Group 7-day waking average?

Am I peed off or am I peed off - yes you guessed correctly I am definitely peed off. My consultant just rang to say he cannot do my op on 28 June (after cancelling for March) and wanted to do it on the 10th, explained we are abroad and if I cancelled it would not be covered by my insurance, he was not impressed. Told me I probably won’t get it done now until next year. Shame that in the meantime they don’t pay for £20 a month’s worth of pads that I have been forking out for for years. Each day is a problem, some more than others and only someone who has a continence problem will understand. What cheeses me off most is that my problems are due to the NHS implanting mesh into me 24 years ago and I’ve been fighting them ever since. Aargh sorry but am well peed off, none of this is of my making.
Rant over x
Oh Sue I’m so sorry to hear this..way beyond frustrating.

Any chance if you contact the holiday company that they might be able to move the holiday, rather than you cancelling…maybe just an admin fee to pay. Are you definitely not covered by holiday insurance…if consultant wrote a letter say op was urgent? I’m sure you’ve already thought about this. :(
Just onions, courgettes and I add a diced potato to thicken it and stock. I like chicken stock, but veg is ok. Cook until soft. Whazz it until smooth and melt in Brie. Add loads of black pepper. If I haven’t any Brie I add cream. I also made courgette and lime loaf, that was delicious. I just googled courgette cakes and that came up. Even my grandchildren liked it and I didn’t hide the fact it was courgette. Your Ukrainian guests may like it.
The recipe I found was the same but with leek instead of onions (just to add more ideas!) 🙂
Good morning lot! Well, afternoon. I had a nice lie in, woke up at 11 with a 6'2.

Went to my friend's city, it was really sunny so we just planned to sit in the grass and have dinner there (and a cheeky bit of wine). We thought we would go home early after that and just chill, but we met a friend of hers and ended dancing in a pub! We even got 2 Spanish songs at the end, the sort that in the year of release you get sick of hearing them SO MUCH everywhere but a few years later (and in a different country) make you happy haha
PS they also had Macarena but it doesn't count.
Oh Sue I’m so sorry to hear this..way beyond frustrating.

Any chance if you contact the holiday company that they might be able to move the holiday, rather than you cancelling…maybe just an admin fee to pay. Are you definitely not covered by holiday insurance…if consultant wrote a letter say op was urgent? I’m sure you’ve already thought about this. :(
Thanks Lisa, the problem is it is a family holiday and my son is not vaccinated but covered at the moment as he had Covid in January, this holiday has been 3 years in the making. I have dropped everything at a moments notice all the way through and I told the insurance co when I booked that the op was on the 28th so that was taken into account when agreeing to giving me insurance. As you say just incredibly frustrating and rather upsetting to be honest x
Back from hospital with kiddo. She's still to loose another 12lb before we are back in 4 months but surgeon was super impressed with her progress so far (shes lost over 30lbs). Been a battle and a half for her. Only within the last month or two did she get switched off weight gaining medications onto ones that wont hinder progress.🙄
He explained more is needed because there are 2 surgical waiting lists, and she's almost under the BMI limit of the much shorter one. The other one is years long now after covid backlog. No idea of the one she's going to be going on.
He explained the operation in more details too. First bit is the fix for the previous surgery (they used a ligament to pin across her knee to make an internal knee brace) also the MRI has shown the position of her kneecap is "normal" but on the outside limit of normal so he is going to reposition while he is in there. It all started because of the position of her kneecap.
Progress but not quite there yet 🙂

KFC was awesome too :D
I finally could try a cool vegan café that it's been on my list for some time but was closed every time I wanted to go. I had their breakfast English muffin, very tasty and the test 2 hours later shows it didn't hurt my BG either! Also went to an international food shop that my friend showed me recently. I like to try new stuff from this kind of places, it's hard to resist all the sweet temptations, but I focused on the cheese aisle instead 😉

It's a bit tricky to eat healthy with this friend in particular as we both love food and a lot of our plans/conversations are related to it. She also lives in a different city with many interesting places to eat and when I visit her I often have a feeling of being on mini vacation, so it all adds to the "treat yourself" mindset. She said she also wants to start better habits so that is positive. But is better to take it easy, she got really serious with the diet and exercise once and though it probably was good for her body, she became quite grumpy and not so nice to hang out with :/
@eggyg the photos are showing how lovely it is up there, rain or not. Soup sounds delicious too, i might try that as i love courgettes.
@SueEK so sorry to hear about your op! How frustrating :(. I hope you get something sorted sooner, maybe you could get a cancellation?
@eggyg the photos are showing how lovely it is up there, rain or not. Soup sounds delicious too, i might try that as i love courgettes.
@SueEK so sorry to hear about your op! How frustrating :(. I hope you get something sorted sooner, maybe you could get a cancellation?
I have requested that they put me down for a cancellation, fingers crossed
Nowt better than your own sofa and a good old cup of builders tea!!
Been a good day today I'm home my bs is settling its still a little high but the extra units of insulin seem to be doing its thing. I got told this morning by my endocrinology fellow {I cant spell his surname it's very long and Greek so I won't attempt to butcher it} that I didnt have a cold or a kidney infection it was all down to my grizzly old pancreas having that mahoosive infection and my lymphatic system being non existent caused all kinds of strife with the old hormones and it just couldn't cope so pretty much like a old car it ground to a halt and threw a hissy fit I do need to keep an eye ony carb Intake at the moment not that I mind I was. Little to free with the carbs lost nearly 8 kgs since last week mainly because I wasn't eating loads and hating hospital food so much I'm little funny about others making my food {its a ocd thing} and I really hate too many things touching each other I know it's a odd thing but it's how I cope I normally have two plates one for veg one for protien and sometimes a extra one for sauce or gravy I have a thing about numbers too must be in threes not ones not twos but three even my house number is three so it's been a struggle whilst I was int sick bin.. Its a pain if you want toast have to make three slices ill eat two and feed the birds the other slice I have so many rituals and routines to get though the day its pretty rubbish if I can't do them leaves me put of sorts for the day and then the old clown gets free and it's havok on the old Brain pan.
@SueEK I'm so sorry your having a rough go at the moment I can relate have a few issues my self with my bladder and getting help with the finances just wound me up no end so I gave up trying to get them on a script and pay for them myself every month I really hope you mange to get a cancellation or a date later on this year..
Have a super duper evening I'm about to get some serious carpet time oh how I've missed my stereo system...
Keep on keeping on
Good morning,
yesterday my Blood sugars were absolutely all over the place as high as 15.7 after my evening meal, myBS had fallen to 12.7 around midnigh, then woke up to a 6.1 today.
yesterday I felt just cold & lethargic / shivering and fingers numb for most of the day o_O
but did a LFT both in the morning and again in the evening and they were negative

have a great day everybody 😎
4.5 for me, nothing changed there.

Still eating well and enjoying my food and still making Keto bread every other day. Just stuck with weight loss neither going up or down so stable but need to drop another stone. Hope you are all well, life is good at the moment and I feel relaxed with my foods its all just normal now, my new way of eating.

Anyways just thought I would drop in.

What’s the bread recipe you’re using?
5.6 this morning. Nothing much else to report other than stresses from the legal stuff coming out in weird bodily aches and pains but they’ll pass.
Good morning everyone.

@SueEK so sorry to hear of your frustrations and problems. The NHS can be very frustrating at times. I hope they find you a cancellation.

Returned my heart monitor to the hospital yesterday morning. Man, did it hurt getting those electrode pads off my skin! Arranged to meet up with my friend who was giving me a lift home. Unfortunately, garbled communication, or just plain daftness, we both waited for each other in the same area but out of sight of each other and we both waited for over an hour before finally discovering we were both there, somewhere. Of course I forgot to take my mobile phone which would have sorted things in short order. Still, no harm done and we wandered off to the Waterside pub/restaurant for a carvery lunch a bit later on. Christmas dinner in May. Great stuff.

BG 4.6 this morning.

Trying to decide wether to got out for a walk or not this morning. I am strangely tired this morning

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning. 5.7 today and it’s raining, again! Should clear soon though.

Well, what a day yesterday turned out to be. We set off at 9.30 to go to Great Britain’s most westerly mainland point. The Ardnamurchan Lighthouse. 43 miles. 2.5 hours later we arrived, we did stop for a couple of photos. After the first eight miles it’s all single track road. It’s brutal, Mr Eggy thinks he’s at Le Mans, I was on my last nerve! It’s exhausting, stopping and starting and braking suddenly, and having to reverse, blind summits when you haven’t a clue what is coming over the other side. The locals must have nerves of steel. Anyhoo, we arrived and the sun was shining and the Atlantic looked glorious. Had lunch at the lighthouse, indulged in another piece of lemon drizzle, took photos etc. Then set off to walk to Sanna beach along a coastal path. We parked in Portuiart, walked down to the beach. Absolutely beautiful, white Caribbean like. All of a sudden there was such a screeching and two mink came running past me, one chasing the other. Got photos of course. Set off on the coastal path, we failed at almost the first hurdle, after the day before’s torrential rain the burn that runs into the sea, which we should have crossed, was absolutely full and the stepping stones were barely visible. I have a phobia about stepping stones after I fell crossing a stream and split my head open. We turned back and went back to the car.

Back to the car, and the single track roads. We were probably half way home when we saw a few people looking up into the sky, we stopped and got binoculars out. It was only a blooming white tailed eagle being chased by a buzzard. OMG, what a display we got, the eagle was spinning trying to grab the buzzard with his talons. They were very high up but somehow Mr Eggy got some photos. You’ll have to zoom in, I’ve put a couple on to give you a sense of how far up they were and the size difference. It was such an amazing sight that’ll we’ll never forget and made up for my nerves being shredded. 🙂

We were going to go to Mull today but we are exhausted. It was almost 7 when we got home last night. And anyways, we’ve seen a white tailed eagle now and that was the main thing we were going for. We are planning on walking the hill behind the cottage today, maybe Mull tomorrow.

Have a super Saturday all. Big hugs to all that aren’t well or fed up. Hope things improve soon and I hope my photos cheer you up somewhat. 🙂

1. Britain’s most westerly point.
2. The Atlantic.
3. Ardnamurchan Lighthouse.
4. A highland coo we spotted on the way.
5. Sanna Bay.
6/7/8. White tailed eagle and buzzard. Zoom in.
9. Mink.


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06:51 BS 5.0 🙂

BUT, Tresiba will go down -2 to 84 later today. Yesterday my BS was dropping steadily after active NR so, had to keep testing every 6 hours or so to keep reminding myself to eat when it hit the 5’s but, was still caught out right at the end of the day 6 hours after lunch with a 3.9 that I didn’t feel at all! Was sitting with dinner ready but, had a precautionary JB anyway & waited 5 minutes, the longest I could stand, before eating it! All while playing FFVIII! Also, took 8 breaks to do some laundry which would normally take me 4 goes, two cycles & 2 goes to hang it out, but, the washing machine wouldn’t drain at all so, the kitchen floor was flooded to my shock & surprise when I thought it was done: it just sat there soaking in the Ariel water for over 3 hours as I always wash it twice with each wash cycle being about 90 minutes which was probably longer before I remembered to do the 2nd wash; loads of Ariel & Dettol in the 1st wash cycle to get it clean & the 2nd cycle to rinse it all out! So, the kitchen floor was soaking wet & had to keep the back door open to dry it out! Then, I put, thank goodness it was only a third of a load of dark colours of black & navy before doing the rest of the colours, in the bathtub to fill up & rinse twice before wringing out as dry as I can but, still dripping over the rails over the bath. Once it stops dripping I’ll hang them all out over the radiators, that aren’t on now, as they’re thickly layered over the two rails above the bath! It took me 8 short goes in between shortness of breath & racing heart rate! So, maybe that’s what caught me out after lunch & a good thing that my lower after breakfast reading had forewarned me as only testing did I know I was hypo! Yesterday was a trying, hopping on my tors kind of day!🙄😱

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

My washing machine is very old & it has sometimes flooded the kitchen floor when it doesn’t drain & I’ll have to get it serviced again: there’s a couple of inches of Ariel/Dettol water still sitting in the drum! :(