Group 7-day waking average?

6.2 today.

Feeling a little sensitive. Holiday booked yesterday and that prompted a huge spike in anxiety about lots of stuff. That led me to seriously overeat to the point where I have bought some addiction/recovery books and some specifically on overeating. I've also scoped out an OA meeting which is about 10 minutes walk away from home.

I've also chased the police for an update because it's now a month since they said they'd have him in custody within a week and I've heard nothing despite chasing.

Oh and dad's in hospital today to have a knee replacement and I've booked lots of work this week only to then have a consultancy gig land in my lap for thursday which I have to take as the money is ridiculous but it means I can't do my main job and I don't like cancelling on them.

Anyway.... at least Borgen is back on Netflix.

Weight today 100.7 (so that's up from the overeating).
It was 8.7 this morning with a couple of rich teas around half midnights.manged to get a doctors appointment today fingers crosed they can manage to work it out this time
Good morning - although a very grey one here. One of those "has rained, will rain, isn't just now" days. FBG 5.6 despite a rather broken night. Flare seems to have settled down so have reduced steroids a bit. Still struggling to get appointments for visa extensions - the site keeps rejecting the identification numbers (UANs) it has provided for 3 of them so I shall probably have to re-book all 6 as getting 6 appointments on one day is essential. Wonderfully efficient out government...
Morning guys!
4.6 for me this morning which is a bit of a cheat as I did a split shift with my sleeping, so I had 3 hours at 7.30pm when, for some unknown reason, I hit a brick wall of exhaustion, then got up and pottered on well into the early hours, including a walk up to the village to see the horses and then went back to bed at 4.20am and had another 4 hours. It is easier to manage your BG levels with insulin when you are awake 😉.

Sadly I didn't get over to my sisters yesterday. The Freelander battery died after a very valiant attempt to start, but that old diesel engine takes a lot out of it and it only does very short occasional journeys so the battery, which is also old and tired, has every excuse to need a boost every now and it decided yesterday was the day, which is fair enough. No problem because I have Dad's old car which I inherited 12 years ago and is used as the social/shopping vehicle. Got in and turned the key and just got a very minor grunt but no real effort to turn it over at all. Brother had borrowed it on Wed and not shut the boot properly and the interior light had taken the battery down..... so I was left with 2 old cars with flat batteries at the same time and therefore couldn't even use one to jump the other. My brother who lives next door was already over at my sister's with his car (he stays over so we can't travel together) and Ian was out with one of his horses so no option of jumping the battery from his car either in any reasonable time frame. It was my late Dad's birthday yesterday so a family meal was a sort of remembrance/celebration of him, but instead I had a garden fire in his honour.... something that he would definitely have approved of. I had a mountain of weeds and hedge cuttings to clear. My sister and I both worked along side my dad doing work in the garden or fixing the cars or building things from an early age and he always loved a good garden clear up and fire so it was a fitting way to remember him. He clearly was with me in spirit as, despite the damp weather recently, it went away first match. Cheers Dad!
@rebrascora If I win the lottery jackpot ever then I'll treat you to a new Defender!
5.9 this morning.
We are working hard to make little home improvements now we have managed to buy the house we rented for 11 years from our landlady.
Kitchen is in working order again but not finished yet. Experiencing the luxury of a clean and solid floor for the first time since we moved in and the amazing convenience of having the tumble dryer in the same room as the washing machine at last. I need to learn to coordinate the washing schedule so I don't have the dryer running at the same time as cooking because it makes the kitchen unbearably hot. But a small price to pay for having all the extra space in the living room now - it is starting to feel like a new house.
A bit late posting today...BG 5.3 again. Fed up with this BG tease !!! 🙂

Out for a second walk shortly. Its a bit cold out there though.
7.8 this morning. I felt quite queasy yesterday evening and overnight so was concerned if I threw up as I went badly hypo as a result once. Did LFT this morning in case but all OK. I suspect a lingering effect of the anti-biotic I was on!
7.8 this morning. I felt quite queasy yesterday evening and overnight so was concerned if I threw up as I went badly hypo as a result once. Did LFT this morning in case but all OK. I suspect a lingering effect of the anti-biotic I was on!
My Other half had those but it only said not to take it with milk or eat dairy products within 2 hours of taking it as it can affect absorption.
I hope you soon feel better.
Good evening all. It was a 6.6 for me this morning.

My friends funeral was rather beautiful with some touching tributes paid. Excellent choice of music. Entry music Starman - David Bowie. Private reflection Walk on By - The Stranglers and finally Into My Arms - Nick Cave.

The chapel was full to overflowing.


Have a good evening.
04:12 BS 5.6 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Sat here thinking for a few minutes & there’s nothing to say really: feeling a bit anticlimactic & a bit pooped out after all the excitement of that wonderful Platinum weekend! 🙄:D

It’s back to the humdrum for all of us yesterday & at noon I queued on the phone for 35 minutes to book my usual 8 weeks liver function blood tests that were actually down on my calendar for Friday but, 8 weeks ago when I put it in I’d forgotten it was a Bank Holiday & closed since Thursday: thought the morning mad rush on the phones after the long holiday would be over by 12:00 & still have time before the health centre closes for lunch at 13:00; NO! as there was still a long wait as I was only number 10 in the queue! 😱 So, they’re next Tuesday about a week late but, hey ho, they’re still getting done!:rofl:
Good morning everyone. Today is the dog delivery day. Arrives at 5pm and stays for a week. Not sure I will survive it. Apparently it is a 'difficult' dog. I can vouch for that after the previous 3 day (and night) dog sitting experience. Wish me (and the fog) well.

BG, I am fed up with The Big Tease..... 5.1

Lots of preparation to do today BUT I WILL get my exercise walks in!!!

Had chicken Kiev for tea last night. It was well received by my wife who has been good and happy for the last 4 days (this is a record for her).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning. A 4.8 for me...a bit low but finally had a night in target!! Hooray!!

Looks sunny outside atm, i hope it stays that way.
Good morning - 7.5
Morning everyone. 16.0
Still fighting bedtime/overnight/morning readings. Hopefully a new plan will be made on friday and can get back onto the downwards trend.

Hope you all have a great day x
Good morning folks. 5.9 this morning.