Group 7-day waking average?

06:16 BS 8.5 with over 3 hours of DP because I couldn’t get back to sleep after loo wake up around 02:30! 🙄 Throwing in the towel now as my stomach has woken up & eruptions are seismic so, breakfast is needed before my tesco order 11:00 to 12:00. Will have lunch then, & only ordered ONE large tray of sushi if I get it!:D

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Just bought the new Lady Hardcastle book yesterday even though the kindle books are backing up a wee bit as it’s been a while since the last one & I KNOW I love those books: TE Kinsey has been writing a different series set later about the jazz band members introduced in the Lay Hardcastle books; been itching for more of LH & now there’s a new one at last! 😛:D
Good morning - 8.2
Morning. 6.2, morning readings improving but day time ones just seem to be getting higher. I’ve adjusted my AM basal to see if I can sort it. According to my Libre graph I’m hitting highs of 14/15 a couple of times a day. I’ve checked against my meter and it’s more or else right. I appear to be spiking really quickly after a meal and then dropping just as quick. Stress, basal, weather, there’s a Y in the day? Who knows? :confused:

Got guests for lunch, Zara and mummy, so that’ll keep me distracted today. Tomorrow we’re going out for lunch and some retail therapy, then it’s D Day.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, it’s raining here. :(
Morning. 6.2, another night in target thanks to a handful of nuts before bed
Morning all. 14.1 so slightly better than the last few days 🙂

Not sure what's on the cards today, kiddo's knee is being ultra unstable so whatever happens, wont be venturing too far from home if we make it out at all.

Anyway off for a 2nd cup of coffee, I don't even remember drinking the first one :rofl:

Have a great day peeps x
Morning good peeps. 🙂 5.2 for me, what a lovely surprise.

Thanks for mentioning it’s Wed @eggyg - I’m wishing this week away, thought it was Thursday, just want to get Fri’s Welsh exam done and dusted now.

Weather’s looking a bit unsettled - it’s bikinis and pacamacs weather!
7 did eat some sweets in the middle of! He night as I woke up to a 4.3(I know that's not a hypo but I tend to offen treat low 4s the same eppisly at night)
And congrats to today's other House Specialist @Bloden

Morning folks!
3.1 for me this morning and quite a long stretch of reasonably horizontal red on my graph preceding it, but finger prick gave me a 4.4 so I am not concerned about it and haven't taken hypo treatment as my levels naturally rise in the morning. I refuse to be dictated to by a machine that is clearly reading a bit low, so I am resisting eating carbs just for the sake of my stats. If I eat some carbs my levels will shoot up and then I will need more insulin so I am just allowing my morning coffee to draw my levels upwards slightly. Another finger prick shows I am up to 5.2 an hour later but Libre still has me in the red 🙄. Just 1.5 days to go on this sensor so hoping the next one is a little more accurate although I appreciate it isn't desperately far out, I like it when they are less than 1 whole mmol.
I have to say I slept really soundly last night as I always do when my levels are at the lower end of the range.

Many congratulations to @Bloden and yet another accolade for @MeeTooTeeTwo on the House Special front. Well done guys!
Morning. 6.7 for me and a very flat line over night.

I hadn’t thought about it until you mentioned it @rebrascora , I am fortunate that I don’t have trouble sleeping, but I did wake up very refreshed this morning…maybe because of the lovely straight line? When our daughter was young she used to say she was “full up with sleep” and this is how I feel today.🙂

Have a good day everyone
I slept Laying on my side with the hell hound tucked into the back All night so this is how the other half live I really could get used to this..... Everything's settling down nicely but I need to be checked every six months for the next two years I'm prone to infection and they don't want the plate or screws to be a factor in any of it I can finally go get a proper eye test and a new script so thats a plus. Still feel like death warmed over and I'm not able too get far before the wind is knocked out of my sails. Lots of sleep podcasts and music is the order of the day for me I may even get up and go see the sofa for a few hours.
Happy hump day everyone
Remeber heads up hearts strong.
Griff x
Morning all and 5.5 for me.

Rehearsal this PM and meeting with potential video maker. Student from local college who is looking for something to put on her show reel.

Have a good day everyone.
The 4.8 this morning was as a result of being woken every hour or so by the low alarm. Each time, i had a JB or two but nothing seemed to keep it up. When i woke finally i was 4.8 so went downstairs for breakfast and a few sips of juicd to keep levels up so i could get to work. All was ok until around 10.45, i didn't feel right. No wonder...i had shot up to 16!!! All the JBs and the bit of juice must have been waiting in me and decided to work en masse!! A 3u correction was needed. I thought i'd done so well as well 🙄.

@rebrascora, isn't it just typical of D. Any change in routine completely throws it. I hope your levels have behaved better today.

@Griffin. I hope your appointment went ok.

@Grannylorraine i love the theatre. What are you going to see?
The Rocky Horror Show, not sure I can fit into my costume now with this 10lb I have put on.
Good morning. Slept in after hours of intermittent sleep, waking every 1/2 hour or so, until 3.30 when I got up, ate a yoghurt and went out like the proverbial light. So a great surprise when I joined @Bloden and @MeeTooTeeTwo on the magic number: 5.2!!
I think it was the excitement of yesterday: set up final hydroponics raft; spent an hour comforting a lovely neighbour, who is having trouble registering her Ukrainians for biometrics and is having her beautiful house and nerves damaged by their unruly children (my lot are lovely and very well behaved); got Taras enrolled for English lessons; bought an inner tube for Danyslav's bike; did Aldi; lost my temper with the Home Office and the UKCVAS on the phone after waiting for 45 minutes to get through to both (very therapeutic, ultra polite but extra biting as they each tried to blame me and then each other); wrote to my lovely MP and then, in the evening, somewhat despairingly, tried again to register for biometrics appointment and SUCCEEDED!!! It means at least 7 hours driving in one day as hotels/B7Bs dreadfully expensive but who cares - I can spend the next day in bed.
Today is one of those showery days where the sunny intervals last about 2 minutes but it could tip down for all I care - no more Home Office online. Whew!
Have a good day everyone.
Well! I’m a bit out of breath rushing & JUST missing 2 phones calls: 1st rushing for the landline in the hall & then, when calling back it was engaged & the mobile was ringing that I left in the bedroom so, JUST missed that running back; rang back again & it’s the housing benefit people coming to see me again next Tuesday morning! I’ve been assigned a case worker as I’m top of the urgent list! 😱 & Out of Breath emoji! :rofl: It means a very tight morning hext Tuesday with the case worker at 10:00 & blood tests at 11:45 but, not complaining as things are in motion at last & it was worth being breathless for!:D
Oh! Forgot to say! It took me a while to twig that the hall phone REALLY was ringing as this past week or so there are birds outside my bedroom window that sounds an awful lot like a low key ringing phone which IS how the landline sounds like, with my bedroom at the opposite end of the house, & it’s been driving me nutty always going to the hall to check: possibly a bird’s nest up on the roof; the chicks chirps sound like a phone! I was expecting the housing benefit people to call me back & now they have so, can relax now about checking the phone when I hear the birds! 🙄o_O:rofl:
Oh! Forgot to say! It took me a while to twig that the hall phone REALLY was ringing as this past week or so there are birds outside my bedroom window that sounds an awful lot like a low key ringing phone which IS how the landline sounds like, with my bedroom at the opposite end of the house, & it’s been driving me nutty always going to the hall to check: possibly a bird’s nest up on the roof; the chicks chirps sound like a phone! I was expecting the housing benefit people to call me back & now they have so, can relax now about checking the phone when I hear the birds! 🙄o_O:rofl:
But Lanny, you didn't tell us the important info.... Did you get your sushi??