Group 7-day waking average?

Good afternoon. 5'3 this morning and I got my Frío wallet, well on time for my next trip. Happy with that!

Not sure what to do with my day off other than plan travel stuff, planned to go for a walk with a coworker but the weather is very unpredictable today. Maybe a visit to Lidl and some Netflix will do for a relaxed day. A bit lonely, but I'm expecting lots of social life for the next week 😎
Not sure what to do with my day off other than plan travel stuff, planned to go for a walk with a coworker but the weather is very unpredictable today.
Don't know why your comment about weather made think me "hey diabetes is a bit like British weather its unpredictable" 😛
Don't know why your comment about weather made think me "hey diabetes is a bit like British weather its unpredictable" 😛
Very true, Ray. "Forecast was a rise in BG after this meal, but you're actually having a hypo for no reason. Enjoy!" :rofl:
The Rocky Horror Show, not sure I can fit into my costume now with this 10lb I have put on.
Ohh enjoy! It's something I'd love to see sometime! xx

Was 13.something this morning, if I could get a decent sleep things might be better 🙄 xx
5.9 for me this morning. Have a good rest of the evening.
Up with the sparra`s today neighbours have been arguing since 1.00am and I gave up at 4.30 and have been sat in the kitchen trying to drown out the shouting with some music the coppers have been round and they went quiet for a hour and then picked up again at a louder and more frenetic pace. I mean who can be arsed to argue for this long? whats wrong with people?..........
So today's plan will now include a long nap and I'm tempted to turn the speakers to the wall find some very sludgy death metal and let it play on repeat untill their heads pop... (not really but it would be nice)
Have a great day wherever it may take you heads up hearts strong
Keep on keeping on
Griff x
05:32 BS 6.8 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Rather oddly, no birdie song this morning! o_O The absence is strange as the little darlings have been serenading me every morning!:D Now’s it’s all quiet on the birdie song front!🙄 Hopefully back on song tomorrow?:confused:
Morning all. 7.2 on this damp Thursday.

Last day to get through before my scans tomorrow. Luckily, I’ve an early appointment, 9.10am. So not much time to dwell in the morning. Today we’re off into town early too, Mr Eggy haircut. Whilst he’s getting his wigged bashed I’ll be visiting my local independent book shop where I will purchase at least one book. Then we’ll have a nice lunch, I hope, then do a big shop in Tesco. I haven’t mentioned that bit to his lordship! It’ll be a nice surprise for him! 😉

Enjoy your day.
Congrats to yesterday’s HS triplets. @Bloden @MeeTooTeeTwo and @TinaD very well done. 🙂
Morning all. 9.3 here. Libre says ive been in the 12s most of the night. Not sure why as i went to bed on 5.7 and a handful of nuts like the night before when i stayed in target all night.

Its sunny here atm, off to hang out washing and breakfast before work. Have a good day.
Good morning 6.0 today

I’m working hard and have nothing exciting to report
Have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning everyone.

We had a terrible night last night. The dog wouldn't stop barking. Not until 4.30am when I read it the riot act. It was quiet after that and we got 2hrs sleep. Dog is great now. I am wrecked, tired and feel a bit ill.

So, this morning, on waking, what was the effect of no sleep, constant noise, all that stress? ???

BG 4.9
BP 116/78
Pulse 62


I would have expected them all to be odd this morning.

Anyway, just been out for a short walk with the dog. Had my breakfast. Dog has had her breakfast. Both the dog and my wife are now fast asleep exhausted.

I only have to survive until Monday.....

Lots of nothing planned for today.

I am happier that the dog seems much more settled this morning

Have a great day today whatever you are Zzzzzzzzzz
Good morning - 3.4
Morning all. Finger prick said 6.9 while Libre said 9.6 - maybe the sensor’s upside down, or inside out.

I see I was in excellent company yesterday on the HS podium. There’s a great big slice of wet bread on the “lawn” (scruffy green patch out back) - no doubt dropped by a pesky seagull - and all the little birdies are pecking at it. I hope they’re not your garden birds @Lanny! 😳