Group 7-day waking average?

😳 Oops! Been AWOL for a week: didn’t seem THAT long but, it crept up on me; exactly a week since I posted on Tuesday! 😱 😳

05:05 BS 6.6 🙂 It was a bit of a struggle to get my body clock back in sync & keep it there with some menopausal cycle mayhem too which made me more tired so, needed more sleep in the middle of the day about 3 days later when I DID get back in sync!😡 Which, of course, put me back out again & ALMOST back in sync now as I actually woke up around 01:00 earlier this morning SO hungry that it was another case of diving straight into tinned soup & a sandwich without testing! But, I’ve just come out of a cycle & I’ve been mid to low BS wise on the same 84 tresiba, I’m DONE fiddling with that, & -6 to -4 NR for meals: about BS 5 to 6.6 when not eating; too distracted to test after eating but, as long as I’m not hypo I don’t really care!🙄 So, that is actually an after eating reading just after 4 hours of active NR!🙄

Been reading, in between FFVIII which is approaching the end of the game, the new Anthony Horrowitz James Bond book, With a Mind to Kill, & as I’d already posted before about this one being the decision maker to whether I like his Bond or not, it looks like I DO & will continue to finish the book & read more of them if/ as he writes more of them! 🙂 Essentially it’s the same character & style that I like as Fleming wrote it unlike the clever but, without any real soul or lovability, as Christie wrote it, of Sophie Hannah’s Poirot!:confused:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

TMI alert for the guys that’s about the menopause!

Had a look back on the calendar & confirmed what I’ve suspected: a cycle about every 2 weeks! 😱 My womb lining is building up again & I may need another oblation op as I was told with my first one in 2017 as I was so young?:confused: It like a two week pause while it builds back up & there’s no REAL stoppage in between either as I need panty liners for the discharges! o_O But, the bleeding isn’t out of control, yet, as it DOES stop! If it gets to the stage where it doesn’t, why I had the first op, I’ll see my GP to refer me back to do another op that’ll hopefully do me until I DO actually stop having cycles altogether?:confused:
Good morning everyone. Again dark rain clouds overhead and very cool, still, if it does not actually rain then I will venture out for a walk.

An amazing 5.2 BG this morning. Yahhhhooooo!!!!

I was just pondering what my lowest, highest and mode results were for my blood glucose over the last 200 days....

Lowest 3.9
Highest 5.7
Mode 5.1

Tonight I will make sweet (not so sweet) and sour chicken. Not sure what to go with it, maybe a bit of cauliflower.

My wife seemed a bit happier yesterday and had a good day, therefore, so did I.

Nothing planned for today. Sorting out some improved images of foods and recipes for my App. Maybe going back to my multiple choice game and completeing the doggie pictures, all 10000 of them....or's a lot of work.

These new Habitat jars from Sainsburys are really good. Glad I bought them now. Way better than partially used product packaging or plastic bags or opaque plastic tubs. It's nice to be able to see what is inside each new container, and how much is left.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing (no puns today) woof!!

And after going out for dinner with a friend last night as well!

I made wise choices… didn’t use all the relish or eat all of the slaw.
Morning all. 🙂 5.7 here.

Congrats on the HS @Gwynn and @ColinUK - whoop whoop!

Had a really nice weekend in Bristol with family to celebrate mum’s birthday. Then we took the slow road back home to West Wales yesterday. Stopped at Pembrey Country Park. Wow! What a fab place. Loads of activities to do or you can just get lost in the park - which we did! Found the car eventually...:D
Good morning - 6.3
6.3 for me as well
Well done to the above two House Specialists. 🙂
I'm joining the 5.7 brigade this morning.


6.5 for me today

Was going to order some wax melts over the weekend as there was a clearance sale running to make room for their new releases for summer but realised on Sunday to have any hope of getting the regular things I need by the time I need them I'd have to order all that there and then due to the bank holiday weekend and as I don't get paid until tomorrow I couldn't do both xx
Morning…8.2 for me. Lowered levemir by a half last night as lows during the previous two nights. I woke up at 6.30, switched alarm off, looked out of window and saw sharps bin collection / delivery and then must have gone back to sleep ..woke at 8 after the weirdest dreams…so graph line made a steepish rise…ah well.

Good numbers on this link this morning and well done on the HSs🙂

So sorry to hear you sad news @goodybags

Tile shops for me this morning:(, dentist this afternoon, gardening, house bits and general faffery in between…I wonder how many ticks there’ll be on my “to do” list by dinner time.

Have a good day everyone
Morning all. Looks unsettled out there, sunshine and clouds.

5.6 @ 7.30 when I got out of bed with a flat line overnight, but I had been awake since 6.05. Now dropped to 4.2 so I have had half a stem ginger cookie.

Congrats to @Gwynn and @ColinUK on the HSs.

Lots to do today, but having a pedicure will be nice and relaxing!
Afternoon! Yep, I had a lie in, halle -blooming-lujah! Sick of pre 5 wake ups, TBF was awake at 4.30 to 5.30 but managed to drop off until after 8. Rewarded with 6.8.

After four full days of childcare we are having a quiet day. The weather is miserable yet again, we got soaked on our walk yesterday. It’s not fun. A day at home catching up on life, ie ironing and gardening, if the weather holds up, the weeds definitely like the rain.

Congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTwo on yesterdays HS. A big well done to @Gwynn and @ColinUK on today’s HSs. Come on girls, we can’t let the boys get all the glory. 😉

Have a great day. 🙂

7.1 for me today after a bad day of eating yesterday, including a Cornetto, then I wonder why I am not losing weight.

@ColinUK and @Gwynn - congratulations on your HS.
Morning all. 3.3 for me!! Ooppppss!! Had been hypo for a while as well. I remember the alarm going off but must have gone straight back to sleep.

Congrats to @Gwynn and @ColinUK On your HS.
So sorry to hear about your friend @goodybags.

Have a good day everyone.
I have marked international GCSEs in Maths for some time, and using a comma for a decimal point is the norm in many countries.
Not apostrophe, though?

(But yes, comma is common. At work we had a crash that happened only for some customers: those running on their Windows computers (set to German). It turned out to be because of this (some bit of the code was producing decimals with a comma and another part was trying to parse it but expecting period).)
Not apostrophe, though?
Not usually, no, but I well remember on another specification (not IGCSE) spending an incredible amount of time discussing how high a comma could be before it became a "low" apostrophe! Angels dancing on a pinhead didn't come close!
Not apostrophe, though?
I think I never used point in school, but I'm not sure if we regularly used commas or apostrophes instead. I preferred the apostrophe because it could not lead to
confusion if the number was in a text (I mean in Spanish, English is a different matter!).

So, 6.4 today 😉

A customer asked me for "diabetic sugar". Not sweeteners, diabetic sugar for his cereal. No clue what he meant. Maybe another kind of sweetener but granulated??

Also, a bit ashamed to admit it but I've been all this time without a proper sharps bin because I couldn't bring myself to call. Finally got my first one yesterday. I was afraid I would have to call 2 days later because I'd fill it with all the old needles, but when I dumped the plastic container I've been using, I was glad to see there's still half a bin to go. Love the secret biohazard lab vibes :rofl:IMG_20220530_141139.jpg