Group 7-day waking average?

Afternoon all, another late post from me. After yet another night of corrections, i woje to 5.1 which quickly dropped and have had 2 hypos this morning. I've no idea whats going on, i'm either soaring into the mid teens or dropping drastically. I'll reduce basal tonight and see what happens though Tresiba takes a while to show anything. This afternoon we are off to some friends for a jubilee celebration, maybe a few bits to eat and drink. It will be lovely though no doubt levels will be all over the place again.

@rebrascora i'm glad you're ok despite dropping lower later.
@Griffin. Its good to hear you're starting to get out a bit. I bet the pup is happy too.
@Kaylz Yep, my Tresiba came in a bigger box too.
@Bloden Happy Birthday to Bloden.
@eggyg, its no good telling you not to worry because you're human and you will. Just know we are here for you if you need to say (write) things aloud (down) that you can't or don't want to say to others. I hope your grandkids keep you distracted. Stay positive and take care. Huge (((HUGS))) to you.

Enjoy the day everyone.
@Kaylz Yep, my Tresiba came in a bigger box too.
Bruce pulled them out of his pocket on Saturday and I was like "woah, WTF is that?" :rofl: when he replied with it's your Tresiba I just stood open mouthed, I haven't looked inside yet but is there really any need to increase the size of the box?! xx
@Bloden I'm sorry I meant to add to my post this morning but got into rambling on so forgot, wish Bloden a massive happy 12th birthday from me and give her a big cuddle for me as well 🙂 xx
I haven't looked inside yet but is there really any need to increase the size of the box?!
Nope. Everything inside is the same. What a waste of card.
Bruce pulled them out of his pocket on Saturday and I was like "woah, WTF is that?" :rofl: when he replied with it's your Tresiba I just stood open mouthed, I haven't looked inside yet but is there really any need to increase the size of the box?! xx

Not familiar with Tresiba but maybe they have outsourced to Amazon. Then you get a box within a box, scrunched up paper and a bit of bubble wrap. I recently unravelled a big chunk of scrunched paper. There was over 6m of it!
03:41 BS 5.5 only because it’s so early I suspect! 🙄🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

FINALLY finished FFVIII last night & did it in 33 hours & 11 minutes of gameplay time just before the last big 4 battles all in a row so, longer but, no recorded time after that last save file! AND of course, SO much longer in actual play time of repeats, repeats & more repeats to keep my rank at A the whole time! I’ve never done that before, over 2.27 million steps, 874 battles of which I won 873 & THAT 1 I escaped has just TAUNTED since the SeeD exam at the start & that first running away from that robot/machine just for the most impressive cut sequence of the party running for their lives while it’s gunned down by Quistis in spectacular fashion: don’t get to see THAT if I’d fought & defeated it; that stat has annoyed me, though, for the rest of the game! 😱 Soohhhh! I may start again & beat that bad boy for a PERFECT battle record?🙄:D But, later as I’m FFVIII obsessively pooped out at the moment!:rofl: It’s not even my favourite FF, the magical fairytale world & story of FFIX is my favourite! 😛 BUT, FVIII is the HARDEST as that world of war & teenage military of SeeD’s & rank with everything recorded, that 1 escape from battle taunting me, meant that the very first time I played it on PS1 it was over 20 hours into the red: the counter only goes to 100 hours & starts again in the red; over 120 hours of gameplay time & WEEKS, if not months, of actually playing it! 😱 I’ve played it a few times on PS1 since that initial play & whittled it down!:D

That was at least 15 years ago on PS1 & I’d forgotten a lot of it playing it this time around: hence the SO MANY record breaking repeats as I reloaded to do stuff I’d forgotten about! So, this second replay on the iPad will be SO much faster & actual playtime will be a MUCH closer match to recorded gameplay time! 🙄:D:rofl:😉

And I promise NOT to bore you lovely, indulgent lot about it! Two Hands Together Bowing in Apology emoji! 😳:D😉
Good morning everyone

It is finally a little warmer and lighter this morning. It must be time to start moaning about the heat!!!! 🙂

BG 4.8 this morning. Excellent but no gold medal.

I doubt WE will go see the parade this morning as my wife does not usually appear until noon ish and the parade is at 10am. Thank goodness it wasn't yesterday as it rained all morning.

We had a really good day yesterday. I mean, my wife was really good, really happy. She even started to do one of her hobbies again. It was like she was a completely different person.

My wife also did a second attempt at making bread after the day befores utter disaster (when she changed the recipe on a whim and it came back to bite her). Yesterdays attempt was a sheer success though but it ruined my diet as I ate a whole thick slice with butter. Hmmm it was good.

Had a walk with my friend too in the afternoon, which went well. He is starting to pick himself up after his wife left him a while back. It has been a very tough road for him. He was besotted with her and lost when his father died. His life just froze for a long long time.

Another walk with my friend planned today and an early walk bread !!! I must keep to the diet.

A new update to the App was a diaster. Scrapped it. Started again. Disaster. Wrong strategy. Changed tack. New third strategy and bingo it started to work. The core is now done. I just have to create an editor for that section now. Such fun!!! Well, I enjoy it. The trouble is each attempt too hours and was quite tricky.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing. Now, on to that editor...
Good morning having not posted for a few days I return with 5.2 today

Its been a crazy and busy week, glad both my wife and I were off work, my wife’s spent most of the last week supporting her friend who’s husband sadly passed away just over a week ago.

I’ve just been busy doing all sorts of things including:
Tuesday, had a hospital consultation (orthopaedic dept at private hospital that was a NHS referral for my ankle)
however turned out I can’t have surgery at that hospital due to the risk they don’t like,performing foot and ankle surgery to a diabetic.
But the good news is, the surgeon who I saw can see me at another hospital back within the NHS hopefully this can be as a urgent referral, this all follows being discharged from the hospital I usually attend that’s on my doorstep (discharged as their surgeon left)

Wednesday, evening my sister came to visit and stayed then went home Thursday
we all had a great meal out Wednesday evening at a Mexican them restaurant.

Surprised to see the HS this morning as I had KFC takeaway yesterday evening :confused:

hope everybodys enjoying the bank holiday, I appreciate not everybody will be off,
I haven’t read the posts to catch up.
have a great day everybody 😎


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5.5 pour moi today.

@goodybags Congrats on the HS and clearly that’s a sign to eat KFC every evening!

@Gwynn That does sound like quite a positive day. Hopefully it’ll be repeated again soon, and more often.
Morning all. 7.9 today. I did manage to get up later though after being awake from 3.10am to 4.30! It was touch and go and I very nearly got up but Mr Eggy forbade me. I’m glad he did as I then slept to 6.45.

Didn’t do much yesterday, chilled, read my book, fed the birds and had a nap, but the day passed ok. One more day in. Middle daughter’s birthday today, 35! Having a takeaway at ours tonight as her hubby, taxi driver, is working. Her daughter, our eldest grandchild is also coming and youngest daughter too. Unfortunately farmer daughter can’t make it as attending a jubilee party and then straight back to the farm “ do up”. Looking forward to seeing them.

Thanks for all your well wishes yesterday and PMs. Very much appreciated, I know it’s a bit awkward but can you all still keep crossing all your fingers and toes for me. It’s only until Friday, I’m sure you’ll manage.😉

Congrats @goodybags on your HS.

Enjoy your day everyone whatever you’re up to. Forecast is good up here, might sit in the garden to read my book today.
Morning everyone 21.4. Dawn came over uninvited, had a party and has left me to do the cleanup :confused:.

Got a day of housework planned, weathers to be lovely so aiming to see the bottom of the washing basket today :D

More hugs to you @eggyg and of course, keeping everything is tightly crossed xx
Morning all. 🙂 8.6 here. Made sure I was a bit higher cos of my waking lows recently - ha, I sound like I can control this beast! (not!).

Hubby’s big day today (57) - going out for lunch to celebrate. Then it’s rush back home before the Jubilee craziness kicks off LOL. I just hope the weather gets its act together before the crowds descend. Shame if it’s a wash-out. 😳😛 No sign of a card from his sister. They share a birthday (not twins), so she’s got no excuse. Family, eh?

Great work @goodybags!!!!
Morning all, 6.1 here, jelly baby assisted at 3am when I woke to a 3.8. Long walk yesterday afternoon and a glass of wine last night was the cause, no doubt. We saw a Spitfire circling overhead on our walk. Probably one of the 3/4 size replicas they build near here. It’s doing a fly past at the nearest town's Jubilee fair today, so it was probably out practising.
Feeling rough is a understatement. Spent the day yesterday napping playing my guitar and trying to teach myself some new tab for a song I've had stuck in my head for weeks now the fingers are willing the Brain however not so much cant seem to retain anything new or useful.
Absolutely nothing planned for today pup is going to the seaside with her other favourite human nurse ratchet is in doing her thing.. So probs spend the day digging through my record crates and napping
Remeber too keep your head up and heart strong
Keep on keeping on
5.6 for me this morning. 🙂
And well done @goodybags on the 5.2

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Good morning - 7.1