Group 7-day waking average?

Any idea how i can attach files anybody? I have done before but had a new phone a few weeks ago and now when i try to attach nothing happens.
I'd suggest the 10 foot rule of it don't work after 3 goes throw it very hard and at least 10 feet away from you.....
On mine I have to hold down on the selected pic untill the copy icon pops up and I then do the same where I'm copying it to but use the paste option instead hope that helps a little...
Any idea how i can attach files anybody? I have done before but had a new phone a few weeks ago and now when i try to attach nothing happens.
I just click on the photo icon to the left of the smilies option and it gives me a drop down box which I click to go to my saved pictures and then select the one I want and open it.
@ColinUK …I remembered...although slightly intrigued where you mind might have wandered to 🙂

Not very exciting, but I wondered if you ever been to the Secret Gardens open weekend. I see this year it’s 11th and 12th June…thought it might be interesting.

All this not helped by getting a ping from the Covid app yesterday morning telling me that I have been in "close contact" with someone who has tested positive
Was it a genuine contact via the App? I got a text a couple of weeks ago saying I'd been in close contact, which was obviously a scam, as it didn’t have the date of the contact on it, which I think the genuine ones do. It invited me to buy a PCR, and had a link, which I'm sure was just a way of trying to get me to part with some money. When I checked the NHS Covid app, which I’ve had running on my phone the whole time, there were no alerts on the App itself.
Many congratulations on all your House Specials. There may need to be a stewards inquiry if it continues! 😉 Hope you enjoy your jumping lesson. I am quite envious but a bit nervous for you. I would love to be more confident at jumping.... and when you are not confident, the horse knows. 🙄 I really need to do more of it to build my confidence but just don't have the opportunity.
I got my comeuppance BG wise. After the jumping, the adrenaline had sent my BG up to 14.1, though it settled at 12.2 after it had thought about it for a bit. I only decided to do it at the last minute, I haven't jumped out in the paddock since about last August, and I get nervous if I’m on a strange horse. My usual horse that I have complete confidence in isn’t sound, and the big ex hunter I’ve been riding instead (see avatar pic) is a bit old and arthritic to do a complete session, so I rode one I haven’t ridden for ages. Daughter had been due to do a cross country training session, and I was going to watch and film her. But the local course we go to was double booked, so the riding school changed it to a show jumping session in their own paddock, and I said I'd photo her doing that. Only then the weather forecast put a load of showers in, and I thought, I’d rather be up on a horse than behind a lens, if I'm going to get soaked! (in the end the rain held off anyway).
@Robin It would have sent my BG into orbit too!
Pleased you didn't get rained on and hope you enjoyed it even if it was a bit scary. Well done on grasping the opportunity though and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Did you do it on the old hunter or a completely different horse?.... I imagine that would be really scary! I would guess the hunter probably wanted to charge at the fences rather than collect and power off his hocks. Archie and Ernie have always happily jumped anything off 3 strides of trot when out hunting which Ian loves about them but Zak wants to gallop at fences which is fine providing he doesn't try to duck out at the last minute and of course that he clears it (otherwise big trouble), but not as safe and comfortable as a horse which will just turn and trot a few strides and then pop a set of rails or a wall.
@Robin It would have sent my BG into orbit too!
Pleased you didn't get rained on and hope you enjoyed it even if it was a bit scary. Well done on grasping the opportunity though and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Did you do it on the old hunter or a completely different horse?.... I imagine that would be really scary! I would guess the hunter probably wanted to charge at the fences rather than collect and power off his hocks. Archie and Ernie have always happily jumped anything off 3 strides of trot when out hunting which Ian loves about them but Zak wants to gallop at fences which is fine providing he doesn't try to duck out at the last minute and of course that he clears it (otherwise big trouble), but not as safe and comfortable as a horse which will just turn and trot a few strides and then pop a set of rails or a wall.
I did it on a different horse, who used to be owned by a teenager who evented him, so he’s been there, seen it, done it, but is totally bombproof. He did perk up and enjoy himself today, though, and so did I once I’d got used to focussing his energy.
I have ridden the ex-hunter in the paddock, last year after he’d just arrived, and bless him, he didn’t know what a coloured pole was for! He’s such a gentleman, he was trying so hard to work out what I wanted, 'Oh look, there’s something coloured in the way, shall we go to the right, or the left…what? you want me to go over it? I really can’t see the point, we could just go round, but OK, you know best…' He now knows what they're about, but he does like taking off on a long one rather than putting his energy into going upwards!
Thanks @Griffin. and @rebrascora i'll try both.
Nope. Tried both ways, neither of them let me upload a photo. @eggyg, you'll just have to take my word that there is sun in the UK.
Was it a genuine contact via the App? I got a text a couple of weeks ago saying I'd been in close contact, which was obviously a scam, as it didn’t have the date of the contact on it, which I think the genuine ones do. It invited me to buy a PCR, and had a link, which I'm sure was just a way of trying to get me to part with some money. When I checked the NHS Covid app, which I’ve had running on my phone the whole time, there were no alerts on the App itself.
OMG, thank you so much for alerting me. I googled it and you are right. Meantime I had given all my personal details and Visa card details. So I have just stopped the card. What a lot of worry for nothing. I've been beside myself with worry. Phew I can now concentrate on packing!
Nope. Tried both ways, neither of them let me upload a photo. @eggyg, you'll just have to take my word that there is sun in the UK
I believe you as we too had a bit of sun yesterday. Not a lot, but enough to get hot whilst doing a bit of weeding, then it got cool again and rained, again! 🙄 Enjoy Devon.
A very good early morning to you all. It’s beautiful out there and 7 degrees so far! 😎 Better than the 6 degrees yesterday morning. Anyhoo, a huge ( for me) 8.9! Nothing at all to do with the rhubarb and ginger flapjack I made yesterday, and kept picking at.😉 It’s delicious even though I say so myself, and I sort of made it up, I saw it mentioned a couple of weeks ago and as we have a glut of rhubarb thought I’d try it. Of course I couldn’t remember where I’d seen the recipe so just winged it. Turned out great.

Up early as we’re off out for the day. Western Lake District today, no one else goes there, the tourists will all be in Windermere, Keswick, Ambleside etc. we’re heading past Sellafield, St Bees and Ravenglass. Have a walk to Devoke Water, it’s a tarn not a lake, and then to Stanley Gill. Home via the coast and probably stop for fish and chips. Perfect. Picnic for lunch with extra flapjack to stave off any hypos. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it! :rofl:

Have a fab day, I believe it’s a Bank Holiday for all you wage slaves. It’s just Thursday for us. 🙂
06:07 BS 6.8 🙂 Still pretty consistent & that’s SO much nicer than swinging about I can tell you!🙄:D😉

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

A VERY UNUSUAL BANK HOLIDAY THURSDAY! :D For The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee for another long jubilee weekend! I’ve been thinking about that the last few days & how special THAT is: the longest reigning monarch in British history; not that far off from 100 either at 95 & wouldn’t it be COOL to send YOURSELF the 100th birthday telegram from The Queen!😎😛:D THEN, I thought “hang on” are telegrams still sent now in this day & age where the so called “ millennials ” have grown up now & are puzzled as to what a telegram was?:confused:o_O:rofl: Still, sending a lovely card to yourself would be nicer as THAT has dwindled too somewhat although people having been starting to send physical cards again rather than all the e-cards etc. that were once more prevalent & not quite so nice!🙄

I’ve been thinking back to 2012 & how special that year was with the Diamond Jubilee followed by The Olympics! 😛😎:D Both my parents were still alive then & I loved watching both events with them on TV explaining things that happening & all of us having a ball: especially LOVED The Thames Regatta; The Queen jumping off the plane at The Opening Ceremony at The Olympics was pretty special too!😛 BUT, my mum’s favourite was Mr. Bean!:D It was the last two happy special occasions with both of them for me that I’ve been remembering poignantly as two years later both of them went back to HK in the autumn of 2014 to sort things out as dad finally decided to give into mum in on the living in the UK front instead of growing old in HK! I had my qualms about it as the previous 5 years or so mum’s health had been getting dodgier and dodgier & advised them not to go! But, they did & mum never it back as like falling dominoes one thing led to another:- after 15+ plus years of diet control only for type 2 diabetes she needed to go on insulin; falling down the stairs & breaking her hip that needed a hip replacement; going through physio afterwards to learn to walk again all the time wanting to get back here in NI & then, the final very shockingly fast decline & diagnosis of pancreatic cancer & prognosis of 3 months of which she lasted 6 weeks & she was gone!:(

I’m thinking of that happy, joyous year of 2012 as The Platinum Jubilee unfolds this year! :D😛 I’m thinking mum’s having a right old knees up with my sister up there somewhere?:D😎😛😉
Morning all. 5.5
Going to wander down to the Mall and soak up the atmosphere before probably coming home and watching Trooping the Colour on telly.
Morning all. 🙂 Another low alarm (which hubby heard, not me - I don’t sleep with my hearing aids in o_O ) and a 3.8. Down with the basal again. Roll on pump start day...most people look forward to their holidays, but I’m looking forward to being able to set different basal profiles!:confused::D

It’s him indoors’s birthday over the weekend, so the Queen won’t get a look in. Sorry Betty, love.

Enjoy the big bash extended weekend, ev1.
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.8

I have had a reprieve regarding the dog sitting. It's been put off until 5th June.

Out for a peaceful walk this morning, in a few minutes time.

Nothing planned for today.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
it was 4.9 for me first thing this morning. 🙂
