Group 7-day waking average?

Looks like I have cracked it! Levels are starting to drift upwards (8.9 at the moment) which will probably be that 4unit Levemir deficit starting to have effect. Need to get out and get some exercise now as don't want to inject any more Fiasp just yet.
It's a good thing you noticed the wrong pen after your morning jab. Things could have got quite sticky.
It sounds like you did everything right after that. A first class save.
It's a good thing you noticed the wrong pen after your morning jab. Things could have got quite sticky.
It sounds like you did everything right after that. A first class save.
Yes, I don't want to think about what would have happened if I hadn't noticed, considering that I usually inject Levemir and then go back to sleep for an hour..... that could have been the all time "long sleep"! 😱 😱

It was interesting how quickly the much larger dose of Fiasp kicked in compared to my usual 45min prebolus time for 3-4 units, especially as the Levemir hadn't had time to get working to take the edge off my FOTF. I went from 7.4 to 4.1 in half an hour even with carbs on board from the start. Seems like the larger the dose, the faster but shorter lived it is. The only thing I would have changed is that I started off eating prunes, thinking I had that 45mins buffer time and I would gently push my levels up a bit maybe into double figures before the Fiasp hit me, when I should have started with faster acting carbs like Dextrose or JBs and then possibly migrate to slower acting carbs after that.
The coffee with sugar was disgusting (and this was how I used to like to drink it 🙄 ) but very effective both in terms of the sugar absorption and also the caffeine which stimulates my liver, especially with a second cup.
Awwwa! 😛 I LOVED watching that special Trooping The Colour, The Mall parade & that Flyby with the Queen on the balcony twice!:D😛😎

I was thinking of mum in 2012 for The Diamond Jubilee this morning & during the Flyby I was thinking of my sister as I remembered explaining to her about the heroic Battle of Britain planes that are still SO beloved by the British people with none more so than The Spitfire! 😛 I’ve posted before about how & what history is taught at schools in HK & of all my older siblings, of which my late sister was one, only my next eldest brother up from me, no. 6 to my no. 7 of 9, was still young enough for education here in the UK! It was all about the Japanese during WW2 history taught in schools in HK & my sister didn’t know much about The Battle of Britain & those heroic few that flew those beloved planes! And I remember explaining very enthusiastically to her about those odd to her old planes with the modern fighter planes of the RAF of today! Those Spitfires & Hurricanes of WW2 have always been, & will always be, SPECIAL in airshows & flyby’s! 😎 My sister was very much in my thoughts just now & it’s going to be a very poignant Jubilee weekend for me with both my mum & sister in my thoughts!😛🙂
THAT I can relate to as Bank holidays were never days off for us in the catering industry! 🙄o_O
To the contrary, they tend to be busier as other people take the opportunity to eat out. And this time both restaurant managers have the weekend off, which means the rest of us are a bit F'd.

But let's focus on the positives: I do have tomorrow off and my friend and I got discounted tickets for a music festival. Nothing crazy, it's a family friendly event that finish at 11 pm and then everyone goes home (or party in a club). Never been to a big festival with camping and all, not my thing, but this seems fun. After the lockdowns and later diabetes diagnosis, I'm more inclined to take any opportunity to do stuff I want. I was thinking earlier how drunk I was in my last birthday and how I didn't know it would the last year I could drink like that. Sometimes this thoughts make me a bit sad. Don't get me wrong, it's not about the alcohol, I've always been a lightweight and felt awful for 2 days after :D but I miss being able to be careless like that.

I guess my point is, life is short and full of surprises so better enjoy what you can! xx
Now for my usual post, BG was 6.9. Yesterday had lunch at my friend's house, she made a lentil curry with rice. Tested before and was 3'9, tried again because I didn't feel hypo and was 4'2, so I thought "that's barely an hypo, I'm eating right now and there's carbs in the rice". To be honest, was convincing myself because didn't fancy Jelly babies before a curry (though I ate one of them just for peace of mind). Not the best idea, I had some of the meal and suddenly felt very hot and a bit shaky. Tested again to find a 3'8 and that time I treated it properly. Thankfully I was in a good mood and with a good friend, so just used the 15 minutes wait to explain her a bit about hypo symptoms and treatment. It's the first time she sees me having a hypo but won't probably be the last, that was a mild one so the treatment worked fine and I could finish the rest of my meal after!
Afternoon all, very late posting today. I woke to a 7.4 after 2 x 2u corrections overnight. While we've been away levels have been shocking through the day overall, massive highs and sudden drops and idea why 🙄. Eating out hasn't been a problem as on the whole i've managed counting carbs ok and we've done a fair bit of walking. Hopefully, as we're on our way home now, they will start to settle a bit.

@eggyg i hope you enjoyed your walk.
@Griffin. Happy Birthday, i hope you've had a good day despite it being hijacked :rofl:
@rebrascora how scary!! I'm so glad you're ok now!!

I hope everyone has had a lovely day and those of you who have had to work get to finish soon and it hasn't been too long a day for you.
The coffee with sugar was disgusting (and this was how I used to like to drink it 🙄 )
Out of all the things you had, this is the most off-putting to me.
Why waste a perfectly good cup of coffee 😉
Just bite the heads off more jelly babies before murdering more coffee. JB murder before coffee murder! :rofl:

(very glad you dealt with it effectively x)
8.7 had planned to get in torch with a doctor today (after my last test came back negative after my last test came back negative)but realised it it's bank holiday. But fuatersating because I want to find out what's wrong with me so I get back to work.

Setting fire to the surgery will help no one. Or are you making it a Jubilee beacon?!
Well I've just was 11.9(perhaps I'll full back to sleep and have a better number we'll see) desipte doing a couple of corrections earlier one in the seemed to good to last but I can think of certain reason why it's started mis behaving
04:15 BS 6.6 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Was surprised to get my amazon order delivered yesterday around 15:20 when I’d only ordered on Tuesday: was only checking around 13:30 after the Flybys yesterday to see if it had been dispatched yet & expecting it on Monday after the Jubilee weekend; good thing I’d checked as it was out on delivery from Belfast just after 11:00 & due 14:00 to 16:00! 😱😛

It’s been sunny but, still chilly these last few days & need the heater on at night which has ramped up “The Unbearable Itch”! 😱 So, I was looking up back scratchers on amazon & saw these pair of adorable ones on amazon’s choice for £3.99 & added 3 boxes of skimmed milk pods for the £’s for free delivery: the Italian roast coffee bags need a 3 minute brew & adding cold milk to that makes it too cold so, decided to try hot milk pods from the machine!:confused: & a Lightbulb emoji for being a Smarty Pants!:D😉

The heater was on again last night & already given the cute looking little garden rakes a whirl & couldn’t resist taking a snap of these little life savers that stop me going NUTS when I can’t reach an itch that needs scratching! 😛😎


In royal purple & black with gold trims that go from 6 & a quarter inches to 20 inches! I love them already! 😛:D😉
Good morning everyone. It seems to have rained all night but has stopped now. Quite dark out there and probably very cool. Roll on summer I say.

BG is/was 5.3 Another tease by my body.

Today? Nothing planned. Enjoying the peace. Out for a soggy walk at 8am or ealier maybe. Or, not at's now pouring with rain and the clouds are dark and very overcast....set for the day maybe. Sigh.

I have a special Jubilee meal planned for my wife tonight. New to us, a Marks and Spencer 'Best Ever' steak pie. Just hope its as nice as all their other food.

Took a few pictures of food yesterday, to put into my App. It turns out, when I asked my wife if she could could help by arranging things that she was really really good at it. A good shortish time together. Nice.

Have a great day everyone whatever you are doing.
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Morning all. 7.7 on yet another early morning.

Mind whirring again. I’m ready to tell you why. Last Friday I received a call from my GP at 10am to say one of the tests I’d had done, just 36 hours previously, was of concern. I’ve been having problems, again, with my gastric system, this time heartburn/ indigestion type pains. It’s not something I suffer from on the whole but this was every meal, every day. It’s been happening for weeks. One of the tests was a CA 125 which is generally used to check for ovarian cancer. My levels were higher than should be. Apparently the symptoms I described plus bloating and not been able to finish a meal, are the main indicators for this. She said it may not be cancer but it needs checked out ASAP. Consequently I’m going for ultrasound and internal scans next Friday via the two week urgent referral scheme. I’ve to take someone with me. Now as you know, I’m a very upbeat, stoical person but this has shook me to the core. I’m not sleeping very well, hence the early mornings, I’m tearful, I’ve struggled to process the news and that’s why I haven’t told anyone,( Mr Eggy knows of course) not even my daughters. I can’t see the point in unnecessarily worrying them. The kids kept me occupied all weekend and yesterday’s day out helped but I’ve still got one whole week to wait for the scans. So I’ll probably be on here very early most days until then. I keep telling myself it’s my dodgy small intestine playing up again, it’s permanently partially blocked, but even if it is, that might need an op this time. It’s difficult not to overthink things sometimes isn’t it?

Anyways, hope you’re all enjoying the bank holiday. We’re not royalists so haven’t bothered attending/ watching any celebrations but we’re definitely not republicans either. So good luck to the Queen, it’s quite an achievement I suppose.

@Griffin. sorry I missed your birthday yesterday, 21 again!
@rebrascora oh heck, I’ve only done it once, but was “only” 10.5 units. I felt so sick. Unfortunately it won’t be the last time we do it I suppose. At least you realised.
@TinaD you have the patience of a saint.
@Elenka_HM bank holidays mean nothing if you work in catering or retail, both of which I did most of my working life. And you don’t get double pay either.
@freesia hope you had a lovely relaxing break in Devon.
Morning all. 🙂 Another Libre alarm at 4am, oops. That’ll be yesterday’s gardening. 6.6 by the time I got up...aah, that’s better.:D

It’s Bloden’s 12th birthday today. Time flies when you’re a big friendly fluffy fool of a dog. Born in a field in Northern Spain. We don’t know what happened to the rest of the puppies, didn’t dare ask! Here she is as a pup. And more recently, doing her fav thing - snoring!

Morning all, 5.9 here. Watched the fly past on TV yesterday lunchtime, then went outside to see if I could watch it again, we always seem to be under the run off area, but only just caught a glimpse of a group of 5 of the fighters that formed part of the 70, and they were quite high up by the time they went over us. They were very loud, though.
Thinking of you, @eggyg , its going to seem a long week, I hope the grandchildren continue to provide a distraction, and that you manage some sleep.
Well I've just was 11.9(perhaps I'll full back to sleep and have a better number we'll see) desipte doing a couple of corrections earlier one in the seemed to good to last but I can think of certain reason why it's started mis behaving
Yep a better 8.6 now I did change the cartridge before my last correction and have my self a tad more then I might have done.
Good morning - 8.2