Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and 6.6 for me.

Just sorting some clothes out for a funeral tomorrow. One of my best mates from my drinking days was victim of a hit and run a couple of weeks ago. There'll be a lot of folks there.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning! 5'3. I dropped my basal one more unit for the music festival on Friday, the lowest dose to date, and I kept it like this yesterday and today. Seems to be the right dose at the moment because I'm not seeing numbers over 6 before meals. Even then, today I dropped to 4'5 2 hours after a carb generous breakfast, in the middle of a busy shift. I think it might be a mix of increased activity, higher temperatures and also my cycle?

@Bloden pizza and pasta always send me quite high, they are the foods that make me consider I should bolus for them (so far I can cope with porridge and moderate amounts of rice, bread and potatoes). But from what I read, pizza bolus is not the easier for beginners 😱
Good evening. A bit late posting. It was 9.3 which isn't to bad as I was very low before bed again. I think one problem is the antibiotics have really done for my appetite and I struggle to finish a meal at times. Hopefully things will improve in a few days time.

It was 8.9 for me all those hours ago

You may remember my mum had to walk out to work last Sunday, well this week she had to walk back in "due to driver shortages" on Friday by 6:05am there had already been 13 cancellations due to driver shortages, it's absolutely ridiculous

Not long off the phone to my grandad, he went to the beach in the other town with a friend of his today and bought a 99 while there, £3! 😱

Was 13.odd come dinner time (lunch to some of you) as took on some carbs to make sure I was ok, 5.9 by tea, exertion this morning to thank xx
04:17 BS 5.7 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Well, what a weekend but, now Monday & it’s over! :D😛😎 It was pretty special & it was lovely seeing all of the little Cambridge children albeit pulling faces, wriggling a bit & in the case of the youngest sticking his thumb in his mouth from boredom at times!😛:D:rofl:😉 Started them early & just THINK of all the stuff that The Queen has sat through, Prince Philip too, AND they couldn’t yawn!:rofl:😉
Good morning! 5'4. Will stick to my reduced dose as numbers seem alright and it's another split shifts' day with not many staff (meaning, I have to move more).

Due to this lack of staff I was told, when I was about to leave last night, I had to start today at 6:30 instead of 8 am. I was NOT happy! We had an extremely quiet dinner and I thought I'd get a proper night of sleep. I managed to get to bed early but couldn't fall asleep, then woke up at 1:20 from a dream were I was having a bad hypo and asked my colleague for juice and she got all stressed "what kind of juice? How many glasses??" Lol. Of course when I woke up, I checked my BG just in case my dream came true but it was 7. Thank goodness, I don't think I'd stay awake to see if the treatment worked 🙄

Well, I am a bit grumpy but wish you lovely lot a nice day 🙂
Morning all. 10.8! Last week i've had sudden spikes followed by crashing lows. I've had to correct overnight as well. The last three nights i've been high between 1 and 3am (DP?), the first night i corrected and ended up having a massive hypo, the second night i corrected but only had half the correction dose and still dropped by 10 in 3hrs. Last night i didn't corrrct and have stayed higher 🙄. Back to work today, i hope levels settle down a bit, its been exhausting with the sudden spikes and drops. TIR looks rubbish too.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you are planning.
Good morning - 8.4
Morning folks. A Len Goodman for me. SEVEN! Haven’t had one of those for a while.

For the first time in ages I could have slept on, but we’re having Zara today instead of Friday because of my scan. So I had to tell my daughter why, so I had to tell her sisters too. I kept it vague, and just said that one of the tests I’d had was “ of concern” and may indicate some inflammation in the abdomen area. The younger two accepted that, older daughter started asking questions! Think I headed her off but she suspects I’m maybe fibbing to her, but she’s let it go, for now. 🙄

At least I’ve a distraction today, then it’ll only be three more days to get through. Surprisingly, it’s gone quite quickly, I thought it would drag.

@freesia I hope things sort themselves out. It is exhausting when you’re dropping and rising so much, it makes me feel headachy and nauseous and I just have to lie down.

Hope everyone has the best day you can.🙂
Morning all, 5.7 here. Woke earlier needing the loo, and quite often when that happens, I wake from having a dream about loos, only there’s always something funny or wrong about them. This morning I was dreaming that I was in a cinema foyer, and couldn’t find the loo because although I could see the 'ladies' sign reflected in a mirror, when I turned round, it wasn’t there. I eventuality realised it was through another doorway, and reflected at an angle. Now yesterday evening, OH and I were discussing how we both hated physics at school, except that I said I enjoyed doing Light, because we played around with lenses and mirrors, on big sheets of paper, plotting focal lengths etc. Oh, the workings of the subconscious brain!

6.4 today, not at work, taking mum for an eye test and hoping to get her a referral for her cataract, they weren’t bad enough before Covid for a referral and this is her first eye test since, but they affected her eye screening, if it is a long wait she will go private.
Morning all. 6.4 here.

It’s my Welsh exam on Friday. There’s exciting, except I ran out of steam on the revision front weeks ago. o_O I’ve noticed my speaking exam is with a teacher I know well - do I use the formal chi (you), as if I’d never met her before, or plain old ti?😳😛:confused: Answers on a cerdyn post, plz.
Morning all. 6.4 here.

It’s my Welsh exam on Friday. There’s exciting, except I ran out of steam on the revision front weeks ago. o_O I’ve noticed my speaking exam is with a teacher I know well - do I use the formal chi (you), as if I’d never met her before, or plain old ti?😳😛:confused: Answers on a cerdyn post, plz.
Prepare the Welsh for 'Shall we pretend we don’t know each other?' before you go in!
A nice round 5 for me today. 🙂

Looking a little better this morning the dreaded leadsuit has returned I'm winded just climbing the stairs. Today's plan is meds naps bad day time TV rinse and repeat...
Have a great start to the week
Keep smiling

6.4 today, not at work, taking mum for an eye test and hoping to get her a referral for her cataract, they weren’t bad enough before Covid for a referral and this is her first eye test since, but they affected her eye screening, if it is a long wait she will go private.
Empiric evidence suggests it ought not be too long for cataracts to be done but make sure you check the referral and the notes if she needs both eyes done. Mum needs both done but the referral was only for one of hers even though everyone said it was for two. She had the first done in August I think and is still waiting for an appointment for a re-referral for the second eye.