Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, another lovely day.

5.6 on waking.

Just want to say that my heart goes out to all of you who are struggling. Barbara, there is little I can say, except be kind to yourself and withdraw for a while if you feel it's best for you, your sister and Ian will understand. Do know everyone here holds you with kindness and loves the way you go out of your way to help others. I am sad too for those who struggle with paranoia, and for those of you who care for them.

On a more cheerful note, looking forward to having a friend round for dinner this evening, though I am not making anything exotic, just what we would normally be having tonight... I have a gammon I shall boil in cider, with some mash and buttery cabbage and leeks, followed by some lovely ripe strawberries and cream. By a coincidence we had Chinese last night like @eggyg but not quite such an array of dishes, just crispy lemon chicken and stir fried veggies.
5.3 this morning. Rough night sleep but it spurred me to join a different local gym as I was humming and haring about it for ages.
The one I am a member of already I really don’t like so I don’t go.
Cancelled that membership and joined the new one and have been already today.
Have also booked a Zumba class, yoga and a Rebounder one for this week as I think Zumba and bouncersise look like fun and I could do with regular yoga for stretching etc.
Ooh and this afternoon I’ve got an audition for an LGBT+ choir!
I’ve not sung in almost ten years and I’m now much more baritone than the high tenor I used to be I know that much but I’m looking forward to it!
Hi everyone! 6'4 this morning.

Yesterday I took a bit of a risk with some cocktails, I like the sweet ones but now I tend to go for non sugary drinks. However I was invited to a new cocktail place and really wanted to try something from their menu. Seems like the alcohol and dancing balanced the sugar because I didn't go very high at all. The cocktail bar was cool, great music and full of hen parties lol. I also spotted a girl wearing a Libre and other with a Dexcom (I believe). We are everywhere guys! 😛

@ColinUK have fun with the choir and exercise, I did Zumba some years ago and would like to try again, if I find some classes that fit in my schedule.
@ColinUK i definitely agree with you about Top Gun needing the big screen!! What a fab film. Looking forward to Mission Impossible now i've seen the trailer.
@ColinUK i definitely agree with you about Top Gun needing the big screen!! What a fab film. Looking forward to Mission Impossible now i've seen the trailer.
And I hope you realise that those planes were actually flying and weren’t cgi!
Tom Cruise wanted to fly the F18 himself but the insurers wouldn’t let him!
Hi everyone! 6'4 this morning.

Yesterday I took a bit of a risk with some cocktails, I like the sweet ones but now I tend to go for non sugary drinks. However I was invited to a new cocktail place and really wanted to try something from their menu. Seems like the alcohol and dancing balanced the sugar because I didn't go very high at all. The cocktail bar was cool, great music and full of hen parties lol. I also spotted a girl wearing a Libre and other with a Dexcom (I believe). We are everywhere guys! 😛

@ColinUK have fun with the choir and exercise, I did Zumba some years ago and would like to try again, if I find some classes that fit in my schedule.

Cor! At 6'4" you are as tall as I was before I shrunk! ☹️

I blame the climate! ️ ️☔
And I hope you realise that those planes were actually flying and weren’t cgi!
Tom Cruise wanted to fly the F18 himself but the insurers wouldn’t let him!
It was just unbelieveable what they do with those planes! I wonder what it would be like to actually go up in one. I did get emotional in some parts and i was holding my breath towards the end. (I'd say more but i don't want any spoilers for anyone else who might want to see it).
It was just unbelieveable what they do with those planes! I wonder what it would be like to actually go up in one. I did get emotional in some parts and i was holding my breath towards the end. (I'd say more but i don't want any spoilers for anyone else who might want to see it).
It obviously really “ took your breath away.” 😉
Morning all. 5.9 rising to 7 by the time I went to loo and walked down the stairs! Yet another early start to the day, been awake since before 5. My internal monologue is running riot, I wish I could switch it off sometimes.

Zara Monday today, then, hopefully, a full 10 days child free! Her other grandparents are then going on yet another cruise, for only two weeks this time, so it’ll be three days a week, plus an overnighter ( party for parents) for two whole weeks! We’ve started girding our loins already! 😉
Good morning -- 5.3. Haven't had time to do blood test fort he last few days. Fighting to restore some degree of routine, normal diet, and also overcome the governments paperwork. Gave in yesterday after trying for 3 hours to book appointments for biometric residence permits. Nearest place with appointments is Colwyn Bay - a mere 87 miles away and not a quick drive. More people than will go in one car - a problem to solve later. Decided I was too old and stupid to overcome a site which kept locking me out even when I entered the long "unique numbers". So visited a fellow sponsor's family who had, apparently, succeeded. 2 intelligent Welsh and a super bright Ukrainian accountant also failed which, with the excellent coffee, made me feel less stupid but did not result in any appointments - or even a successful log on. So 2 tasks this morning - 1) ring the helpline and 2) keep my temper. We all concluded that this can only be government malice rather than incompetence, although it might be a combination...
Lovely sunny morning here. Pity to have to waste it on defeating Priti Patel.
Zara Monday today, then, hopefully, a full 10 days child free! Her other grandparents are then going on yet another cruise, for only two weeks this time, so it’ll be three days a week, plus an overnighter ( party for parents) for two whole weeks! We’ve started girding our loins already! 😉
Methinks Granny doth protest too much!
5.3 this morning. Quite tired today though and a whole day of work planned.

Audition yesterday was rescheduled.
Morning everyone. 8.1 but dropped to 5.4 within 10 mins. Currently on our way to see the sea, i hope the weather stays dry.
Have a good day whatever you are planning.
I’m 10 and nackered this morning
Morning all, 5.7 here. Libre has me dipping in and out of the red all night. I’m pretty sure its because I was a bit dehydrated after a long walk yesterday afternoon and a couple of glasses of red wine in the evening, but it ruins my 'time in range'.
Good morning 6.9 today

:( on Friday a good friends husband who was only 58 suddenly died, shocking to everybody
especially his family.

over the weekend my wife and friends have been staying there,
I’ve been doing as I’m told just trying to support everybody, so over the last few days have
found myself running errands and between there and here at home.
Both my wife & I are off work this week.