Group 7-day waking average?

06:11 BS 5.5 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Quite enjoyed The Platinum Party at The Place last night: deliberately waited 90 minutes or so to watch from the start by rewinding the live footage on iPlayer to give me room to fast forward all the modern ish pop stuff I don’t know or like being a classical girl; quite a lot of stuff I DID like, though! I loved the musicals section & the Hans Zimmer contemporary Royal ballet sections! 😛😎:D I WAS a wee bit concerned, though, about Diana Ross tripping up on those steps with that voluminous dress! 😱 Oh! And I quite surprised myself my really enjoying the sports rap? as it was SO funny even though rap & comedy are not really my cups of tea!:D And I roared with laughter to see footage of a younger queen running in excitement at the races: NOT the usual dignified image we see; but, she’s definitely human & has a sense of humour! 😛:D I LOVED the Paddington bear film to start & that ingenious gag of keeping marmalade sandwiches in her handbags that she’s known for always carrying!😛:D:rofl: I timed it just about right as I was only 6 minutes behind live footage at the end: it finished bang on time this time at 22:31: watched live tv before while watching live on iPlayer during The Olympics so, know that the live stream on iPlayer is behind by 1 minute to the tv; had 10 years to practice & get it bang on time since the last one ran overtime!🙄:D:rofl:😉

Had a Chinese takeaway of a beef curry, hadn’t had one in AGES, with fried rice & an extra portion of chips might as well go the whole hog if I’m being ultra naughty with a curry as something else is just naughty! 😛🙄:D😉 Ate it in two meals around 17:00 & 23:30 before bed😛 Was surprised by needing to head of a hypo about 90 minutes after the first lot & downing half a full can of coke with an either overestimated 44NR or should have split it up as I was thinking at the time: forgot about the extra fat of the curry slowing down the carbs; been SO long since I had a curry & other things like kung po or salt & chilli I CAN away with 1 dose! So, had less NR of 28 before bed & might as well drink the rest of the coke as well!🙄

So, nice to see it’s not too detrimental on the BS! :D:rofl:😉

In fact, I’ve been a bit lower generally & I’m thinking of reducing tresiba a bit later today to maybe 80 or 82 as my waking is ok in the 5’s but, wouldn’t want it to drift into the 4’s: even with yesterday’s ultra haughty curry I woke in the 5’s! 🙄:confused:
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Good morning everyone

BG 5.3 this morning. Anothere HS tease

Some good walking on the beach yesterday. It was so warm and pleasant. There was even a 'Simpsons' sky!!! Hopefully the same again today.

I was pondering yesterday...

Developing updates to my App is kind of similar to how I cope with my diabetes...

1. Understand or realise something new (a problem, something missing, something not working)
2. Research or think about possible solutions (if needed). Gain new understanding
3. Delete or isolate the problem area but keep bits that are useful ( don't throw away experience and understanding)
4. Experiment and implement the most appropriate (or effective) new solution.
5. Understand (from feedback) the result of No 4 (it's great, or, it doesn't work, or, it doesn't work well.)
6. Go back to 2 if the result was not perfection

Ahh, there's the fly in the ointment ...perfection ....impossible....doomed to go round and round forever unless the loop can be broken. Perhaps a new item is needed

5a. Realistically ask 'does it now do the job sufficiently ?' If yes then exit the loop.

But that's where my perfectionist streak gets me every time. At least I am not unhappy trapped in this endless loop...

I do exactly the same (or similar) with my diabetes (I think)

Over the last three days I have tried to implement a relatively simple idea in the App but initially chose a really convoluted and complex strategy based on my partial understanding. I struggled to implement it but, although it worked, it wasn't elegant, nor efficient, nor simple.

Scrapped it three times, hours and hours of work down the drain (except that I had greater knowledge with each attempt). However, with persistance, greater understanding, and determination I did come up with a simple, sustainable, elegant, easier, more efficient solution. All done and dusted now. Pleased with it.

Is it finished and put away. Nope from the point of view that I will, now use what the new aspect in the App gives me every single day. So a useful tussle and it keeps my brain ticking over and it keeps me out of mischief 🙂 .

Nothing planned for today sadly

Yesterday was another good day with my wife. The sun shone (unlike the day before) she was relaxed. She actually came out with me to see the parade, have fish and chips at the beach, and was really happy.

Late in the afternoon I gave her some 'Jubilee' flowers and a nice music box as a surprise. she really liked them. She was so happy. It was so good to see. I made a special tea too. Went down well. All in all an excellent day.

Hmm it's just started to rain. Todays morning exercise will have to wait.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing..

Long day travelling back from 10 days away yesterday, with my first 3 trains of the route cancelled. We cancelled plans for lunch out to get me to the station early to sort the travel out too The fourth train did run ok though, just had a couple of hours wait for it.

Massive storm here last night, couple of hours worth of heavy rain, thunder and lightning (during which I was walking home from the station!), the house literally shook with the rumbles of thunder they were so powerful. One of the lightning strikes hit a few metres away according to the lightning site too.
8.9 with a couple of corrections last night
No reading for me today as I’m waiting for more test strips to be delivered. Poor planning on my part for running out.
Morning all. 9.2 here. Got the pizza jabbing completely wrong last night. Oh well, today’s another day! :confused:😛

Just watched a round-up of the Jubilee concert on the news. Wow, Craig David, where’s he been hiding? I know what today’s ear-worm is going to be (I met her on a Monday...). Oh no, hang on, it’s competing with a song from Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat (far far away, ah ah, someone...). Aaaaah! o_O

How about an honorary HS for services to the forum @ColinUK?
Morning all, 6.1 here. I was woken up in the small hours by a massive rainstorm, no thunder though. I didn’t dare look out of the window this morning in case all the poppies that have just come out had been ruined, but OH was braver, and reports that they look fine!
Good morning. A whopping 18.8 and going up despite two corrections. Fortunately no ketones. In recent weeks I’ve usually been at good levels in the mornings and was 8.8 going down at 3.30am. I’m guessing that it’s the gastroparesis playing silly games.
Just a whisker away this morning at 5.3. 🙂

Good morning - 7.1
3.3 for me this morning (finger prick was 4.2 though so no worries) despite a half unit basal decrease last night and a JB at 5.30am. Guess I need to drop it again tonight, but will see how things are nearer the time.

Very nearly hit the deck yesterday when I was out riding as someone's dog suddenly came hurtling at the house perimeter railings next to us from the back of the house, barking loudly, just as we drew level with the side of the house. I am trying to build up the little lass's confidence going out on her own and that definitely didn't help! 🙄 We went from walk to gallop in 2 strides and managed to dive sideways by about 10 feet in the process. Thankfully it is a very quiet road and there was no traffic at the time. If she hadn't pulled up as quickly as she did, I would have been gone though.... or rather I would have been hitting the tarmac and she would have been gone! The dog owner was very apologetic as she was a horse rider herself and thanked me for being so gracious about it, although I will confess it took me a few moments of deep breaths before I was able to find vaguely polite words!! 😡 We then stood and had a bit chat and let MeMe calm down and be comfortable with the dog before we headed off. She is normally fine with dogs but when they launch a surprise ambush, it's totally understandable to react like that and she settled remarkably quickly, which was really good.

Off to my sister's this afternoon to ride out with her and then eat a lovely meal cooked by her very generous husband, who is also a great cook. Hope the weather stays reasonably fine.

@eggyg Cake looks fab and I bet it tastes just as good. Totally understandable that your levels are running high. Stress and lack of sleep will both impact your basal needs. Hope you have a good book to escape into today and take your mind off things as much as possible. (((HUGS)))
Good morning 6.1 today, after a lay in - which was welcome.! a restful day planned.

So It’s back to work tomorrow for both my wife & I, having had a week off work.
although I’m planning an early finish tomorrow for treatment to my eyes (DMO clinic)
It’s good to be busy tomorrow, as it will be the 2 nd anniversary of Mum passing away.

Have a great day everybody 😎
Thankfully it is a very quiet road and there was no traffic at the time. If she hadn't pulled up as quickly as she did, I would have been gone though.... or rather I would have been hitting the tarmac and she would have been gone
Well done for staying in the saddle, (though I always find the thought of landing on tarmac gives that extra vital degree of stickability!) And well done MeMe for pulling up quickly and being brave after her fright.
Well done for staying in the saddle, (though I always find the thought of landing on tarmac gives that extra vital degree of stickability!) And well done MeMe for pulling up quickly and being brave after her fright.
My sister was most impressed too as she was just complaining on Wednesday about how slippy that saddle is (she mostly rides in a western saddle and has a suede seat on her English saddle), so I guess she will feel more vulnerable on my old well polished leather seated English. I may have to dig out my sticky bum jodhs for next time as I was just in jeans yesterday. Thankfully MeMe is probably the most comfortable horse I have ever ridden and unlike Rascal and Rebel, she doesn't buck, which enabled me to stay put, but there was a brief heart stopping moment when I thought I was beyond recovery! It's incredibly rare that I swear but I will admit there were some expletives in my mouth trying desperately to get out. I managed to swallow them though before they escaped. :D
My sister was most impressed too as she was just complaining on Wednesday about how slippy that saddle is (she mostly rides in a western saddle and has a suede seat on her English saddle), so I guess she will feel more vulnerable on my old well polished leather seated English. I may have to dig out my sticky bum jodhs for next time as I was just in jeans yesterday. Thankfully MeMe is probably the most comfortable horse I have ever ridden and unlike Rascal and Rebel, she doesn't buck, which enabled me to stay put, but there was a brief heart stopping moment when I thought I was beyond recovery! It's incredibly rare that I swear but I will admit there were some expletives in my mouth trying desperately to get out. I managed to swallow them though before they escaped. :D
Thank goodness you are Ok, I always cringe when I hear of riding accidents as my niece nearly lost her life in an accident at Fakenham racecourse. she was a champion amateur jockey and had a fall, head and whole body injury being resuscitated 3 times on the course. Many years of recovery but absolutely life changing. She is no longer able to practice as a vet but thanks to the rehab at Oakley House and support from the Injured Jockey Fund she can still do quite a bit and does still ride. It was her passion, she could ride before she could walk.
24.2 😱😱
Feel like I've been playing tig with a train and the train is in the lead. Had a bit of a bad day food wise yesterday tried to eat my feelings {never a good thing} I let my fear and my frustration with everything spill over and decided that food would be my crutch ... I can't change it but I can recognise the behaviour and be as honest about it as I can I should of opened up about it but sometimes the beast gets to noisy and the world gets drowned out. I hate depression so much it lies to you gets you alone and it wants to keep you in a cage of its own making. Right enough of that it's a new day reset, and renew and regroup....
Have a great Sunday whatever you get up to..
Keep your heart strong and your head up
Griff x
Morning everyone. 16.9 supposed to be going down and not up 🙄
Won't bother speculating, will throw numbers at DSN and ask her to "fix plz" :rofl:

Upped to 32u this morning and split into two injections. will see is that has an effect 🙂

In other news, was up way later than I should have been but got caught up watching stranger things 4

Hope you all have a fab day!

@rebrascora eeeps. handled like a pro I see tho x
@Griffin. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! now ill shop shouting and send heaps of hugs (growl at me all you life for them not gunna make me stop) x