Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 🙂 4.6 here.

Oo, Oo, very exciting, we’re off to a Welsh music fezzie today. It’s a day of tie-dye t-shirts, veggie burgers and wellies in a muddy field. I’m looking forward to seeing our local Côr Dysgwyr Cymraeg (Welsh learners’ choir) perform - most of my classmates are in it. They’ve won loads of awards, so it should be good! ...🙂:confused::D
Morning all, 7.7 here.I was a bit high to go to bed on, (9.7) but I tend not to correct if I’m in single figures. I blame the extra cheese and biscuits I had when I got back from feeding daughters cat. I say feeding, more like, putting a bowl of food down all the while being glared at with a ‘You’re not my real Mom' expression.
Morning all,

4.8 today - a little bit on the low side for me but not a hypo so not complaining!

I wonder if it’s as a result of doing Taekwondo last night, especially as I haven’t been for a few weeks so my body probably isn’t used to it at the moment.

I have really shaky hands this morning for some reason, which made me concerned I was having a hypo but BGs normal so no idea what that’s about!

Anyway, off to play the saxophone for a few hours today!

Have a great weekend 🙂
13 now it could be raising in the morning or could. Be my background not being enough and maybe I need to put up more. I do know a correction did work last night did work I was really high I knew why I ended up great so head in the evening made a mistake earlier on(not sure why because I know a jump happens). I suppose I could have checked at 5 when I happened to wake up to see if it was still holding me steady. Aslo perhaps Prioton does affect me sometimes. When I feal able to I'm going to test this out by finding a time I can confirm my backgrounds right then repeat the test by having a carb free meal.
Morning all, 7.7 here.I was a bit high to go to bed on, (9.7) but I tend not to correct if I’m in single figures. I blame the extra cheese and biscuits I had when I got back from feeding daughters cat. I say feeding, more like, putting a bowl of food down all the while being glared at with a ‘You’re not my real Mom' expression.
Cats can be so sassy, I love that! :rofl:
Morning all, 7.7 here.I was a bit high to go to bed on, (9.7) but I tend not to correct if I’m in single figures. I blame the extra cheese and biscuits I had when I got back from feeding daughters cat. I say feeding, more like, putting a bowl of food down all the while being glared at with a ‘You’re not my real Mom' expression.
Ah so I'm not the only one on here that doesn't correct anything bellow 10. Sometimes recently I have condersiding it though

9.something again today

Placed a Superdrug order on the 28th April thinking that was plenty of time to get my stuff, seems not, had an email from EVRI (Hermes) last night after 9pm to say they have damaged my parcel beyond repair and contact Superdrug about it, they better be able to sort it out quickly as I'm now very low on hand cream and the only shower gel my skin tolerates which means I'll need to lay out extra money that I don't really have to get some bits on Monday 😡 xx
Morning all, 7.7 here.I was a bit high to go to bed on, (9.7) but I tend not to correct if I’m in single figures. I blame the extra cheese and biscuits I had when I got back from feeding daughters cat. I say feeding, more like, putting a bowl of food down all the while being glared at with a ‘You’re not my real Mom' expression.
Memories of mum and dad coming to look after mine one time when I was away… P just attacked them for as many cuddles as he could get whilst J didn’t trust them one iota.
Not helped by the lights going out and mum pouring the kibble into the huge water bowl and not realising before they left. Returned the next day to find a bowl of kibble porridge and two very stroppy felines!
Ah so I'm not the only one on here that doesn't correct anything bellow 10. Sometimes recently I have condersiding it though
I don’t at bedtime, because I’ve often been caught out by an unexpected drop after I've got into bed, even without having corrected. During the day I might do my next bolus-plus-correction a bit earlier so it’s got time to start working before I eat, or occasionally I might do a small correction if I'm not going to be eating for a while and it’s been several hours since my last bolus, especially if the Libre is still showing a rise. it tends to be instinctive whether I do or don’t, based on past experience and patterns, and whether my Libre trace has been rising or falling over the past hour, rather than a mathematical calculation.
Morning everyone 16.7.
No call from DSN yesterday so I upped by 2u this morning. Not one bit surprised to be honest.

We skipped on dinner last night, I underestimated how full I would be so birthday dinner has been rescheduled to today 😛. We did have the cupcakes which were delish and I coped with like a champ.

Have a great day everyone x
Good morning - 4.3
5.7 for me again. 🙂

I don’t at bedtime, because I’ve often been caught out by an unexpected drop after I've got into bed, even without having corrected. During the day I might do my next bolus-plus-correction a bit earlier so it’s got time to start working before I eat, or occasionally I might do a small correction if I'm not going to be eating for a while and it’s been several hours since my last bolus, especially if the Libre is still showing a rise. it tends to be instinctive whether I do or don’t, based on past experience and patterns, and whether my Libre trace has been rising or falling over the past hour, rather than a mathematical calculation.
Ah yes I am finding it hard to make decisions about what I do and what to actually change without data to tell me about whats going on but the libre really didn't seem to work for me so I didn't really have the data anyway. But I do now appear to wanting something (it's hard because sometimes data is too much but when you don't have it you want it) like yesterday I saw 5.8 and ate(didn't need to eat on this occasion but earlier if the day I did) if I'm 5.8 and steady that's fine I can leave it alone but if its falling I might need to do something about that.
Can I ask how you feel at 2.9? I feel shaky and panicked at 4!
Sorry to but in but I just have to say the I love the user name.

I thank you feel shaky at 4 intircates you have good warning signs
Sorry to but in but I just have to say the I love the user name.

I thank you feel shaky at 4 intircates you have good warning signs
Oh I see username has already been mettiined now sorry to be repeative