Group 7-day waking average?


Hiding away really is my best strategy when I am like this. My sister came over on Thurs and she is so close she is like "another me", but even with her I really struggled and when she left I am sure she was as frustrated as I was and I just felt guilty that I had been difficult. It was a negative experience and much as I love her and we have the same interests, it would have been better if she hadn't come over that day.
Unlike yourself, I am not naturally a gregarious person, so dealing with people is quite an effort sometimes....I do wonder if I might perhaps have a slight element of autism. This is why I often go out late at night to walk or to see to the horses because my yard is so public, it is the only time I have peace and feel relaxed. I love the quiet and solitude and darkness when I have the world to myself.

On a positive note, I know from experience that this will pass and I will come back up again and things will seem possible again and normal perspective will be restored.
I did wonder if it was hormones as my weekly HRT patch was due and I put it on a day early to see if that would help but it didn't. I think it is just the way I am wired and I have been battling it now for many many years, so hoping it is hormonal is probably clutching at straws.

Not made it to the shop yet because I need to get in the shower first and my hair needs washing and those things are posing a mental challenge at the moment. I have managed to get out in the garden and go a bit more jungle bashing and do the basics with the animals of course. Just struggling with the basics for myself! 😱

Looks like it is going to be another BG battle day. It took 3 hours this morning for my 5 units of Fiasp to bring me down from 8.4 to 5.2 so that I could eat breakfast, despite doing physical work in the garden to try to help it and that was with another 2 units Levemir increase this morning. Jabbed another 2 units of Fiasp with breakfast but levels are heading back up towards 10 again. Arrgh! When it gets like this sometimes it is a relief to have a hypo, just to reassure myself that I am not injecting water and break the frustration of trying to contain the highs.

Sorry.... moan over. 😳
Morning folks.

Having a bit of a rough ride at the moment. No idea why I took such a mental nose dive earlier in the week when I was on top of the world last weekend but I am struggling to climb out of this hole I have fallen into. Of course sleep and eating patterns are affected which doesn't help my diabetes management. Needing numerous corrections every day including stacked corrections less than an hour apart sometimes to try to keep a lid on things. Basal doses have been increased day on day (and night on night) to try to get the ship back on an even keel again. Need to get out for a walk but really can't face people. May end up doing a midnight walk tonight. I even politely sent Ian packing yesterday when he stopped in to check on me because him just being in my space was getting me so internally agitated and I had just managed motivate myself to get out into he garden to do something when he arrived and stopped me.
My challenge for the day is going into the village shop to get some milk. Trying to work out when I am least likely to meet anyone.... other than the shop staff of course, who are absolutely lovely but that doesn't make it any easier.... One of the only times when I might have wanted to use a self service till.... but you don't get those in a village shop. 🙄

What makes it worse is that I have absolutely no excuse or reason to feel like this, so the guilt of that makes it worse. :(

Anyway, I planted some seeds yesterday to give me something to nurture and look forward to (germinating seeds always has an element of magic to it I think, like baking) and I cut back a load more weeds in the garden and got thoroughly stung by nettles again. Still lots more to tackle but making a little progress.

Many congratulations to @Robin on your consecutive House Specials and good luck for tomorrow. Hope you are having an enjoyable riding lesson today.

@Lucyr Blooming heck! What a close call! 😱
I've never had a hypo and not had treatment on me but I left the house one morning and went out for a carriage drive with Ian and forgot my gear including hypo treatments and realised half way round that I had prebolused 4 units for breakfast but not actually eaten breakfast. Thank goodness for Novo(not so)Rapid being sluggish because I managed to get back to the yard 2 hours post bolus on 2 dusty dirty mint imperials which had been rolling around in Ian's pocket loose for the horses, without actually dropping into the red. I have never not had hypo treatment with me since. Live and learn as they say!
Sorry to hear you are struggling, hope you feel better soon
What makes it worse is that I have absolutely no excuse or reason to feel like this, so the guilt of that makes it worse.
@rebrascora don't feel guilty. You are important and special to people in your life and are a great support to many of us on here. You say that from experience you know this will pass, in the meantime focus on what you feel you can do and need to do to get through the day. Sending big (((HUGS))) to you.
Just when I thought it was safe...

al, I did was ask my wife if she would like to come out in the sunshine to the beach and all hell then let loose and she got very very upset about the intruders getting into the house and wrecking her clothes. No way could she leave the house. Then she got upset because I refuse to install alarms and cameras. It would make zero difference otherwise I would.

It all ended up with her in tears upstairs. No resolution yet. Maybe no resolution ever. I am so tired of her anger and crazy thoughts.

Sigh. Another day ruined.

Tomorrow is another day, however....
Good evening folks,

6'0 this morning. Still with my reduced basal as it's sunny and alcohol was in the cards today.

Big hugs to @Kaylz (hope you and Bruce are okay!) and @rebrascora. Been there with the guilt of "I don't have real problems to be upset for" but it doesn't help, and your problems are real to YOU. Hope it gets better, you know it will 🙂

10.something about 15 minutes ago, mum was off out the door just before 6 as switched my internet on my phone on and was greeted by a notification on Twitter from Stagecoach East Scotland saying her bus had been cancelled due to staff shortages (there are loads of services cancelled daily due to this the last few weeks) poor woman will be knackered by the time she makes it out to work! :(

@Elenka_HM thank you, I get more worried than him I think, I've only witnessed one seizure but it was awful and I never want to see him go through it again (he's only had around 4 in the almost 13 years we've been together) xx

no idea why I have been awake since 5.30am on a Sunday, anyway decided to get up, I can always take a nap later.

@Kaylz - totally understandable that you are worried about Bruce and grrr re your mum’s bus being cancelled,hope she can put her feet up when she gets home from work.

@Gwynn - hope you have a better day today, when I read your post it echoes exactly what my sister in law says, she keeps telling us that there has been intruders and they have either taken her clothes or shrunk them so they don’t fit her anymore.

@rebrascora - hope you are feeling a bit brighter today, but totally understand how you are feeling as you know I have been in that place recently, here if you want someone to chat to. As others have said you are an inspiration to many of us and you will get through this in your own time and own way. Sending you love and hugs.

Hope everyone else has a lovely Sunday.
Good morning everyone. Feeling a bit down this morning after yesterdays difficulties. As I say...the only way is 'up'.

I feel very sad for my wife as she suffers 24 hours a day, every day of the year, every year. She has no escape, no peace, no remission or cure. She lives in a perpetual nightmare and cannot comprehend it nor that it is not real. Sadly her illness has robbed me of my life with her as she is too frightened to go out but desperately wants to do so. And, sadly the NHS are of no help what so ever, not until (periish the thought) she were to become a danger to herself or others. So I live in a perpetual nightmare too. I just wish there was a cure, something...

Anyway BG 4.9. At least that is good

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning everyone. Feeling a bit down this morning after yesterdays difficulties. As I say...the only way is 'up'.

I feel very sad for my wife as she suffers 24 hours a day, every day of the year, every year. She has no escape, no peace, no remission or cure. She lives in a perpetual nightmare and cannot comprehend it nor that it is not real. Sadly her illness has robbed me of my life with her as she is too frightened to go out but desperately wants to do so. And, sadly the NHS are of no help what so ever, not until (periish the thought) she were to become a danger to herself or others. So I live in a perpetual nightmare too. I just wish there was a cure, something...

Anyway BG 4.9. At least that is good

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

The lack of help is the frustrating part, when my father in law died, who despite being 90 when he died was the carer for sil, she was too frightened to come out of the house to go to his funeral. Hubby phone their GP surgery asking for help and explaining that her carer had died, her being too frightened to attend the funeral etc, and the words he got in return were, “what do you expect us to do”, hubby then asked to be put through to either her GP or what numbers they had for organisations that could help, answer was ”it is a problem for the family to deal with and if the carer has died, perhaps we should take her in or another family member look after her“.

it is so sad that your wife, my sil and so many others are left without any help other than family, which as you say takes its toll on the people they live with.

I wish I could tell you a Different story and give you some hope, but we both know sadly I can’t.
Morning all, 4.9 here, no hat trick, but I expect I’ll go through the HS station without stopping in a moment.
Enjoyed my riding lesson yesterday, thank you, @rebrascora . One hairy moment though, when daughter's pony took exception to something (there was probably an invisible pony eating monster hiding in the long grass just outside the arena) and bolted across the school, setting my horse off and nearly running over the instructor.(First rule of riding etiquette. Try not to mow down your teacher).
8.3 a tad higher then it has been however I was in the 9s last night so it does sujest my evening lovermir is roght
Good morning - 6.1

I’ve got my timetable for school for after half term! We start GCSE courses in the last half term of Year 9
8.3 a tad higher then it has been however I was in the 9s last night so it does sujest my evening lovermir is roght
Not sure how long that's going to last though because I seem to have come down with cold on top of the other illnesses not figured out. Or it could be heyfever effects
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Morning all. 6.1 again.

Been lying awake since 6.45 but didn’t want to get up and disturb the kids. Got up just now, crept downstairs as quietly as possible, five minutes later one followed. Fingers crossed the others stay asleep for a bit longer. Then it’s full on ‘Operation Full English!’ All I do is feed folks. Last night’s Chinese Fakeaway turned out well, I have never cooked Chinese food before and I never eat it. So although I had recipes I didn’t really know what they were supposed to taste like or indeed, look like. Apparently, according to the font of all knowledge, 15.5 year Rhys. “ For someone who has never cooked Chinese before Grandma, that was bloody lovely!” Sadie, aged 4. “ That tasted like real Chinese food.” High praise indeed. It was ok, not really my thing, the pork was good. I much prefer Indian food, but hey, there’s plenty of leftovers, no need to cook tonight.

Not sure of plans today, the farmers’ children will get picked up when the hoggs are moved, apparently. Hoggs are younger ewes having their first lambs, not pigs as I used to think. Eldest granddaughter will be ferried home by Gags sometime. She’s away on holiday to Blackpool tomorrow with her parents for five days, so she’ll need to get organised. How many eyelashes/ makeup brushes/ clothes to take etc! She takes after her mother for packing everything, including the kitchen sink!

Have a sunny Sunday everyone. 🙂
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Morning all. 6.4 today. Ironing to do this morning then off to the cinema to watch Top Gun this afternoon. After that i'll packing a few clothes as we're away to see the sea tomorrow for a few days. Have a lovely Sunday!

Morning all. 14.5

Hitting a bit of a wall with this insulin and nothing really being anymore effective overnight and into the mornings/lunchtime. The only things at this point seems to be having dinner and nothing else until morning which is hit n miss.
Have DSN a week on Friday so hopefully things will get adjusted again.

No plans today, still a bit fuzzy after yesterdays migraine so nothing loud happening at least 😉 That's the 2nd one in the last week or two. Pretty standard and would be surprised if its the last in the short term.

Anyway, have a brilliant day everyone 🙂