Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. A difficult day yesterday. My wife found a tiny bit of rubber gone from her very used headphones....and that was all upset....what really worried me was that she came out with 'someone hates me' and a really forlorn look. She did pick up a bit later on but her thinking is not good nor healthy.

Tired this morning. I have not been out for a walk as it was raining and now I just don't feel like it.

New App update went well but was very hard work....intensive thinking.

BG 4.6 this morning. I seem to get a lot of those. Not complaining though.

I have a dental appointment this afternoon. Oh such joys ! 🙂

Nothing planned for today. Making a cheese, tomato, mushroom & chicken pizza for tea with extra cheese (all of about 10g extra). I wonder what else I could shove into it.

Not long before 'the dog' comes back.

Have a Great Dane today whatever you are doing 🙂
Good morning - 6.0
Good morning all. No measuring for me, now I'm no longer freeloading off Mum I am back to being poor as a church mouse, can't afford them. I can never get any blood out anyways. Just letting y'all know I also can't afford t'internet so I will check up on you all on Sundays when at daughters. Be good! 😉 :D

7.8 today

Was chatting to a friend yesterday, we've supported each other through a lot the last couple of years but we got on to the subject of people you thought would support you can be so selfish in that they will constantly seek support but not offer it in return when others in their lives are struggling it really winds both of us up but he knows I'm always at the end of the phone or messenger for him xx
5.6 for me today. 🙂

Morning all and 5.8 for me.

Rehearsal this afternoon. I hope the stuff I have been coming up with fits. Acoustic versions so no noisy drums and guitars I can hide strange harmonies behind.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all... wet and grey today.

6.3 this morning. Alarm woke me at 8 am, I ate a Dextrose and went back to sleep until 8:45. More basal adjustment needed!

Have a good day all.
Cor! At 6'4" you are as tall as I was before I shrunk! ☹️

I blame the climate! ️ ️☔
Imagine being that tall! I have a colleague like this and I almost have to bend my neck to speak to him, he is the only one who can reach the lock on top of the doors without any help haha.

This morning my BG was 5'5. Closer to my actual height 😉
It's 10.6
Hi all I've been lurking but really not had much to say my lifestyle is very sedate and nap laden at the moment and not really conducive to amazing conversations. I've had to increase my fat and protein intake to help with the weight loss side of things so bored of eating I feel like I get up eat and then spend the rest of my day eating loads its pretty counter intuative if you ask me
Anyways grumble over
Have a great week whatever you get up to..
Keep on keeping on
Imagine being that tall! I have a colleague like this and I almost have to bend my neck to speak to him, he is the only one who can reach the lock on top of the doors without any help haha.

This morning my BG was 5'5. Closer to my actual height 😉
I think it is because you are using an apostrophe instead of a decimal point for your blood glucose reading, so it would normally be 5.5, but we know what you mean.
Hi All

Late on parade, 8.1 this morning and no idea why, but maybe it is to do with the sneezing that has just started.

Other than that sugar flowers went well over the weekend, still in progress to complete them and all the smaller filler flowers. Will post a picture when they are all finished.
Made another batch of yoghurt over the weekend and followed a tip from a seasoned pro... .and that's to do half milk and half cream and boy is it yummy!
I think it is because you are using an apostrophe instead of a decimal point for your blood glucose reading, so it would normally be 5.5, but we know what you mean.
Oooh, I see, thanks for the note! I am used to use apostrophe for decimals, and since we don't use apostrophes for anything in my language I wouldn't think about it. Plus, I normally measure height in cm :D
Good morning 6.9 today

:( on Friday a good friends husband who was only 58 suddenly died, shocking to everybody
especially his family.

over the weekend my wife and friends have been staying there,
I’ve been doing as I’m told just trying to support everybody, so over the last few days have
found myself running errands and between there and here at home.
Both my wife & I are off work this week.
Sorry for your loss. My Husband died suddenly, aged only 50. Such a shock and my heart goes out to your friend. In fact, although they can't prove it, I have been told the shock of what happened to me could have caused my type 2.
I think it is because you are using an apostrophe instead of a decimal point for your blood glucose reading, so it would normally be 5.5, but we know what you mean.
I have marked international GCSEs in Maths for some time, and using a comma for a decimal point is the norm in many countries.