Group 7-day waking average?


9.2 for me…corrected a low before bed…hey ho.

Lots to do in the garden today plus a mountain of ironing…it keeps getting bigger :(

@eggyg could you send some rain this way too please? Garden is bone dry.

Wishing everyone a happy and frustration free Friday. 🙂
First test was 9.8 I had eaten a couple of masmollows before falling asleep the reason being I seemed to be handing down fast and had some novorapid on bored. I was feeling low so checked 7.1 okay no it's fine I thought but not not long later(well not that much time at all) I was thinking it difetty feelings like something's happen so checked again 6.1 so clearly I was falling fast. So grabbed a couple of masmollows out of a pack I was given for Easter. I did find myself tempted to eat more thorough I resisted though 🙂
A 5.0 for me this morning. Looking at my Libre graphs, I seem to flatline during the night between 4 and 5, it hardly moves until after I'v had breakfast.

(And I forgot to take the Metformin again yesterday.)
Morning everyone. 6.1 for me. I'm sitting hear dreaming about the cup of tea that I can't have because I'm off to the Oxford Biobank for a body scan this morning - it's for a study they're doing into visceral fat and the scan is offered free to diabetics so I'm being nosy. Apparently it's a very simple non invasive scan that also is very open (not a tube like an MRI etc) - maybe I'll have a snooze while I'm in there if it isn't a noisy one. I'm going to take breakfast in the car (and a coffee) so I can have them when I come out. Thanking goodness I went for the 10.30am appointment and not later as have to be nil by mouth from bedtime last night ...
7.5 for me this morning. Had a battle to get levels to stay out of double figures before bed but looks like I got evening Levemir dose (+1) right as I had a pretty straight line overnight.
Went to see The Strictly Professionals tour last night at the Newcastle Arena and it was fab and my levels stayed perfectly level from leaving the house at 6pm to getting back at 11pm, but then headed north 🙄 , despite stopping in at the horses on the way home to do a quick stable sweep up and skip out and feed them which you would think would use up some glucose. Mucking out in high heels is not easy I can tell you!! o_O

Must get some grass cut today if it stays dry and all animals set up with plenty of food and water for tomorrow as I will be away most of the day in bonnie Scotland.... Sounds like I must remember to take all weather gear! Also need to get tomatoes planted in the poly tunnel today... Oh and a walk down to the GP surgery to pick up medication for myself and Ian.

Happy Birthday @gll Hope you have a lovely day Lou and enjoy your steak and cupcake tonight..... and your KFC at lunchtime.
Can't deny it's disappointing that your BG levels haven't come down more with the insulin but sounds like you have the right attitude about adjusting it yourself if you don't hear from them.

A day of legal bs beckons after a similar day yesterday.
Good morning - annoyed with myself - 6.3 (checked with 2nd go) - then remembered the very naughty ice-cream I ate yesterday evening. Yesterday turned out busy - plan for a return to bed thwarted by lovely young neighbour who had emptied his Transit of all his tools to collect a shed I bought on facebook to accommodate outdoor toys/bikes etc for the Ukrainians. He didn't just bring it - he sited and levelled it. Then back to chasing Home Office/MP/Council re a visa for the 3 yr old. A somewhat garbled message from Anna late yesterday evening via google translate suggests success. So just waiting on travel plans now and an ETA. Does anyone on here have any experience of/work in car insurance? Keen to get them a car (it'll be a joint effort me, neighbours/tame garage man and anyone else I manage to wheedle) but the insurance looks a problem so any suggestions welcome. They are very keen to get work which will not be easy in a rural area without transport - plenty of jobs but car essential. Also may need to drive to primary school once we know where council have found them a place - twice a day every day could get a bit wearing if I am the only chauffeur. Have a good day everyone - I am off on a bicycle hunt and, hopefully, a scooter for the 3 yr old.
7.5 for me this morning. Had a battle to get levels to stay out of double figures before bed but looks like I got evening Levemir dose (+1) right as I had a pretty straight line overnight.
Went to see The Strictly Professionals tour last night at the Newcastle Arena and it was fab and my levels stayed perfectly level from leaving the house at 6pm to getting back at 11pm, but then headed north 🙄 , despite stopping in at the horses on the way home to do a quick stable sweep up and skip out and feed them which you would think would use up some glucose. Mucking out in high heels is not easy I can tell you!! o_O

Must get some grass cut today if it stays dry and all animals set up with plenty of food and water for tomorrow as I will be away most of the day in bonnie Scotland.... Sounds like I must remember to take all weather gear! Also need to get tomatoes planted in the poly tunnel today... Oh and a walk down to the GP surgery to pick up medication for myself and Ian.

Happy Birthday @gll Hope you have a lovely day Lou and enjoy your steak and cupcake tonight..... and your KFC at lunchtime.
Can't deny it's disappointing that your BG levels haven't come down more with the insulin but sounds like you have the right attitude about adjusting it yourself if you don't hear from them.
High heels? Thought I was the only idiot who, on occasions, skips out in slippers.
Morning guys

Firstly I'd like to say thanks for all the lovely comments, you made me cry but I'll let you all off as they also made me smile 🙂

10.2 this morning

Bruce has been getting the bus home from work this week so he needs stuff to do while he waits on it, Bubbles's biscuit stock needed replenished so he went to Tesco last night, I asked if he could have a look at the leggings and let me know if they had my size and how much they were, he came in and gave the line "I got you leggings btw" I was like I only asked you to look but thanks how much am I due you? and his reply "nothing, I bought you them" so I'm still none the wiser for future reference, it was lovely of him but I can bet it's only because he benefits by getting to see my derriere better! :rofl: xx
Sounds good - I always have a glut of courgettes. Recipe please.
Just onions, courgettes and I add a diced potato to thicken it and stock. I like chicken stock, but veg is ok. Cook until soft. Whazz it until smooth and melt in Brie. Add loads of black pepper. If I haven’t any Brie I add cream. I also made courgette and lime loaf, that was delicious. I just googled courgette cakes and that came up. Even my grandchildren liked it and I didn’t hide the fact it was courgette. Your Ukrainian guests may like it.
Morning all,

5.7 today and very glad it’s Friday!

Looking forward to tomorrow, spending most of the day gigging with the military band I’m in and just got my uniform last night which looks very fancy!

Have a good day 🙂
09:13 BS … Oops! 😳 Forgotten as I read the posts…6.3 as I needed to look at the meter again!:rofl:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Up a bit earlier after catching up on sleep & a lower figure! Yay! :D
Mornings one and all it's a 13.2 for me
Had a tough day yesterday im still trying to wrap my head round it all. Homeward bound can't wait to get a mahoosive cuddle from the furball and a decent cup of tea into me.
Happy hatch day @gll hope you have a super duper day..
@eggyg even your so called slim pickings are stunning.
@rebrascora hope you get all your chores sorted today
Have a great friyay gang.
Keep smiling
4.5 for me, nothing changed there.

Still eating well and enjoying my food and still making Keto bread every other day. Just stuck with weight loss neither going up or down so stable but need to drop another stone. Hope you are all well, life is good at the moment and I feel relaxed with my foods its all just normal now, my new way of eating.

Anyways just thought I would drop in.

Weight loss is a complete puzzle to me, when I was sitting doing nothing for 2 months due to my knee injury I stayed the same weight and now being more active, getting back to some walking, all be in not as far or as fast as before and gardening, digging etc my weight has gone up. Same food throughout, 70g carb per day.
How far up are you coming? xx
Just the Borders..... over towards Selkirk. Travelling there and back in a day with the horses and carriage and spending a few hours there is limiting on our range of travel.
We went up there last year and had a hoot! We did this sort of treasure hunt where we were given a map and written directions to follow with the horse and carriage and set of at 5 min intervals and we were supposed to find and collect shells at set points on the route, in this beautiful country estate. We had no real idea or guidance where the shells would be located (ie a pile on the ground, in a hollow in a tree, on a rock) or if they were going to be located in a basket or dish or just loose. I was navigating from the sheet and map which was not easy to see when bouncing along a woodland track with reading glasses on 🙄 and trying to look out for something but no idea what or where over a 50 yard stretch of the track whilst Ian drove.... We bickered the whole way round (about 5 miles) as he didn't slow down enough for me to really get a good look, but we never found any despite following the directions to a T. Turned out none of the competitors found a single shell over the entire route which we all had a good giggle about once we realised that we had all totally failed 🙄. Thinking of taking our own shells this time!!
Then we did some cone driving and a course of "difficulties" where you had to drive the horse to a table and get it to stand still whilst you reached over and picked up a glass of liquid (traditionally champagne but not in this case 🙄 ) then drive one handed whilst carrying the glass to the next table and put it back down without spilling it. Then drive 10 yards with a carriage wheel in between 3 inch rope tramlines, drive over a square of old carpet (horses don't like odd coloured patches on the ground or things that feel different under their feet) so often refuse or try to go around it. Reverse between cones etc. It is all just a bit of fun, not a serious competition although there are competitions like this at international level, where no doubt they use real champagne. 😎
We just took Zak on his own last year but taking a pair this time. It will be interesting to see what Arthur makes of it all. He is pretty calm so he should take it in his stride but will be a good learning experience for him.

@Griffin. Great to hear that you will get sprung today. Sorry to hear yesterday was tough but hopefully that was a turning point and levels look better today so hope that is a good sign that you are over the worst. Enjoy your hound hug!
5.7 this morning, feeling hungover without touching a drop thinking I spent to long in double digits last night. Also forgot to take my other Meds this morning. roll on the weekend its not 11.00 yet and all I want to do is go home.

moan over.
Morning all and it was a 6.9 for me, looks like basal tweak has worked for now and that oatcake was not required

Just returned from the vampires, one lot for the diabetes clinic and one for haematology. As the phlebotomist was really good I gave her a urine sample as a treat to send off with the blood. Damn, I'm generous at times

Good news is that we should have the final mixes of our new album this weekend. It's been a long time in the making but with COVID, singer leaving halfway through and relying on free studio time it's no surprise.

Have a good day everyone.