Group 7-day waking average?

Morning folks. On the 6.1 step with @goodybags. Best morning reading I’ve had for a few days.

Not much going on today, bed stripping, fishcake ( for tonight) and lamb Madras making ( for tomorrow, you’ve gotta love a 24 hour curry). Forecast fairly good, those easterly winds seemed to have done one, thank goodness.

Have a lovely day all.🙂

@Gwynn the dog will be fine. Treat him well, feed and walk him and he’ll be your pal for life. See him as your daily walking companion, talk to him whilst you walk, it’ll calm you and him. They’re pretty much like small children and will respond to your moods. I haven’t had a dog for many years now, but they are, as many on here will attest to, great animals to be around. Good luck.
Goood morning! 🙂 4.4 here.

I think all dogs have their quirks @Gwynn. I prefer my two going into kennels rather than a friend looking after them - even tho they’re perfect (obvs) - but that’s mainly cos they respond to Welsh commands, not English. I worry they’ll see it as an excuse not to behave LOL. One good tip is to knacker the dog out with a long walk, then it’ll sleep the rest of the day! Good luck...
6.9 didn't machine to full asleep until then gone 3.30 though.
One good tip is to knacker the dog out with a long walk, then it’ll sleep the rest of the day! Good luck...

New smells /scent work is more tiring than exercise too, so if you’re walking places the dog doesn’t normally walk that will tire them out more because of the new smells. Or you can do things like scatter a bit of their food in the garden and have them find it to get them sniffing.
4.5 for me this morning. 🙂
Beautiful clear blue sky today. The great outdoors beckons.

Really feel rough today like I've been on a bender. Trip to the oral maxillo surgeon to make sure everythjng is healing as it should hopefully I can start laying down to sleep this whole sleeping sitting up is rather annoying.
@Gwynn dogs are like humans in a lot of ways they need structure and to be kept busy theres been some really good tips offered up today I'd just like to add that you need to relax and the dog will relax along with you try stick to a routine with it my little hell hound gets her bowl first thing then a walk and then we do a little obedience work and head off home ill hide treats around the front room when we get in and she'll then go spend a bit of time keeping her nose busy she's a constantly on the go kind of dog so need to keep her amused she gets a kong ful of crunchy peanut butter once every few days and that will keep her amused for hours on end if not I end up with a very overactive pup who's bored and ready to cause havoc where she can my life would be very dull and very different if she wasn't in it. They also make amazing listeners and never judge when your having a bad day. Enjoy the pup and she'll enjoy you.
Have a great day whatever you get up too
Heads up hearts strong
Griff x
6.8 this morning. Still no appetite. Only had a cuppa soup and slice of toast yesterday evening. Starting to wonder if Imay have a bug despite two weeks on antibiotics.
If it is a virus then antibiotics won't do much for it. Antibiotics can sometimes upset your natural gut microflora and having yoghurt with live cultures can help restore it, or I believe you can get capsules of a gut bacterial cocktail to restore it.
8.1 when I first woke up and injected Levemir, with a VERY straight line overnight, having gone to bed on 8.1 with a 1.5 unit correction of Fiasp, which clearly did precisely nothing, the same as most of the other corrections I injected last night. I also upped my Levemir to 6 units as I got stressed yesterday and battled rising levels all afternoon/evening. Anyway another 1.5 unit correction this morning along with the Levemir brought me down to 6.5 two hours later which is a more reasonable number to start the day. Now just waiting for my breakfast bolus to kick in..... the usual 45 min wait before I can eat breakfast.... but I get to catch up with you lovely lot and drink my coffee with cream so quite a pleasure.

Hope the dog is more settled this time @Gwynn.

@freesia So pleased your levels are starting to stabilize again. Really disappointing that your diabetes was such hard work whilst you were on holiday. Must have been frustrating when you really needed a good relaxing break.
Morning people. 5'4 right now, yes, for once I post the moment after I test. The reason is I somehow slept through my alarm and woke up just now, when I should have been at work hours ago 😳

I'm obviously a bit stressed for missing work, but also worried I might had an hypo during the night? Went to bed at 5'7 and as you see I didn't woke up too low, so might be a Muggle non-diabetic reason. I'm just quite shocked, I've been very tired other times but still woke up to the alarms, at least if I had to work.
@eggyg @Griffin. Thanks for that about the dog. Unfortunately it is a very nervous dog and gets upset at other people and noises, and runs away at other dogs. It barks and attacks cats. It will run away at the slightest opportunity and is not motivated by food at all making her hard to train.

However, she and I do get on really well and I treat her well. I try to create as calm an atmosphere as I can and it generally works. That is until the dog suddenly freaks out at some noise heard in the night (or at any random time during the day). She reacts very badly to her own reflection in anything. So it can be a bit tough and a bit tiring.

And to cap it all she is an incredibly fussy eater, sometimes refusing any food no matter what and that can go on for days. That kinda worries me a bit.

I think that all will be ok in the end. But I also think it may be a bit stressful.

Roll on a weeks time. Sigh.

6.6 today, just can't seem to rein in my eating at the moment. Was supposed to be going to the theatre tonight but it has been cancelled, luckily we were able to rebook for Thursday's performance, not such good seats, but at least we are still able to go.
4.8 for me...a bit low but finally had a night in target!! Hooray!!
The 4.8 this morning was as a result of being woken every hour or so by the low alarm. Each time, i had a JB or two but nothing seemed to keep it up. When i woke finally i was 4.8 so went downstairs for breakfast and a few sips of juicd to keep levels up so i could get to work. All was ok until around 10.45, i didn't feel right. No wonder...i had shot up to 16!!! All the JBs and the bit of juice must have been waiting in me and decided to work en masse!! A 3u correction was needed. I thought i'd done so well as well 🙄.
. Really disappointing that your diabetes was such hard work whilst you were on holiday. Must have been frustrating when you really needed a good relaxing break
@rebrascora, isn't it just typical of D. Any change in routine completely throws it. I hope your levels have behaved better today.

@Griffin. I hope your appointment went ok.

@Grannylorraine i love the theatre. What are you going to see?
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.1 again. The big tease is in full swing. Oh well.

The dog arrived yesterday at 5pm. My daughter was really stressed but we managed a good meal together. Dog was a bit hyper. However, a good night and this morning I have been out for a short with her which went well.

She does not settle well and gets upset at the slightest noise so I put the radio on which seems to have helped.

Keeping my head down all day today hoping the dog sitting continues to go well.

I hope you all have good day today whatever you are doing.