Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 5.9 .Low cloud and yet more drizzle. Got school places allocated for the 2 boys and a local sewing group has raised £100 for my refugees. Given the long trek by car on Monday they will be glad of that to cover the petrol.
morning folks 13.9

Have annual gas safety checks tomorrow so today is housework and such. Exciting times.
Also today is last day of super rigid bg testing for DSN for tomorrows appointment. Can tell when its appointment week, there's no gaps in my log book :rofl:.

Right going to move my bum, get more coffee and see what needs done today (and sit down with said coffee and procrastinate for at least another hour)

have a wonderful day everyone x

7.4 today, been sneezing in the night, but suspect that was from the icing sugar cloud from the butter cream I made for my friends cake.

Fingers crossed that I make it to the theatre this time.

@eggyg - enjoy your browse in the bookshop, will be thinking of you tomorrow.
Just into double digits again at 10.2.

Think it was another episode of "Revenge of the Zombie Carbs" again! I went hypo at around 5:00pm. It was one that stuck low so I had to treat it twice. Everything was fine before my evening meal and before bed so I expected to be in the 6's or 7's! I suspect with these stubborn hypos that some Carbs become Zombie Carbs that emerge hours later to confuse and frustrate you! (No Zombie emoji)
4.8 for me today. 🙂

Good morning!
Late on parade because I slept in after a hypo earlier despite a 3 unit basal reduction last night and no Fiasp in my system for 7 hours when I went to bed on a very steady 6.2 for over an hour, so only the 3 units of Levemir active. It's amazing what a brisk late evening walk can do! It was a lovely night for a walk though. I needed 20g carbs to get me round the block safely.... a very big mile long steep hill and 3.5 miles total.... then nice and steady levels when I got back but as soon as I sleep my levels drop and even with a 3 unit basal reduction I still hypoed, recovered and was dropping again when I finally got up.
It is funny but I can almost feel my thigh muscles sucking the glucose out of my blood when I have those night time hypos after exercise. It is a sort of tingly popping sensation and it only seems to happen when I sleep. Even if I walk in the morning, it still waits until I am asleep before it drops my levels which just shows that sleep is the time when the body regenerates and why sleep is so important.
Anyway lots of red on my overnight graph again and some of it was genuine this time. 🙄 My official waking reading was 3.6 on the Libre but 5.1 by finger prick so I didn't have any carbs and FOTF and/or coffee has raised it to a more respectable 5.4 on the Libre now. New sensor was applied last night and due to be activated in 3 hours. Hopefully it will be more spot on as I am showing a whopping 11% in the red with this one, which is a huge exaggeration! 😡
Morning all and 4.8 for me.

Pleasantly warm with a bit of a breeze outside. Was perfect with a brew.

@Griffin. I could lend you several hundred watts of amplification to drown those neighbours out.

Have a good day everyone.
Oooh can we do the spinal tap stone henge of sound please... It went on till late morning before one of them finally stormed out of the house.. I dont know where they get the energy fpr that sort o malarkey I must be on the wrong vitamins....
Oooh can we do the spinal tap stone henge of sound please... It went on till late morning before one of them finally stormed out of the house.. I dont know where they get the energy fpr that sort o malarkey I must be on the wrong vitamins....
They must’ve run out of things to argue about, finally! Yep, sounds like a lack of B vitamins. 😉 Hope you get some peace tonight.
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To make up for posting my morning reading on the wrong thread earlier, I present todays bgs


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To make up for posting my morning reading on the wrong thread earlier, I present todays bgs
Woohoo! Nice graph!
Can we have an evening HS because, yet again, my evening reading was 5.2 !!!! It's another twist on the big tease. Sigh
A very good early morning. A round 7 today, or is it still night? Awake since 4, mind buzzing of course. D Day has finally arrived. I kept myself busy all day yesterday right up to 8pm! Then I flagged and had to sit down. I was making a loaf of bread and chicken stock, both which finished cooking at 10pm. Tried to tire myself out so,I wouldn’t wake up at silly o’clock. Never happened, can’t have been working hard enough!

Not only do I have a hospital appointment this morning, Mr Eggy has one at 2.30pm, he’s getting a 3 day ECG fitted, depending on my results today, it may be working overtime! Then I have the DSN calling me this afternoon with my annual diabetes review results. I should sleep tonight, whatever the outcome.

Have a fab Friday everyone. 🙂 Now for the drinking of water, two pints required every hour before my appointment apparently, blimey, I’ll be like a beach ball!😳
Good morning everyone, and a good morning it is too.

The dog settled down so much more. No more barking all night. A good, settled nights sleep for us all. I actually felt human again this morning. Been out for a walk (with the dog) to the beach at 5am. A good walk. Too windy and sandy to go down onto the beach itself though.

BG is just playing tease with me at the moment... 5.1 again

The dog is now sleeping in a special 'doggie hole' I created under the stairs especially. She took to it instantly. I will see if I can find a picture or take a new one later on. I haven't managed to get a decent picture of the dog yet.

Nothing to do today except rest in feeling better.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning

Libre read 4.0 with a finger prick reading 7.0 at 1 o’clock this morning. 2 o’clock Libre read 2.9 with finger prick reading 6.8. But now Libre is saying lo and finger prick saying 4.0 and I feel dreadful even though it’s only 4 and not hypo I’m having a can of coke anyway
Good morning 6.0 on the nose again today

I spoke to estate agent regarding house we are trying to buy yesterday for an update
kind of as expected, the update is there is no real update, everybody is still wait on probate befo sale e can proceed.

something more positive,
had letter back from hospital (following last week’s appointment @ another hospitals orthopaedic dept)
My GP should now be aware of where that surgeon is happy to have me referred to and hopefully soon I can see him there and get some more up to date X-rays etc and we can plan surger.
dare I say it, I’m sure both moving and ankle surgery
will eventually happen both at the same time
one day in the future o_O

Take Care & have a great day everybody 😎
06:28 BS 10.0! 😱 Because of a rebounding hypo that I kept being woken up by but, left untreated as I was just too tired to get up & do as I still managed to sleep through: just periodically woke with racing heart & lightheaded; not a GREAT thing to do, I know! All because I guessed the bolus for king prawn in black bean sauce, fancied a change & not not bolused for this before, with fried rice takeaway & overdid it, obviously!🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😳

As to the reason I was so tired: I said I wouldn’t bore you lovely, indulgent lot! 🙄 Just to say after playing things a certain long grinding, high level way for over 20 years, if not actually playing that’s how I’ve known how to play, I’m trying the opposite way I’ve heard others do: the so called smarter low level way; the challenges are completely different but, you get more stuff very early on & it’s a total rethink that I’m slow to get my head around as the idea is NOT to level up!o_O So, I’m frantically obsessed, I know, until I learn the curve ball!o_O:D😉:rofl: I restrained myself, REALLY I DID, from saying anymore!😳🙄:D😉 It’s a new challenge that’s completely turned around the other way that’s obsessing me now & I only ate once yesterday because I forgot to & then, ate a very late takeout, over bolused it & slept through, instead of treating, a recurring hypo & my poor heart & liver got a workout last night so, I MUST eat today to replenish my liver’s blood sugars store as I KNOW they’re probably depleted counteracting too much NR overnight!😳o_O🙄

If you haven’t noticed by now, from my posts, I’m what’s known as an obsessive, addictive personality & some of them are healthier than others! 🙄 I KNOW of & I’m TERRIFIED of gambling: thank goodness I discovered that early in life as a child losing all my pocket one Christmas playing a family game of roulette with low stakes; instant MASSIVE rush to the head that I couldn’t control & only betting EVERYTHING could satisfy! 😱😱😱 I NEVER GO NEAR ANY GAMBLING not even the national lottery! o_O😱