all the 2 headed monsters (men carrying children on their shoulders)! We did between 12 and 14 miles each day driving around the site in between parking up and allowing people to come and pet them and ask questions, so it was a reasonable day's work although Zak, as usual, had to do the lion share as Arthur is a slacker and hangs back just enough to let Zak do all the pulling and just trots along next to him to keep him company. 🙄
View attachment 21229View attachment 21230
I know they look like donkeys in the first photo (or a mule in Arthur's case 🙄 ) because camera angle is unflattering and they have their ears back as they are listening for what is coming up behind them ie the next tram, bus or horse drawn vehicle. Then out on the road round the site where they look more like carriage horses... well at least Zak does. Also shows off my new hat (second hand) which I am really chuffed with. Pretty good fit too as there were only a couple of times I nearly lost it despite it being extremely blustery both days. Looking for some ribbon now to tie the colour of my skirt into the hat. For someone who is a complete and utter scruffbag 99% of the time, I was quite thrilled to hear a boy say to his sister who were sitting on the upper deck of the open top bus as we drove past them...... "Look the posh lady is waving at us" ! Compliment of the year!
Gorgeous photos! (You as well as the horses! Love the hat!)
Saints preserve us from people who don’t know about horses! On Saturday, a child accompanying his mother to watch a sibling ride thoughtfully picked up one of the yard's dog's toys, which had been discarded in the car park. But he then lobbed it back through the gateway, where it whizzed past my horse's ear just as we were riding out of the yard. Fortunately he’s a very placid old gentleman, but it made him jump, and a more nervous horse could have spun and hightailed it back to his stable.
And there we! 🙂 Just delivered & it ssems that Lisinopril, may be spelt wrong?, the blood pressure one is not made coated, & I got HUGE Atorvastin capsules instead so, that’s a bit easier to swallow despite it being bigger: capsules are generally easier to swallow for me; despite their size because of the coating & lozenge shape! It’s the round, flat uncoated tablets that I REALLY hate! So, now I know BP are uncoated I’ll ask for the next best thing & get longer pills over the round ones: ANYTHING to cut down on the choking possibilities; it’s been a problem for 20 years but, now getting more so I’ve noticed since I’m older now!:confused:🙄
Well, half a result! 🙄 Got a bit distracted & a wee bit late calling the chemist this morning but, just did it! They say some of the tablets I take are not made coated but, a note has made made to give me coated tablets that ARE made with a coating!:confused:

So, thanks very much for a possibility I wasn’t aware of @eggyg 🙂😛 ANY help in that department is a good thing as it’s a recurring problem that won’t ever go away: NOT going to SUDDENLY regain a fully working swallowing reflex after over 20 years of a damaged one!🙄
You’re very welcome. X
Morning folks!

4.1 for me this morning and a lovely flatfish just above the red all the time I was asleep with no evening Levemir for several days now. Very happy with that. Photo taken after breakfast so levels are rising...
View attachment 21228

Our weekend at Beamish museum was enjoyable but exhausting. The lads were so good and let children of all ages from babes in arms to teenagers, poke, prod, tickle and hug them them from head to tummy whilst they stood stock still. I thankfully managed to keep the the kids away from their back ends but it took eyes in the back of my head! What do people not understand about a nice firm stroke as oppose to barely touching them which if course feels more like an irritating fly and of course with blinkers on the horses can't see that it is a human. The only time they were naughty was when I left them with Ian to queue for an ice cream for him and they got fidgety and Zak started bouncing. Considering that Arthur is only 6yrs old (a relative baby still in horse terms) and only his second visit to the museum he did incredibly well and was even more docile than Zak, despite trams running in both directions and coming right past them in the town centre and other horses with vehicles rumbling past on the cobbles and the bus engines whirring and conductors dinging the bells and worst of all the 2 headed monsters (men carrying children on their shoulders)! We did between 12 and 14 miles each day driving around the site in between parking up and allowing people to come and pet them and ask questions, so it was a reasonable day's work although Zak, as usual, had to do the lion share as Arthur is a slacker and hangs back just enough to let Zak do all the pulling and just trots along next to him to keep him company. 🙄
View attachment 21229View attachment 21230
I know they look like donkeys in the first photo (or a mule in Arthur's case 🙄 ) because camera angle is unflattering and they have their ears back as they are listening for what is coming up behind them ie the next tram, bus or horse drawn vehicle. Then out on the road round the site where they look more like carriage horses... well at least Zak does. Also shows off my new hat (second hand) which I am really chuffed with. Pretty good fit too as there were only a couple of times I nearly lost it despite it being extremely blustery both days. Looking for some ribbon now to tie the colour of my skirt into the hat. For someone who is a complete and utter scruffbag 99% of the time, I was quite thrilled to hear a boy say to his sister who were sitting on the upper deck of the open top bus as we drove past them...... "Look the posh lady is waving at us" ! Compliment of the year!
Fantastic photos Barbara. You do look very push but how did you see under that hat! I can’t wear hats as I’m a pea head and look like Freddie “Parrot Face” Davies. Younger forum members will need to Google him! :rofl:
Fantastic photos Barbara. You do look very push but how did you see under that hat! I can’t wear hats as I’m a pea head and look like Freddie “Parrot Face” Davies. Younger forum members will need to Google him! :rofl:

Actually I am surprised that I had no problem seeing because it does look very low on those photos but I think maybe it is because the hat has quite a high crown, so it looks lower than it actually is. It certainly kept the sun out of my eyes though and sitting up a height on the carriage you are mostly looking down anyway.

PS. I got to drive the lads a few times whilst Ian was eating his lunch/ice cream, so I am not always just the "passenger" but I have to get up and down to marshal the kids (and parents) when we park up, as Ian's mobility is not what it used to be and it is two big steps up to get on and off.... and after 2 days of sitting up there for 5-6 hours without getting down his back is now considerably worse! Must be bad as he is tough as nails and almost never complains about aches and pains. I think my midnight walks have been really helping with my posture/mobility as well as reducing my Levemir is just time and motivation fitting them in. Not a hope in hell of tempting him to join me though. He is not remotely interested in walking for pleasure and likes to be tucked up in bed by 11pm at the latest, but to be honest I enjoy my solitary walks and he couldn't keep up with me.

Also quite proud of the fact that I ate a normal (but large and white o_O ) ham salad stottie sandwich 2 days running (we were provided with packed lunches) and just guessed the carbs and my insulin each time and got on with it. Didn't eat the biscuit or crisps and thankfully the drink was water but only went just over 10 each day so reasonably happy with how well I coped although it meant that I couldn't indulge in an ice cream when I treated Ian, as there was no way I was going to eat more carbs when my numbers were in double figures 🙄 .
I think I got a spam email from DHL to confirm my address as nobody was in when they tried to deliver a parcel but, I’m not expecting anything as I haven’t bought anything! And surely my address would be on the parcel? o_O:confused: And I haven’t heard the doorbell these last few days but, that’s not necessarily indicative as I hear & ignore phantom doorbells a lot especially, on the cusp of sleep/waking that I’ve posted about before!o_O

Has anyone else gotten an email like that? I’ve just left in inbox & not confirmed my address! :confused:
I think I got a spam email from DHL to confirm my address as nobody was in when they tried to deliver a parcel but, I’m not expecting anything as I haven’t bought anything! And surely my address would be on the parcel? o_O:confused: And I haven’t heard the doorbell these last few days but, that’s not necessarily indicative as I hear & ignore phantom doorbells a lot especially, on the cusp of sleep/waking that I’ve posted about before!o_O

Has anyone else gotten an email like that? I’ve just left in inbox & not confirmed my address! :confused:
I would advise caution on that email there is a few scams going around and one of them does include DHL I got one from the tax office stating that I had payed them too much income tax and was due a refund of over 13 thousand pounds which is hilarious as I've been able to work in ten years so haven't paid income tax in donkeys. Have a read through the message check for typos And grammer errors and try click on the actual DHL logo of its real it should take you to the actual DHL website or alternatively id recommend getting the number from the actual website and then calling them and asking what the message is all about..
Hope that helps kidda
Griff x