Group 7-day waking average?

Morning. 6.7 for me. A couple of corrections before bed after a meal out with friends, so pleased with the result.

@eggy I can only second what has already been said…positive thoughts, vibes etc etc coming your way from all the way down here too x

@rebrascora …we’ve all done it…but that was a big dose. Thank goodness you noticed. I have often gone for a bowl of serial with sugar on. I haven’t had jelly babies for a while, I moved on to some sour jelly sweets which made a nice change, but can’t face those now either…and that’s only after 2 or 3.:( Sounds like you managed it well, does shake you up though.

Warm sunny day in the garden putting up bean frame and other bits, as I didn’t get as much done yesterday as I’d intended (things don’t take as long to do in one’s head as they do in reality). Need to crack on before rain tomorrow.

Have a good day everyone.

13.0 for me today, probably cause I got right wound up last night 🙄 sorry I've been missing for a couple of days so hugs to anyone needing them

Just realised what an idiot I've been this morning, nails were getting too long for my liking so cut them and then remembered that I need to open a fresh box of test strips soon and the ones I currently have have that silly sticky circle holding the box closed, goodness knows how I'm going to get a hold of it! In one order I got 3 different types of the box for my test strips, odd, also my Tresiba cartridges box seems to have changed and is now far bigger (picked up last Saturday) anyone else on Tresiba had the different boxes yet?

Had a message from Bruce on messenger this morning, won't go into what it said but it certainly made me smile 😉 xx
Morning peeps. 15.5
Spag Bol was the dinner that kept on giving 🙄. Can cope with fresh pasta (sort of) but clearly not dried pasta. Oh well. Was worth a try again. Maybe not the best one to test when I have to give DSN readings from today onwards (or maybe it actually is? hmm).

Can anyone explain the secret to injecting into thighs without it hurting and leaving a small swelling lump :confused:. Tummy is no issue, have had one bruise on there so far. On thigh I'm 2 for 2 with it not going so well.

Hope you all have a great day.

@eggyg telling you to try not to worry is pointless. In the history of ever, I'm not sure that has ever worked.
I hope the week doesn't drag too much and you have plenty of distractions. (((hugs)))
15.1 this morning
Just really want to say thank you again to every one who left a message on the other thread and on here too was very touching and you made this big old Gruff bear feel all squishy and gooey inside...
Feeling ok at the moment but i can feel the tiredness and the heavy feeling like your wearing a lead suit returning. Managed a little early morning stroll with the hell hound watched the trooping of the ducklings all waddling off to the pond for a another day of doing what ducks do.
@eggyg you got this kidda deep breaths take it one step at a time and I'm sending you all the positivity I can muster and I'll conceede and send a huge old bear hug your way. We're all in the wings cheering for you x
To everyone else who needs to hear this today..
You are loved
You are valued
You are worthy
You are perfect
Keep on keeping on
Griff x
Can anyone explain the secret to injecting into thighs without it hurting and leaving a small swelling lump :confused:. Tummy is no issue, have had one bruise on there so far. On thigh I'm 2 for 2 with it not going so well.
Where exactly on the thigh are you using? What length of needles are you using? I just relax my leg so my thigh is loose and go into the side, unfortunately bruises are just part of injecting seen as you can't see your capillaries and my thighs can often be covered in them but the jab itself isn't usually sore and haven't had a lump left either xx
4.5 for me today. 🙂

9.5 this morning. Not sure if it was the sausage casserole I had last night although I was 6.2 before bed and had a small snack or the continuing yo-yo from the Ciprofloxacin but fortunately only two tablets left! The casserole was my Jubilee treat as my mobility prevented me going to a Beacon lighting nearby. Amputation is the pits! ☹️
Where exactly on the thigh are you using? What length of needles are you using? I just relax my leg so my thigh is loose and go into the side, unfortunately bruises are just part of injecting seen as you can't see your capillaries and my thighs can often be covered in them but the jab itself isn't usually sore and haven't had a lump left either xx
about half way between front of thigh to the side of it. Defo not much padding there for me 😉
novofine 31g 6mm
Will try going further round and be more relaxed.
Tummy I barely feel but don't want to limit to just there and want to be confidant injecting anywhere suitable 🙂
Thanks for clarifying the bruising too, was slightly wondering if I did something wrong. (not sore or anything)
Been struggling a little with water intake so trying to be a little more mindful of that.

Weight…. Well I’ll update the other thread to give you a reason to click away from this thread for a change.

Have found a beautiful cottage in the middle of nowhere in the Isle of Wight… there’s only two of us going away and this is a thatched 4 bed so plenty of room…
Have sent an email to the owners checking availability so fingers crossed.
Oddly it’s cheaper to hire a car in London and drive down than it is to get the train and hire one there. Also means I can take my nutribullet and some shakes.

Did wander down to the Mall early yesterday and it was so packed that it was really uncomfortable so was back home by 9am and watched it all unfold on the BBC.

Heading to John Lewis in a few minutes to scope out E-readers.
I’m used to reading books on my phone but with perennially going somewhere so quiet I don’t want to have the phone with me 24/7 - also the friend I’m going with has MH issues that may mean lots of very quiet and reflective times so sitting with an e-reader and whiling away time will be essential. I know that constantly holding the phone is something which he really can find triggering so I’m looking at Kindles. Used of course, (loads on eBay!) but I want to at least have hands on time with both to see which I’m drawn to.

Seeing the folks later and hoping to get to bouncercise tomorrow morning.

Oh and 98.8kgs

7 this morning, off to a Jubilee/birthday party/anniversary party this afternoon with my mum, I would have turned the invitation down but I knew mum would enjoy it. Still need to get my eating under control as I just seem to be permanently hungry, need to up my water a bit as it is probably the reason.

Have a lovely day everyone
about half way between front of thigh to the side of it. Defo not much padding there for me 😉
novofine 31g 6mm
Will try going further round and be more relaxed.
Tummy I barely feel but don't want to limit to just there and want to be confidant injecting anywhere suitable 🙂
Thanks for clarifying the bruising too, was slightly wondering if I did something wrong. (not sore or anything)
I've never had much padding since I was diagnosed but there's a bit more now than there was for the first few years :rofl: I end up feeling VERY self conscious as my legs were always something I (and others) liked about myself

Are you pinching the skin? If your not seen as your using 6mm I'd try pinching, I've only ever used 4mm or try asking to be switched to 4mm needles

Oh no your not doing anything wrong to cause the bruising hun, all just part of injecting so there's no need to be concerned about that at all! xx
Are you pinching the skin? If your not seen as your using 6mm I'd try pinching, I've only ever used 4mm or try asking to be switched to 4mm needles
today I pinched but have DSN in a week so will see how I go over the next couple of days of trying but will ask for her to arrange the switch if having no joy 😉

thanks muchly <3
Morning everyone. 6.4 for me this morning. My waking BG always seems to be in the 6s no matter what I've done the night before, and occasionally early 7s, but my pre-evening meal is thankfully mostly in the 5s so I must be getting something right. Mind you I am on 4 x 500mg Metformin a day.

Had a lovely day yesterday - only me here as hubby in Svalbard at the moment and children all off in different directions, so my brother (who lives next door) suggested a drive in the countryside with the roof down and we drove round lots of local (and some not so local) villages looking at scarecrows and bunting. In the evening we went over and picked up my Mum who lives a few miles away and parked on a hill Chilterns looking out over the valley and saw loads of beacons and fireworks. At one point we sang the National Anthem (probably looked a bit strange but only deer and rabbits to witness it!). In the morning I watched the Trooping of the Colour on telly while imitating a Blue Peter presenter making cardboard crowns to go on my gate posts (pic attached).

Nothing much planned today as on my own but may wash my hair (exciting!).

@eggyg I'll be thinking of you this week. I know you know that those symptoms can be lots of other things too and raised markers don't always mean what we fear.

Have a good day everyone xxx


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today I pinched but have DSN in a week so will see how I go over the next couple of days of trying but will ask for her to arrange the switch if having no joy 😉

thanks muchly <3
Try rubbing the lump with your finger quite firmly in a circular motion for a few seconds to help disperse the insulin. That might help. On the other hand some people can be sensitive to the suspension fluid in the insulin and it may be a slight reaction to that. Good luck!
Morning all on another glorious day!

5.6 this morning.

Had a fabulous day yesterday with wall to wall sunshine and not a breath of wind. Started by going over to the village sports field where there were old fashioned games for the kiddies, egg and spoon, sack races etc. Ending with rounders. No idea who won what but nearly every child was wearing a medal on a red/white/blue ribbon round their neck! Then over to the pub's outside area. There was crown making, face painting and lots of little games for the children. The pub had provided a free buffet consisting of sausage rolls (both vegan and meaty) and sandwiches and people had brought cakes. The outside area was done up with bunting (our contribution) and all the tables pushed together to make long tables with paper tablecloths, red white and blue paper plates etc. Considering we pulled it together in less than 5 weeks it was quite an achievement! Oh and 3 royal Navy helicopters came over and circled very low 🙂

I only ate 3 small sandwiches, half a sausage roll + a bite of quiche, but that sent me soaring over 18! Came home about 6pm and fell asleep on the garden swing before dinner.

@eggyg I am sending positive vibes to you. I know well what it's like lying awake worrying, it's overwhelming and horrible. Huge HUGS and hope you can keep busy this week to distract you a bit.282148079_10158629888088457_986796465758239409_n.jpg282273599_10158629888393457_4539558806907858912_n.jpg
6.8 for me this morning but I needed a 2 unit correction through the night and slept badly..... my system didn't like all that sugar yesterday at all. I spoke too soon about having it cracked yesterday, as I dropped again in the afternoon when the Fiasp should have been long gone and again in the evening despite the 4 unit Levemir reduction but they were both very easily resolved with a couple of JBs. It was surprising that the reduced morning Levemir didn't seem to have any effect until through the night when levels slowly crept up, even though I gave it the full 5 units at bedtime and this morning I am having a strong Foot on the Floor which seems to be completely soaking up the 4 units of Fiasp that I prebolused for breakfast so my yoghurt and rhubarb is still sitting here waiting to be eaten. Need to get out for a long walk today to try to get things back on a more even keel.

@eggyg Oh Elaine! I'm so sorry to hear of your health worries. Waiting has to be the hardest part. It is good that you have your grandchildren to help distract you but can totally understand you struggling particularly in the quieter parts of the day... and night. Really hoping it is something other than the C and sending positive vibes your way. Huge (((((HUGS))))

@gll Quite surprised you are on 6mm needles as 4mm are pretty standard. I find that my thighs tend to bleed more than my abdomen. I get bruising on my abdomen but almost never get a bleb, whereas I have had blebs on my thighs and is usually when you have hit a deeper capillary and it has leaked into the tissue and become trapped rather than the ones that bleed on the surface. If you are up to more than 20 units, you might also want to think about splitting it. I do this and put half into each buttock and sometimes this will cause the insulin to be more effective. I think @Lucyr recently started doing this. You may get better distribution that way. I also find that there are some areas on my stomach, thighs and buttocks which are more painful and others where I don't feel the needle at all. It is tempting to go for those pain free areas more often but obviously not a good idea. I find the very tops of my thighs just a couple of inches below my knicker line at the front pretty good. You might also experiment with having your legs straight when you inject rather than bent as the muscle will be more taught in the bent position.... not that you are injecting into muscle but it may make the capillary blood vessels more stretched and vulnerable. Just something else to try. 2 out of 2 blebbing is unlucky I would say but occasional blebs and bleeds and bruises and discomfort are par for the course. Sometimes my insulin will really sting too and other times it is absolutely fine. No real rhyme or reason to it.,,, just random.
@Pattidevans will try that. defo don't get it going into tummy.
(also that spread looks delish)

@rebrascora yeah I'm up to 30u but kinda not seeing much budging bg wise with that last 8 or so units. only really seeing anything really doing work at around lunchtime to dinnertime and occasionally into early evening, depending on when I ate dinner. feels like I'm playing catch up and not getting ahead of anything. I'm expecting dsn to shake things up a bit but will try splitting it into 2 x 15u meantime. (appointment in a week).
Ill ask to be switched to 4mm needles too 😉

thanks for all the tips and advice from everyone <3