Group 7-day waking average?

Don't really have a waking reading, been up and down since 3am after I was woke up with my uterus having a tantrum and demanding as many painkillers as I could safely throw at it. got back to sleep at about 5am so woke up at 8am, jabbed in bed and went back to sleep again 😉

I feel human-ish now but I can foresee there will not be enough coffee in the world to feel normal today :rofl:

Got a sensor on and really need to fix all the alarms and overnight alarms and noises. I'm using diabox too so going to go thru both apps and figure out what I really need switched on and when 🙂

Hope you are all having a great day today 🙂
fecal calprotectin test,
i think this was test they did hopfully the gastogist will pick it up and have a bit more of clue) the doctors are are like "just expect what we yold you it is originally and there are no tests for it) exact nhs say otherwise.
athough maybye my rouitne blood test next week will pick somthing up(not sure if they are testing for other things as well as HBA1C
A mini rant alert! 😡 A rare one from me but, only a half annoyed emoji rather than a full out hopping mad red faced emoji!😉

Just taken my midday tresiba & pills & this time half gagged the uncoated pills, had to swallow blindly ie. not properly focusing on swallowing, got them down me BUT, only half way down my gullet somewhere & I can still feel them in my oesophagus & needs lots of water to swallow them down properly! I HATE IT when that happens! :(

I have a damaged swallowing reflex since my first bout of Bells Palsy in 2001 & I need to concentrate & focus when eating & drinking to consciously swallow! Even then, I have difficulty swallowing pills & long noddles/spaghetti & cut them up at home or not eat that when out & about! Also, I don’t like talking or have people talk to me when eating which my family & friends know about! Sometimes pills are coated & I don’t taste them but, sometimes they’re uncoated & the taste makes me gag! With the free prescriptions these last how many years, I forget how long now, it’s very unpredictable as to what pills I get as it’s all generic! 🙄

I got the pills swallowed properly with loads of water but, I think they cause some bruising as I feel a bit tender there now & will be for a bit every time this had happened! But, even worse is not swallowing them at all & throwing them up with my very strong gag reflex, my body compensating for the swallowing reflex, before I swallow & a whole day’s pills are gone which has happened to me twice before! :( Have to take another lot &, although it’s not VITALLY important, they go out of sync & I start new packets of pills a day later! And I remember once posting about gagging a tiny allergy pill up my nose! It came down eventually & nearly choked me when it did as I wasn’t expecting it!😱
A mini rant alert! 😡 A rare one from me but, only a half annoyed emoji rather than a full out hopping mad red faced emoji!😉

Just taken my midday tresiba & pills & this time half gagged the uncoated pills, had to swallow blindly ie. not properly focusing on swallowing, got them down me BUT, only half way down my gullet somewhere & I can still feel them in my oesophagus & needs lots of water to swallow them down properly! I HATE IT when that happens! :(

I have a damaged swallowing reflex since my first bout of Bells Palsy in 2001 & I need to concentrate & focus when eating & drinking to consciously swallow! Even then, I have difficulty swallowing pills & long noddles/spaghetti & cut them up at home or not eat that when out & about! Also, I don’t like talking or have people talk to me when eating which my family & friends know about! Sometimes pills are coated & I don’t taste them but, sometimes they’re uncoated & the taste makes me gag! With the free prescriptions these last how many years, I forget how long now, it’s very unpredictable as to what pills I get as it’s all generic! 🙄

I got the pills swallowed properly with loads of water but, I think they cause some bruising as I feel a bit tender there now & will be for a bit every time this had happened! But, even worse is not swallowing them at all & throwing them up with my very strong gag reflex, my body compensating for the swallowing reflex, before I swallow & a whole day’s pills are gone which has happened to me twice before! :( Have to take another lot &, although it’s not VITALLY important, they go out of sync & I start new packets of pills a day later! And I remember once posting about gagging a tiny allergy pill up my nose! It came down eventually & nearly choked me when it did as I wasn’t expecting it!😱
I have to take 4 penicillin every day for the rest of my life and have done for 15 years. They were always coated. They once tried to fob me off with uncoated ones. Yuk! They taste like soil going down and it lingers. I told the pharmacist that in no uncertain terms that I must have the coated ones. It’s now written on my script. Free or not free, I’ve paid my dues over the years. I would get onto the pharmacy and tell them you can’t tolerate them. They’ll still be getting paid the same from the NHS whether they’re uncoated or not.
Thanks for that @eggyg 🙂 I never knew that was possible! It’s been an ongoing problem for swallowing uncoated pills since my gag reflex is SO strong: it needs to be, though; only takes a second when distracted, for whatever reason, & I choke! Sometimes even on my own saliva or phlegm when I have a cold! That’s when I need to gag, cough & throw it up!😱
Not a good start to the day today - 12.3! Yesterday I had a hypo around 3:00pm. Although I treated it I went from 3.7 to 2.9 so I treated it again. It went to 3.2 so another round and it finally went above 5.0. Before my evening meal it was the elusive 5.2 and 7.8 before bed. The Zombie Carbs strike again!
i think this was test they did hopfully the gastogist will pick it up and have a bit more of clue) the doctors are are like "just expect what we yold you it is originally and there are no tests for it) exact nhs say otherwise.
You would know if they did as you would have had to take a poo sample directly to the lab as they have to be processed within a few hours.
You would know if they did as you would have had to take a poo sample directly to the lab as they have to be processed within a few hours.
Yep it was a test that got sent off.
Don’t melt him! You’ll wake up to a man-size puddle. o_O

It reminds me! Some years ago I took this poor man in from the freezing cold. He was quite stout with coal black eyes and a nose that resembled a carrot. He also had the thinnest arms I have ever seen - almost twig like. Next morning I got up to find he had left without saying thank you. But worse was yet to come - he had peed all over the kitchen floor!
It reminds me! Some years ago I took this poor man in from the freezing cold. He was quite stout with coal black eyes and a nose that resembled a carrot. He also had the thinnest arms I have ever seen - almost twig like. Next morning I got up to find he had left without saying thank you. But worse was yet to come - he had peed all over the kitchen floor!
Not Mr @eggyg I hope.
Good morning everyone

Would you believe it, it's like busses, no HS for what seems forever and then two come at once. Yes, BG 5.2 again. Yessss. Just one more for a hat trick.....anyone want to place a bet?....

Today is the last full day dog sitting (I hope). We are exhausted, but the dog is slowly getting used to her new ('temporary') owners. (Famous last words). Already been out for a short walk with her at 5am. I think we both appreciated it.

Survival is the game today. I think we may just about survive this. I'll let you know if we don't 🙂

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.

11.something by the time I tested at about 5:50

Poor mum is off out the door already to walk to work as yet again her bus isn't running "due to staff shortages", hope her bus home will be running as if not her back will be killing her, they really need to get this sorted out as even at the height of the pandemic they didn't have these issues, it's only 6:11am and looking at their Twitter page there are already 28 services not running xx
5.2 this morning. No o don’t know what’s going on with my bg or why I’m at 98% in range but I’ll take it. Halved my boluses at dinner last night and that seemed okay so might keep that up for a bit.

Got a new sharps bin yesterday in a different colour. Had one that includes recycled materials for the first time.

Also trying to get on track with eating for budget and weight. Did a meal plan and a shop, breakfast and lunches easy enough to plan but dinners are really hard to come up with when cooking for one. Next weeks meal plan includes a few ready meals, a few too many really but hard to get variety otherwise.


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Good morning 8.0 on the nose this Sunny Sunday morning

😱Yesterday 11.1
however having hard just a shake for breakfast yesterday plus my meds by the time I had a (late lunch) it was down to a more respectable 6.6 and later pre my evening meal (just a berry boosted shake) delivered a HS.

For the last few days I’ve been on some pretty strong antibiotics on top of my regular meds.
So next Tuesday have Hba1c blood test booked, ive already managed to book a phone call with GP for next Friday so will see how that goes,
I’m convinced I was better on Ozempic than Trulicity but will see how the results come back

have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all. 🙂 6.2 here.

It was sunny when I got up, but the cloud is slowing building up. Hey ho. Maybe some gardening, maybe a trip to Tesco, definitely some more pump education (thanks for the Pumping Insulin recommendation @Pumper_Sue).

Hope ev1 has a nice relaxing Sunday.😎:D