Group 7-day waking average?

Right going to move my bum, get more coffee and see what needs done today (and sit down with said coffee and procrastinate for at least another hour)
This is SO relatable...:D
Morning all. 4.8 for me so a few sips of juice were had before breakfast. Hopefully it stays up so i can get to work (but not too far up!).

@eggyg i hope everything is ok today.
@Bloden congrats on the HS

Have a good Friday everyone.
Morning all, 5.4 here. Just because I said yesterday that I was firmly back in the 6s this week. Last night I had a gently sloping downward line, the night before, I had a perfectly level one. Having done exactly the same. That’s the Diabetes Fairy for you.
Congrats on the HS, @Bloden , and good luck in the exam!
Morning everyone 11.7
I give up trying to fathom out how I can go to bed higher than most days (19.1) and then wake up lower than most. Did my pancreas suddenly wake from its slumber and be like "oh right, work to do, will bring my a-game".

DSN phone appointment this morning so will see what is suggested next. Got questions ready. Its a proper appointment and not just a vague will phone you next week one so high hopes the phone will actually ring.
Also need to sort out all my prescriptions but have held off so if anything is being changed, I'm not adding to the unused medicine pile and if anything is added, its all done in one pickup.
Gas safety check today at some point too so tied to staying home until that has happened.

Hope you all have a wonderful day, time for more coffee and a quick tidy up 🙂

@eggyg just want to send some hugs your way <3
@Bloden nicely done on the HS
also huggles everyone with naughty overnight bgs
Good morning everyone! 6.3 today.

Yesterday I had a little panic moment as I discovered Spain still requires passengers from the UK to show proof of vaccination or a negative covid test. Now I have the 2 doses of Pfizer but that's not considered as fully vaccinated anymore if it's been more than a certain time since the second dose, and I exceed this limit by 10 days. Aaarhg! I travel next week and felt so dumb for not checking earlier, as I would have the time to get a booster and meet the new requirements. At the end I found a test I can get on time, thank goodness, but that's a lesson learned (I usually am more prepared in advance, but got too relaxed thinking there wouldn't be restrictions). On a more positive note, I collected a fresh batch of strips and needles from the pharmacy and have enough supplies for my trip. Oh! And I discovered instant mashed potato doesn't affect my BG! Well, at least if it's inmediately followed for a good amount of walking haha.

Have a nice day, and if you are lucky enough to have a holiday abroy, make sure to check the last requirements! o_O
Thanks everyone. On my way now.

Good luck on your exam @Bloden and another big well done on your HS.

Do you think I’m a tad stressed? 😉


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Well done @Bloden on that 5.2.
My reading was 4.3. 🙂

Morning all,

Sorry I haven’t posted for a while but have been waking between 6.2 and 6.9 pretty much every day this week - a little higher than I was before but still fine.

I’ve made an interesting new discovery. After a month or so of sensors reading completely wrong, I decided to try and place my libre on my abdomen instead of my arm - I know it’s not the done thing but thought I would just experiment and if it didn’t work, that was my own fault.

Amazingly, it has worked really well without even needing much warm up time! Even since I was young, I’ve always had very small, skinny arms with barely any fat on them at all and I wonder if this could be a factor? Of course I naturally have more fat on my abdomen (though I’m still a very small person) and the readings have majorly improved!

So I think I might just stick with this from now on. Also means I can wear it more discreetly if I want to which is always a good thing.

Have a good day 🙂
Was 6.4 this morning. Yesterday I got a too good to go order(it's an app were you can get food for cheap that shops can't sell but you don't know what you're going to get.) think I'm sorted for bread for a while.

Got another appointment at doctors today as last test came back normal.


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5.8 today for me.

And a power cut as well. All the power is out in the entire block it looks like. No interior lights on anywhere and a big hole at the top of the road surrounded by workmen gazing wistfully into it.
Of course I’m meant to be WFH today so that’s that likely scuppered.

Finally got an update from the police and it seems that they didn’t arrest him as expected and apparently I’m overreacting at the lack of updates from them.
They’ve promised a detailed update next week.
let us know how it goes <3 x
Will do I think last time they did agree to refer a bisopy for cerlic deicise anyway even though blood test came back negative because cerlic UK says you get a negative blood test result with it and to speak to a doctor if your symptoms still persist particularly if you have type 1 diabetes or close relative with it(both of which and aplly to me) (and a quite a few other other people told me they had negaty blood test but for proved to have it letter)
Morning all and 5.5 for me.

I think a spot of gardening today as no mow may is well and truly over. We've only got a small front lawn/hay meadow. I think I'll just cut a path through it to the bird feeding area.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all,

Sorry I haven’t posted for a while but have been waking between 6.2 and 6.9 pretty much every day this week - a little higher than I was before but still fine.

I’ve made an interesting new discovery. After a month or so of sensors reading completely wrong, I decided to try and place my libre on my abdomen instead of my arm - I know it’s not the done thing but thought I would just experiment and if it didn’t work, that was my own fault.

Amazingly, it has worked really well without even needing much warm up time! Even since I was young, I’ve always had very small, skinny arms with barely any fat on them at all and I wonder if this could be a factor? Of course I naturally have more fat on my abdomen (though I’m still a very small person) and the readings have majorly improved!

So I think I might just stick with this from now on. Also means I can wear it more discreetly if I want to which is always a good thing.

Have a good day 🙂

That made me laugh! :D My abdomen is rather big, too big too, for a small person, 155cm tall, & I have skinny arms too! Mine are well toned from carrying heavy plates of food for many years & I’ve been complimented a few times by nurses trying to get blood from me for having very tightly toned skinny arms that they find a challenge to find my veins which are very deep!🙄:D😉
I’m home! All fine in the ovarian area, phew! The consultant thinks it is probably my small intestine problem, the CA125 can show up inflammation/ disease in the bowel ( had my FIT back and that was clear so not bowel cancer, although still awaiting H. pylori results). I had two scans, out and inside! 😱 Not very comfortable at all. Had more bloods taken to recheck CA125, it’s possible I was having an “ attack” when I had the first test. And TBF I was having a lot of pain at the time as that’s why I went to GP. Results to go to GP and we’ll go from there. In the meantime, I’m just eating very small meals, very slowly. I am so relieved and actually feel I can breath for the first time in two weeks. Thanks for all your lovely messages and support.