Group 7-day waking average?

Into double digits today @ 10.5. Obviously had a little too much as a bedtime snack but was 4.1 and on Isophane you cannot go to bed on that.

Had my last Ciprofloxacin at 6:30! Mikman set to start delivering again today so coffee with real milk after lunch and maybe even a toastie with cheese tomorrow. This no-dairy was awful! ☹️

Looking out it is grey, wet and blustery so doubt I can wheelchair around the block! ☔‍
,8.4 I had both eaten and drink juice during the night(,for some reason I diced jto go for juice at 3.30 this morning instead of this eating a visit when I was 4.8 maybe because I was feeling a bit sakey(only reason I check a a few times because I wasfellinf off now at the moment it could just be the illness but I obviously need to know which) but biscuit probably would have done (or nothing if I was holding steady but I didn't know) I would say I over slept but I didn't full still only got a few hours sleep. I was supustinf to be higher because it was later then usual taken my morning livermier.
Morning all. 3.2 for me and libre showed i've been like it from 3am 😱!! I did wake and have JBs but must have gone back to sleep. I remember tossing and turning and feeling sweaty but obviously didn't wake. I now have the hypo headache and rebound numbers. Levels this week have been absolutely shocking despite trying everything.

@goodybags congrats on the HS.
@eggyg absolutely everything is crossed for you. Enjoy your weekend with your family and try to put it out of your mind for a while. I know that will be hard but we're all rooting for you. Take care.

Has anyone heard/seen @SueEK lately? I've not seen her around for a while. I hope you're ok @SueEK.

Have a good day everybody, whatever you are planning.
3.7 for me this morning on the Libre and 4.3 with a finger prick. Happy enough with that as I was having to inject one correction after another last night to keep in single figures (Fiasp was pretending to be water again 🙄 ) so it was quite a relief that the Levemir slowly and gently brought me down to this morning's reading.

Congrats to @goodybags on your House Special this morning. Well done that man in the face of challenging Big Mac odds!

@eggyg Can't keep my legs crossed as that makes horse riding (and other things o_O) a tad difficult but fingers and toes, no problem! Hope your daughter's birthday party helps to distract you and you all have a lovely day. XX

6.2 today, enjoyed the party yesterday and more importantly mum enjoyed and got to see one of her great grand daughters.

@goodybags - congratulations on your HS.
3.7 for me this morning on the Libre and 4.3 with a finger prick. Happy enough with that as I was having to inject one correction after another last night to keep in single figures (Fiasp was pretending to be water again 🙄 ) so it was quite a relief that the Levemir slowly and gently brought me down to this morning's reading.

Congrats to @goodybags on your House Special this morning. Well done that man in the face of challenging Big Mac odds!

@eggyg Can't keep my legs crossed as that makes horse riding (and other things o_O) a tad difficult but fingers and toes, no problem! Hope your daughter's birthday party helps to distract you and you all have a lovely day. XX
I’m honour of the Queen you could ride sidesaddle with your ankles crossed! :rofl:
Morning all. 7.9 today. I did manage to get up later though after being awake from 3.10am to 4.30! It was touch and go and I very nearly got up but Mr Eggy forbade me. I’m glad he did as I then slept to 6.45.

Didn’t do much yesterday, chilled, read my book, fed the birds and had a nap, but the day passed ok. One more day in. Middle daughter’s birthday today, 35! Having a takeaway at ours tonight as her hubby, taxi driver, is working. Her daughter, our eldest grandchild is also coming and youngest daughter too. Unfortunately farmer daughter can’t make it as attending a jubilee party and then straight back to the farm “ do up”. Looking forward to seeing them.

Thanks for all your well wishes yesterday and PMs. Very much appreciated, I know it’s a bit awkward but can you all still keep crossing all your fingers and toes for me. It’s only until Friday, I’m sure you’ll manage.😉

Congrats @goodybags on your HS.

Enjoy your day everyone whatever you’re up to. Forecast is good up here, might sit in the garden to read my book today.
Fingers tightly crossed.
Good morning. 5.7 and a pleasure to be back under 6 after recent scores. A grey and breezy day after yesterday's summer perfection. Glad I watered all the veggies last night as the promised rain didn't amount to much.
The Ukrainian family decided to take the kids to the seaside yesterday - Llangrannog a very popular beach. Of course no room in car for Grannie Olena so I rang a friend who has been away on hols to Ireland - yes they were back - and grabbing Grannie, who had a Jubilee of housework left by the others, nipped down to the coast.
Don't think they teach map reading in the Ukraine - we sat for half an hour while they took a scenic tour of Ceredigion despite being provided with an OS map and the postcode for GPS, then drove back up the hill to search for them as no mobile signal in the village. Smugly found them and delivered to beach leaving Olena for an hour and then firmly collecting her for tea with my old chums, who made her very welcome with copious supplies of tea and cake. She looked very smart in the clothes donated by a facebook friend who is in the rag trade. So she had a lovely afternoon and damn the washing up!
Today we are attending a village tea party to say thanks to the community for their contributions and welcome. There may be flag waving...but I doubt I will be eating much as I have insisted vegetarian only at our table. A nice thick sirloin steak for lunch should see me through and prevent cake temptation. Jeans are a bit tighter than they should be so its very firmly back to keto with no cheating. I feel more inclined to diet having defeated Priti Patel yesterday and managed to get the wretched Home Office site to work. Fist pumps of glee as latest submission generated an acceptance email.
Hope everyone is holding out during prolonged celebrations - large hugs to @eggyg - and some sympathy for 96 year old who could probably do with a day in bed.
Morning all. Lots of news to catch up on. Key message there don’t forget to log in every day !!!

It’s been 1/2 term this week for me and for once I’ve had a bit of a break and it’s felt quite long.

A 6.8 after a 20 point Something last night following a treat Chinese and a chunk of battenburg cake ……yummy!

Not much planned today - a book to finish and gardening to supervise.

Have a good day all.
Coffee and croissant ahoy.
Must be a consent kind of day I had a pian a chocolate from Lindi this morning with some apple slides.
It’s best not to speculate about these things, yes you’re concerned and have probably guessed the reason correctly but it’s also important to respect other peoples privacy and home security. People don’t usually want to share dates that they are away on a public online forum that anyone can read, and don’t want others to do that on their behalf either.
It’s best not to speculate about these things, yes you’re concerned and have probably guessed the reason correctly but it’s also important to respect other peoples privacy and home security. People don’t usually want to share dates that they are away on a public online forum that anyone can read, and don’t want others to do that on their behalf either.
Point taken, I will delete it.
Morning all. 7.4. Been high, for me, for a few days now. I’ve changed both my insulin cartridges as I’m thinking they may have got hot in the car when we were away Thursday. Will see how that goes before trying anything else.

Had a nice day with the girls yesterday. We sat in the garden for a couple of hours, nice and sunny but quite a cool easterly wind keeping the temperature down. I made a chocolate birthday cake with a dark chocolate and white chocolate ganache. First time making ganache and I was pretty impressed with myself.I went all Picasso! I’m not a cake maker/ decorator by any stretch of the imagination, I usually go with a simple Victoria sponge, carrot cake type thing. I sent most of it home with the girls so not tempted to eat it! But I may have saved a slice of two for us to have with a cuppa later on today. 😉

Quiet day in today, another sunny day, but another easterly wind. So maybe some gardening in order, also doing a roast lamb dinner. Been a while since we’ve had a Sunday roast.

Enjoy the last day of the long bank holiday. Back to the grind tomorrow. :(


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