Group 7-day waking average?

How do I search for members of the forum? I remember a gentleman whose name was Snowy whom I have not heard from for a long time. Have I missed some news?
You just click on the magnifying glass in the top right hand corner of the screen then type in the person's user name. I think it was spelt with 2 ww if i remember rightly.
TW: self harm thoughs.

Here I am again! In case someone is curious after all my phone rant, they called me. It was quite a short conversation after all. The therapist who did my assessment was concerned I might have suicidal thoughts and asked the GP to check, so they called to confirm I'm alive and willing to stay that way. Which I am, but I did mention self harm ideas which I understand is the reason why they are concerned. Asked if I would be happy to wait for my next appointment with the therapist, which I agreed to, and told me this service is usually very good and people feel better and better, and gave me a phone for mental health emergencies in case I need it. So I am emotional but reassured 🙂

Now, finally, let's go for this walk!! 🙂
I'm so glad you've managed to speak to someone. A big (((HUG))) to you.
One added delight was the trailer for the next Mission Impossible film
Absolutely love Mission Impossible too!!! I can't wait for that as well! This message will self destruct in 5...4...3...2..1.......
I'm going to say 5.9 as it what i was when woke at 6 this morning so looks like i made the right call to cut back another half unit of liverier yesterday evening. (just other week I was saying my insulin needs seem t be raising but i seem be reverting back) wondering if it all change tomorrow evening when I'm back to my usual place of residence. i id have that planed consistent in a coffee shop this morning as(a lovely pan a reason) this coffee shop(coffie#1) usefully has the carb information on their website.
I was going to say to say to maybe the half unit livermir reduction this morning wasn't the right call though because it did seem. Because it seemed to.hang around 11 for a while ather lunch. However I did go down by tea(I did go out for a walk) I did round down for lunch considering I was 4.8 so it could have been that) so it may have not been a bad idea.. the reason u reduced it was because for a few days I was having hypos or near hypos or eating something. I might see what happens with that half unit less with the next few days


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Good morning everyone. It's brighter out there this morning. Still blustery wind though.

BG back to 4.6

Three deliveries today. One from Sainsburys, our first with them. A long time back I gave up on food shopping online as they either substituted many items or didn't have items or, the worst, items had a short use by date, and occasionally some fresh items were bad, and always the fresh items were nowhere near the tastiness of any of the M&S stuff. However their tinned and branded boxed or packaged stuff was always that's what I ordered and will be delivered this afternoon.

Our worst delivery was from Morrisons on the day before Christmas eve. The whole Christmas food shop! I took a risk getting the delivery so close to Christmas, but I wanted to make sure everything was fresh and had as long a use by date as possible. Unfortunately I ordered a large bottle of clothes conditioner which some bright spark had put at the very top of the trays and unknown to everyone, was leaking through everything. The whole oder was ruined. I had to reject the lot, but it did all smell very nice! The next day I had to rush around trying to get all the items 'manually'. It was a nightmare and exhausting. It was at that point that I gave up on online food shopping.

So I have now relented but only for tinned and prepackaged stuff. No fresh food of any kind. So the delivery today should be interesting and I hope problem free. No clothes conditioner in the order!!!
(Unless they mistakenly add a bottle of it)

Nothing else planned for today. I can't belive it is Friday already and nearly June too.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
5.2 libre reading (though finger will be slightly higher by the time I get down to breakfast). Take that, curry and beer out with no idea what I was doing.


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@Lucyr congratulations on a rare HS. I haven't seen one of those for a while myself
Good morning - 6.0
Sore throat, glands a bit swollen, discernibly puffy eyes and a 7.0

Clearly some little germ has decided to call my wonderfully entertaining body home for a little while!

Out to lunch with online friends who’ve supported me through recent events as they’re both in London for a few days and I’m looking forward to it immensely!
Morning. 7.7 on my 12 hour old sensor, 6.1 on my trusty Accu-Chek mobile. Fingers crossed Libre will straighten itself out soon. I never usually have any problems with it.

Zara day today, and hopefully the rain will hold off. We’re had such a blustery and showery week. I have washing to do and hang out!

@Gwynn I stopped online food shopping after I got 3 kilos of leeks ( I thought I’d ordered just three leeks) and the biggest slab of Cheddar I’d ever seen in my life! Again, my error! I used to find it very stressful, but during lockdown when I was shielding I didn’t have a choice and we did click and collect, I clicked and Mr Eggy collected! It was mostly ok, we once got someone else’s shopping, we’ve a very common surname, Mr Eggy never wondered why I ordered lots of beige food, potato waffles, cheap pizzas, we never even buy expensive pizzas, and he had to take it all back. Luckily the other Mr/Mrs G hadn’t picked ours up! I was glad when I could go shopping again, and that’s something I never thought I’d say! :rofl:

@Lucyr well done on a HS, especially after a curry. Absolutely marvellous. 🙂

Have fab Friday everyone. 🙂
@Gwynn @eggyg I’m lucky with substitutions as I don’t recall having any which were utterly bonkers. Other than once having cat litter substituted for nappies ffs.
If I do a grocery shop online it’s now really for heavy bulky stuff like laundry detergent and tins or bottles.
Morning all. 6.4 for me. Last day today before a week off, hooray!!!! I hope today goes quickly. Congrats @Lucyr on the HS. Have a great day.
:rofl::rofl:5.2 libre reading (though finger will be slightly higher by the time I get down to breakfast). Take that, curry and beer out with no idea what I was doing.
Nice work @Lucyr - what did you do to wake up to a HS after a curry? Do tell...

Morning all. 5.4 here.

My first batch of Omnipods, plus the PDM, is arriving this morning. So exciting!

Is it even hotter where you are @Michael12421? You seem to be waking up low again. Eek!

Nappies, for your cat, hahaha @ColinUK. :rofl:
I'm going to say 4.8 because again I woke up at 6(haven't fallen back alslep and that's what it was)
Nice work @Lucyr - what did you do to wake up to a HS after a curry? Do tell...

Morning all. 5.4 here.

My first batch of Omnipods, plus the PDM, is arriving this morning. So exciting!

Is it even hotter where you are @Michael12421? You seem to be waking up low again. Eek!

Nappies, for your cat, hahaha @ColinUK. :rofl:
I read that as “my first batch of Osmonds!” Donny, Merril or little Jimmy? :rofl:
@Bloden I can tell you that neither of them were particularly taken with the notion!