Group 7-day waking average?

Congratulations to @Lucyr & @Robin on those elusive House Specials. 🙂

5.7 for me this morning.


12.0 for me today after another bad night sleep, woke at 1:30am thanks to a nightmare, drifted back off for a bit then was woken just before 2:50am by a scam text and couldn't get back to sleep after that 🙄 xx
Morning. 7.8.

Can’t wait for 3pm it’s 1/2 term.

1/2 way through exams. Poor kids are shattered.

Have a good day All.
Steroids finished so back to 6.1 this morning after a bad bad day yesterday, pigging out with the granddaughter and actually having a MaccyD which I never eat (and it didn't upset my stomach, hence had not touched one in decades!) - a double cheeseburger and a banana milkshake. 😱
Back on the wagon again from today, but enjoyed several indulgences this past week - and I feel mentally better for it.
Quiet weekend ahead, but a couple of things lined up for next week including going to see my mum - woo hoo - and June is looking more "eventful" with some planned happenings already booked and paid for 🙂 Summer is looking good to me so far.
Have a good weekend all x

8.8 today, but didn't take any meds yesterday, remembered after I went to bed.

@Lucyr - congrats on your HS

@Robin - congrats on your HS.
Can I ask if people test before they get out of bed or later but just before eating ?
Just as I get out of bed and some days I’m closely tracking numbers so do before eating and 2hrs after.

This morning I was 7.0
Right now I’m 5.5 and off to meet friends for lunch so won’t test between now and some point this afternoon well after the two hours are up but that’s because I’m not carrying my kit with me.
Morning all, beautiful day!

10.1 this morning. Went out for lunch with a g/f yesterday and ordered a "sandwich", which arrived on an absolutely HUGE "roll" about 7" x 3.5". I only guesstimated 40g as I knew I'd never eat it all. Indeed I took over 1/3rd away in a doggie bag. When we left the cafe I had another vertigo turn, so spent the rest of the day sitting on my bum doing little and could NOT get the huge spike down. Went to bed on 10.0

@Lucyr and @Robin well done on those HSs!

@Michael12421 do take care please... maybe it's the temp dropping which has made you low the last two days?

Oh the woe of online shopping! I ordered Pectin and got caster sugar instead... the driver told me that Lemons had pectin in them. I replied that I did know that, but his advice was a little redundant as I had no Lemons. Perhaps if they'd substituted lemons it would have been helpful? He said "no, the computer tells us what to substitute, the other day I took someone a CD of 60s music as a substitute for some food item!"
Morning everyone. 16.somethingsilly today (a few hours ago now)
Combination of snacking last night and monthlies stuff (which explains the snacking)

Off to watch my great nephew later on while gran has an errand to run. Hopefully he is in a cuddly mood, missed the little guy a ton :D

well done @Lucyr and @Robin on the HS :D
Can I ask if people test before they get out of bed or later but just before eating ?
I always test and inject insulin before I get out of bed otherwise I am fighting a losing battle against Foot on the Floor syndrome.
Interesting. I test within 10 minutes of getting up. But, no rush, don't want to increase the blood pressure
I test soon after getting up, just go wash my hands first.

A bit late to post a waking BG, but now I'm passing by, it was 8'1.

Had my evening shift unexpectedly cancelled, was a bit annoyed at first because I was all ready, but there was really sunny and I went to the beach to read. A nice time 🙂
A very early morning 6.1.

First up I see. Not through choice, been awake since 3.50. Mind whirring about various things, then my left hip starts aching, then my left shoulder, then my head! Losing a fighting battle so just got up. I did see a wonderful sunrise though.

No nana naps today, the three farmers’ children arriving at 10.30, eldest granddaughter has a Saturday job in a hairdressers and her Gags will pick her up from there at 5. Chinese fakeaway for tea. I’m currently marinading a lump of pork in ginger, garlic, soy, chilli sauce and honey. That will be slow roasted and served with pancakes, spring onions and cucumber. I’m also making sweet and sour prawns, chicken chow mein, egg fried rice and salt and pepper chips. I’ve bought ready made Chinese spring rolls, wonton etc. and prawn crackers for our starters. Full on day. Me and the two little ones will go to bed at about 9 after a couple of stories and Mr Eggy and the two big ones will watch a film. Then it’ll all start again on Sunday.

Have a fab day all. 🙂
5.8 this morning.

Lunch yesterday was a lovely leisurely affair. Table booked for 12:15, 45 mins before they took our order, easily another 30 before food arrived, probably an hour after that they offered the dessert menu which then took another 30 mins to arrive.
It was only their second or third lunch service and it was clearly chaotic front of house but the food itself was delicious.