Group 7-day waking average?

Might not be strictly waking reading because I had been a wake for a while and couldn't get back to sleep light seems to wake me up but 7.4 before backfast)
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.2 at last. Maybe the tease is over for good !!!

Nothing planned for today except surviving the day with a very difficult dog.
A well deserved HS @Gwynn 🙂
Morning all. Another lie in. 6.4 on the Libre and 5.9 on the metre. Touch wood they’re eventually getting into sync. Yesterday the Libre was reading three higher. Never had that before. Luckily I knew it wasn’t correct otherwise I’d have been correcting all day.

Sunny morning but very breezy again, no plans so far except devouring a full English in about half an hour. Busy few weeks ahead, childcare duties three times a week as the other grandparents are off on holiday tomorrow for two weeks. So we’re making the most of days like today.

Have a sunny Sunday all. 😎
Well done again @Gwynn on your HS and also @Lucyr, well done. 🙂
Well done to @Gwynn & @Lucyr on those specials!!
This morning my reading was 5.5 🙂

Morning all, 5.8 here, but I lay on the sensor big time overnight. I woke up around 5 am with a flat line in the red for several hours, but as soon as I turned over, it popped up to the 5s. It’s ruined my Time in Target stats, I had a rare 0% 7 day figure for lows until now.

Managed to avoid tangling with the bike race yesterday, though daughter was nearly late for our riding lesson, what we hadn’t realised was that all the bikes would warm up round the local backstreets, and she couldn’t get off her drive for ages because of mini pelotons coming past the whole time.
Good morning. 6.1. Wishing everyone a lovely blue sky and warm sunshine - it is lovely here after all that low cloud and drizzle last week. Need to pack a good picnic for tomorrow's marathon drive to Colwyn Bay and back. Weird - one route finder says it is 87 miles away and another says 114 but both say 2 hours 50 min. Leaving at 05.00 to make sure of reaching biometric appointments by 09.00.
Good morning - 8.0
08:57 BS 6.8 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Already had breakfast of seafood ramen, just finished slurping: it’s considered to be polite by the Japanese to slurp your noodles; show that you like them! o_O🙄:D😛:rofl:

Forgot that there’s one more golf major this month, this Thursday to Sunday actually, before The Open next month but, NEVER EVER SEEN IT BEFORE: The US Open; the first of Rory McIlroy’s major wins! It’s only ever been on Sky Sports here & I’m looking forward to seeing it for the first time! 😛 That’ll finish off the golf majors that I’ve seen albeit only seen the US PGA once one year when the BBC showed having lost out to Sky Sports for the first time for coverage of The Open & won the rights to The US PGA THAT YEAR which was after The Open in the old format; been moved in the new format to after the US Masters & is therefore the 2nd golf major of the year now! But, The BBC lost again to Sky Sports! The BBC only has highlights of the 4 golf majors for few years now & I need to get Sky Sports to see live golf majors which weren’t too expensive when Now TV did the weekly sports passes but, now have to pay for monthly pass! So, I just stuck to watching the 2 golf majors I’ve watched since 2000; The US Masters & The Open! Now, I get to see The Open next month for less thanks to the promo & get to see The US Open too as a bonus! Happy Days!😛😎:D:rofl:😉 So, just to make ABSOLUTELY SURE I didn’t forget I bought the two month pass for £17.99 yesterday & was watching The Canadian Open on this week where last minute golfers are trying to qualify for The US Open next week!😛 Obviously NEVER seen THAT before either!😛 So, I may be a bit golf distracted next week watching The US Open?😳🙄😉 I’m a pretty excited, happy golf bunny right now!:rofl:
Congrats to @Lucyr and @Gwynn on the HS’s!

5.8 for me again today. That’s three in a row.

Cancelled yoga this morning after a huge row with a friend who’s jealous that I’m going away with another friend next week. Not that this one would ever suggest going away anywhere anyway but suddenly feels hard done by with his six figure salary and inherited house about five minutes from Parliament.
I know there’s no love lost between these two friends but I’ve stayed neutral and refused to take sides in their petty falling out. However if I’m forced to take sides it’ll clearly be the one I speak with more often, see more often, and who isn’t a 40 year old petulant child that gets my vote.

Anyway…. Dad’s making a decent recovery from his knee replacement op. Not seen them but will pop in at some point this week to torment him a little I’m sure.

Choir audition later which I’m looking forward to and then it’s For All Mankind S3 on AppleTV and Top Gear viewing planned for this evening!

8.1 but ate what I wanted at the wedding, drank too much Prosecco, danced a lot and needed my inhalers again during the night.

Congratulations to @Gwynn and @Lucyr on today’s HS.
A little high this morning it may be down to all the stress from last night...
Just as I went to bed last night the street was flooded in blue lights and sirens and armed Bloomin policemen shouting and banging and crashing going on seems one of the people that live down the road had gotten into a whole bunch of trouble so q the dog barking and a whole lot of other stressful things going on in the background seems the bloke had assulted someone in the local pub and had then run back to hide in his house. The police had gone round knocking on all of our doors teliing us to stay inside. At 11.45 so my stress levels shot up and the whole thing I went through a few weeks back came flooding back they ended up being here till 2.30 am ish and it took a good hour after they left to calm down again...... So today's plan is absolutely no plan going to watch bad TV and try and nap as much as I can and I may go for another walk in the park if the weather holds out.
Have a amazing day what ever you get up to folks..
Heads up and hearts strong
Griff x
Texted the petulant child to see if he’s around later today and lo and behold he’s away on the south coast sailing and house hunting 🙄

Honestly, life’s too short sometimes to bother and I do wonder why I do.
Morning, very disappointing and surprising 12.1 for me. I spent all afternoon weeding my elderly neighbour’s garden…late pm until bedtime bg was on a steady climb:(…correction before bed seemed to work and then steady rise until I woke up. Was absolutely pooped before bed so was more concerned I’d go low.

Post breakfast it looks like I didn’t have and NR , I did. My back muscles are definitely telling me I spent all afternoon crouched over weeding. Maybe it’s the sore muscles…who knows, not me.

Have dropped husband and friend at Hants v Yorkshire cricket, so I’m planning a nice relaxing potter in my own garden today weeding!

@Grannylorraine are the Prosecco and dancing related by chance 😉

@ColinUK i had two friends who fell out years ago, it split a friendship group in half and I was left in the middle…very frustrating. Isle of Wight for your holiday? The most relaxing place. We live so close and yet go so infrequently, it’s daft. Planning to go back to Osborne House again this year…have you been? It’s lovely.

Wishing everyone a sunny and relaxing Sunday🙂
Morning everyone. 8.1 on waking, dropping to 3.6 now. I changed my breakfast ratio as i was going too high on work days, seems its too much for weekends 🙄 oh well, live and learn.

Congrats to @Gwynn and @Lucyr on your HS

Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
@Lisa66 Yup! Got a beautiful cottage booked that’s more than large enough for us. It’s 5 bedrooms, thatched, in a lovely rambling garden.
I’ve been to the IoW before but probably not for 40 odd years. I know we went to Osborn House as I bought a scroll which went on my bedroom wall.
I also remember seeing them bottle the coloured sand at Alum Chine/Sands (?) and it being so windy that the wind whipped up stones in the car park that then smashed the front and rear windscreen in our new car!
Right! Just had my last lot of pills today with no problems because I just had a cup of Italian roast with a chocolate chip shortbread cookie for morning coffee break & the taste of the coffee covered the taste of the pills! Wasn’t really hungry but, remembered to eat SOMETHING so, will probably have something more substantial later on in the afternoon! Have already ordered new pills & will speak to the chemist about getting coated pills, please, before asking for my usual delivery! :confused:🙂