Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. Up since 4am. I really like my quiet early mornings. They are good times for thinking.

BG 5.4 this morning at 4:10am

Another big update to my App under way. I find it a great puzzle game. Keeps me amused.

Out on the beach later on. It is a shame my wife does not come with me. Sigh.

Deliveries yesterday were fun....hmmmm...odd. Amazon delivered one day early with no warning. Sainsburys delivered late with no updates and, wait for it, two large bottles of washing up liquid leaking!!!! Thankfully they had been put in a separate bag anyway and the leak wasn't too bad. Other than that, all ok. Not quite completely stress free, but at least things were delivered!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning all. 4.7 for me. Plans today are hair cut and coloured, cleaning the house through and some washing, then the journey up to yours @eggyg for the fakeaway 😉. Its nice and sunny here atm, hopefully it will stay that way.
Congrats on the HS @Robin, are you going for a hat trick?
@ColinUK a leisurely lunch with friends is always good. Glad you had a nice time.
Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. 🙂 5.6 here.

Very nice @Robin - two in a row, let’s hope it’s a hat-trick!

Revision on Zoom for the upcoming Welsh exam this morning. No mucking about in class, this is serious!o_O😛 Then off to Bristol via Swansea for a family get together. Can’t wait!
5.6 for me today. 🙂
Well done @Robin on the magic number.


11.something today, think it's what 3 days of worry and anxiety does :rofl: (if I don't laugh I'll cry) xx
13.4 for me today!

I did see single digits yesterday at dinnertime, its been a while. That 9.6 looked beautiful 😱

Have a great day everyone!

Nicely done @Robin
13.9 today. Story time below!

Yesterday morning I forgot my basal and so by lunchtime even with corrections I was 18 and bg wasn’t for moving. I corrected after lunch, as I often would do, but a bit earlier/extra perhaps as I was fed up of it.

After work and before dinner, went for a dog walk on the beach. Didn’t take diabetes kit as I had sensor on, was over 16, wasn’t a particularly strenuous walk just a stroll, had been a few hours since corrections and wasn’t moving anyway… I thought I was certain I was safe and just didn’t think about the what if.

You probably know where this is going… Libre just kept alternating between showing a reading that was plummeting and “scan in 10 mins” then too low to read. Shuggah said the same. I just had nothing on me and no shops around as we were on the beach. Walked slowly back to the car and thankfully made it but when I got there I was 2.3. What a scary time, really caught me out.


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a more respectable 6.5 today, what a difference taking my meds makes. Today I will be starting to make sugar flowers for my daughter‘s friend for her wedding cake, her mum is making the cake but can’t make the sugar roses etc, so I have been asked to assist. Hope my fabric arrives so I can decide what to try making myself, inspired by the sewing bee, I have always had a sewing machine but largely used for repairing clothes or making simple costumes when I went tap dancing.

@Robin - congratulations on your HS on consecutive days.

@Kaylz - sending you hugs.
@Kaylz - sending you hugs.
Thank you 🙂 just worrying about Bruce, he had a funny turn at work on Wednesday morning, one of those that's usually a warning sign of a seizure will follow but so far he's been ok so just have to hope and pray it stays that way xx
Good morning - 4.7
5.7 this morning.
My kitchen is not completely out of commission but at diminished access because I am having laminate flooring put in and a couple of new cupboards installed. That means eating has been a bit hit and miss with meals consisting of a lump of cheese and a tomato or a chunk of salami or a quick 'porridge' in the microwave made with coconut and almond flour and psyllium husk and almond 'milk.' Looking forward to normal service being resumed as I have a few new recipes I am itching to try.
Good Morning on this beautiful day!

4.7 to match @Lily123 when I got up at 8:30.

@Kaylz HUGS!

@ColinUK glad you had a lovely lunch.

@Lucyr hope you had some hypo cures in the car... must have been quite a hairy experience for you.

@Grannylorraine I am in awe of people who can make sugar flowers.

@Robin woo hooo Congrats on two HS in a row!

Not much to do today except pick up a swimsuit I ordered from a shopping complex a few miles away, then I may just sit in the garden and sunbathe!
Morning folks.

Having a bit of a rough ride at the moment. No idea why I took such a mental nose dive earlier in the week when I was on top of the world last weekend but I am struggling to climb out of this hole I have fallen into. Of course sleep and eating patterns are affected which doesn't help my diabetes management. Needing numerous corrections every day including stacked corrections less than an hour apart sometimes to try to keep a lid on things. Basal doses have been increased day on day (and night on night) to try to get the ship back on an even keel again. Need to get out for a walk but really can't face people. May end up doing a midnight walk tonight. I even politely sent Ian packing yesterday when he stopped in to check on me because him just being in my space was getting me so internally agitated and I had just managed motivate myself to get out into he garden to do something when he arrived and stopped me.
My challenge for the day is going into the village shop to get some milk. Trying to work out when I am least likely to meet anyone.... other than the shop staff of course, who are absolutely lovely but that doesn't make it any easier.... One of the only times when I might have wanted to use a self service till.... but you don't get those in a village shop. 🙄

What makes it worse is that I have absolutely no excuse or reason to feel like this, so the guilt of that makes it worse. :(

Anyway, I planted some seeds yesterday to give me something to nurture and look forward to (germinating seeds always has an element of magic to it I think, like baking) and I cut back a load more weeds in the garden and got thoroughly stung by nettles again. Still lots more to tackle but making a little progress.

Many congratulations to @Robin on your consecutive House Specials and good luck for tomorrow. Hope you are having an enjoyable riding lesson today.

@Lucyr Blooming heck! What a close call! 😱
I've never had a hypo and not had treatment on me but I left the house one morning and went out for a carriage drive with Ian and forgot my gear including hypo treatments and realised half way round that I had prebolused 4 units for breakfast but not actually eaten breakfast. Thank goodness for Novo(not so)Rapid being sluggish because I managed to get back to the yard 2 hours post bolus on 2 dusty dirty mint imperials which had been rolling around in Ian's pocket loose for the horses, without actually dropping into the red. I have never not had hypo treatment with me since. Live and learn as they say!
Morning folks.

Having a bit of a rough ride at the moment. No idea why I took such a mental nose dive earlier in the week when I was on top of the world last weekend but I am struggling to climb out of this hole I have fallen into. Of course sleep and eating patterns are affected which doesn't help my diabetes management. Needing numerous corrections every day including stacked corrections less than an hour apart sometimes to try to keep a lid on things. Basal doses have been increased day on day (and night on night) to try to get the ship back on an even keel again. Need to get out for a walk but really can't face people. May end up doing a midnight walk tonight. I even politely sent Ian packing yesterday when he stopped in to check on me because him just being in my space was getting me so internally agitated and I had just managed motivate myself to get out into he garden to do something when he arrived and stopped me.
My challenge for the day is going into the village shop to get some milk. Trying to work out when I am least likely to meet anyone.... other than the shop staff of course, who are absolutely lovely but that doesn't make it any easier.... One of the only times when I might have wanted to use a self service till.... but you don't get those in a village shop. 🙄

What makes it worse is that I have absolutely no excuse or reason to feel like this, so the guilt of that makes it worse. :(

Anyway, I planted some seeds yesterday to give me something to nurture and look forward to (germinating seeds always has an element of magic to it I think, like baking) and I cut back a load more weeds in the garden and got thoroughly stung by nettles again. Still lots more to tackle but making a little progress.

Many congratulations to @Robin on your consecutive House Specials and good luck for tomorrow. Hope you are having an enjoyable riding lesson today.

@Lucyr Blooming heck! What a close call! 😱
I've never had a hypo and not had treatment on me but I left the house one morning and went out for a carriage drive with Ian and forgot my gear including hypo treatments and realised half way round that I had prebolused 4 units for breakfast but not actually eaten breakfast. Thank goodness for Novo(not so)Rapid being sluggish because I managed to get back to the yard 2 hours post bolus on 2 dusty dirty mint imperials which had been rolling around in Ian's pocket loose for the horses, without actually dropping into the red. I have never not had hypo treatment with me since. Live and learn as they say!
So sorry you’re feeling that way Barbara. Could it be hormonal? It’s a “funny” age we’re at. Not old, but not young. I can get down because I can’t do the things I once was able to. Nothing serious like sky diving, but today for example, we made an obstacle course in the garden for the kids. I was doing a demonstration but one of the things was hopping. I found I couldn’t actually even begin as my hip just wouldn’t let me! I often think what the heck will I be like when I’m 72 (if I’m still around) if I’m this decrepit at 62. Hope you start to feel more yourself soon. Don’t hide away though, that’s the worst thing. Glad you’re venturing out to the village shop, it’s a step in the right direction. Hugs. X