Group 7-day waking average?

8.3 for me but I cut my evening Levemir by 1.5u as I hypoed 3 times yesterday. I went to bed on 9.1 with a 1.5 correction which I had hoped/expected to bring me down to about 6 but clearly turned to water, as I have a very gently sloping overnight graph down to 8.3 so the Levemir dose worked well.

Many congratulations to @Michael12421 on your House Special especially after the last 2 mornings of low readings. Phew!

@sg295 I know this first year has been really tough for you but you have done fantastically. You morning readings are exemplary so you have every right to be incredibly proud of what you have achieved. It does get easier mentally, even if the management can continue to be tricky at times. You have done brilliantly so many congratulations on your first diaversary.

@eggyg Loving the photos and your accounts of your holiday even if I would rather that some of them were less dramatic than they have been. Will be coming over the border myself on Sat with the horses to a driving event in the grounds of a stately home. Much as our local country lanes are perfect for driving and thankfully with very little traffic on an evening, it will be nice to get onto some grass and tracks in beautiful parkland and the people up there are so welcoming.

@TinaD I love the effort you are going to for your Ukrainian visitors, especially sowing beetroot when you don't like it yourself and planting up a Ukrainian flag. Good on you!

9.9 for me today

Was looking through my clothes the other day and came across a pair of leggings I decided to put on, conclusion - love them (and Bruce has no objections to me wearing them either 😉:rofl:) now I know I have another pair the same, I just don't know where! and I can't find them anywhere to buy (they were bought in 2017!)

@Pattidevans eating disorders suck and I probably wouldn't have developed it if it weren't for a fellow Type 1's comments, over 3 years of my life spent with it, I know there are others suffer far worse xx
11:01 BS 7.7 & a tad bit disappointed! :confused: I only tested twice yesterday, 1st waking boo boo with no test, when eating & both were in the 5’s, 5.1 & 5.7! But, then again, I don’t know what I woke on?:confused:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

😳 I have to confess the FFVIII obsession has REALLY taken over BIG time now & I must watch that now I’m not a teenager anymore: this was the one where I spent over 24 hours straight trying to get through 100 battles to get the boss fight of Tonberry to gain him as a GF: paused game in mid battles just to eat; can’t do THAT anymore & thank goodness there’s a 3 x times faster mode now introduced in the earlier import of FFIX a few years ago! o_O I’m coming up to that point in the game to go get Tonberry! 😱 It’ll have to be 3 x times faster mode AND max stats & limit breaks mode as well: haven’t used so far as it’s cheating; needs must as I don’t have the stamina to do that long stint anymore! 🙄 So, hopefully getting Tonberry will be MUCH faster & easier this time? :confused: If there’s one flaw across ALL the FF games it’s the amount of time spent levelling up & FFVIII has the keeping up your rank for salary payments to get the stuff you need problem too! 😱

But, this is the last one, that was missing, & when I’ve finished it I’ll have played all the playstation one FF’s imported into iOS of FFI to FFIX! 😎
Morning all, 6.0 here. Must dash, off to Badminton 3 Day Event to watch dressage all day. Daughter talked me into going with her, and wants to get there at the crack.
Have fun - my friend has a stall there "Lucy Milne Portraits"
Morning all. 7.9 for me. Still running high on purpose.

It’s raining this morning and set for the day, so we’re going to just see how it goes. Yesterday was a long day so we might just read/ watch TV/ stare out of the tri-fold French windows. Or I may utilise the cottage’s washer/ dryer as we travelled light and Mr Eggy is running out of undercrackers! 😉

Yesterday’s visit to Glenfinnan went well, if you’re a train spotter. What a busy place it was, lots of French, German, Dutch and Americans obviously Harry Potter fans, they were all lined up on the hills awaiting the Hogwarts Express ( AKA Jacobite steam train). It was a wee bit murky and my morning photo isn’t so good but we stayed until it returned ( I know 🙄) and was a tad brighter. Home via Neptune’s Staircase near Fort William, the longest staircase lock in Scotland. Unfortunately, there wasn’t any boats/ barges coming through so the photos are a bit boring. A lovely area though to have a walk, we didn’t walk far though as time was getting on and we had our 3.5 minute, £10 ferry to catch to get home.

Have a great day everyone.
Congratulations @Michael12421 on your HS.
Well done @sg295 on your first year, you’re smashing it.
@Gwynn the 24 hour BP machines are nothing to worry about you’ll be in and out in no time. Just be aware it’s a strange sensation when it starts to inflate when you’re pushing a trolley round Tesco. ( other supermarkets are available). 😉
@Robin enjoy Badminton.
Great pics - glad you're having a lovely time. 6 weeks today I'll be arriving in Harris and I can't wait. Hope you get the washing done :rofl:
I've had a headache and a weird feeling in my eyelid (hard to describe) this morning and yesterday's. Both times tested and it was 6'1 and 5'7 so it's not hypo related. I've had headaches before when working early mornings, as I struggle to go to bed early enough. But the sensation in my eyelid is new.
I have had the funny feeling (hard to describe) in my eyelid off and on, a long time ago when I was working odd shifts. The Dr told me it was over-tiredness/exhaustion.

@Pattidevans eating disorders suck and I probably wouldn't have developed it if it weren't for a fellow Type 1's comments, over 3 years of my life spent with it, I know there are others suffer far worse xx
Am I reading this right? Did one fellow T1 make horrible comments? Since diagnosis I have discovered that a lot of T1s are terribly ignorant and wrong about things. I have learnt not to react. However, it's easier to say than do. I had an eating disorder in my 20s, but solved it by starting to smoke... not a course I would advise at all! It took me 28 years to give it up.. now smoke free for 21 years. What on earth did they say?
Great pics - glad you're having a lovely time. 6 weeks today I'll be arriving in Harris and I can't wait. Hope you get the washing done :rofl:
Also - does running high on purpose mean that because you're on holiday you're not being quite so strict? I hadn't even thought about the fact that might be an option - although the machair buns they do at my favourite café probably aren't a good idea. Maybe I could ask them to make some special small ones for me ... Another question (sorry - I know you're on holiday) what is HS that everyone congratulates people on??
That's so true. I find it quite annoying, avoiding foods you want (or eating them feeling guilty), and then having to eat at times where you don't feel like it.

Good morning! I was in the 7'0 step with @ColinUK.
I've had a headache and a weird feeling in my eyelid (hard to describe) this morning and yesterday's. Both times tested and it was 6'1 and 5'7 so it's not hypo related. I've had headaches before when working early mornings, as I struggle to go to bed early enough. But the sensation in my eyelid is new.

Yesterday I got a few things done: laundry, hoover, cut my nails, and tried a new recipe for courgette soup. Nothing exciting but felt very satisfied after that. I don't always feel like cooking so the soup was a nice change.

Keep well everyone! 🙂
I discovered courgette and Brie soup last year when we had loads of courgettes from the garden. Someone on here posted it. It’s delicious. You basically make the soup and then melt the Brie into it. Yummy.
Also - does running high on purpose mean that because you're on holiday you're not being quite so strict? I hadn't even thought about the fact that might be an option - although the machair buns they do at my favourite café probably aren't a good idea. Maybe I could ask them to make some special small ones for me ... Another question (sorry - I know you're on holiday) what is HS that everyone congratulates people on??
I’m running high as I had a terrible hypo a couple of days ago in the middle of nowhere and couldn’t get my BG up however hard I tried. It was very scary. I hadn’t had enough for lunch, walked a big hill, then over boggy ground and it was quite warm. All classic hypo triggers. I never, ever want to get like that ever again. I thought we were going to have to call Mountain Rescue! Hence keeping high on purpose. I’m not eating more, I can’t physically eat more, but reducing my insulin. Its a juggling act when you’re an active person.
PS washing done, going to have some lunch ( though I’m not hungry, I’ll have something light and perhaps not take any insulin) and go out in the rain!
I’m running high as I had a terrible hypo a couple of days ago in the middle of nowhere and couldn’t get my BG up however hard I tried. It was very scary. I hadn’t had enough for lunch, walked a big hill, then over boggy ground and it was quite warm. All classic hypo triggers. I never, ever want to get like that ever again. I thought we were going to have to call Mountain Rescue! Hence keeping high on purpose. I’m not eating more, I can’t physically eat more, but reducing my insulin. Its a juggling act when you’re an active person.
PS washing done, going to have some lunch ( though I’m not hungry, I’ll have something light and perhaps not take any insulin) and go out in the rain!
Oh how scary for you - sorry I hadn't seen that as haven't been on here for a few days. I know how horrible it is being low on sugar when doing a mountain climb WITHOUT diabetes so having a hypo must have been really frightening in those circumstances. Glad you made it down in one piece and are staying on lower ground for a bit xxx
l be coming over the border myself on Sat with the horses to a driving event in the grounds of a stately home. Much as our local country lanes are perfect for driving
I first thought that said drinking event! 🙂 I know the Scots like a nip or two but didn’t know their horses did too!
Have a good day.
Oh how scary for you - sorry I hadn't seen that as haven't been on here for a few days. I know how horrible it is being low on sugar when doing a mountain climb WITHOUT diabetes so having a hypo must have been really frightening in those circumstances. Glad you made it down in one piece and are staying on lower ground for a bit xxx
Had a couple of “quieter” days. It has battered my confidence I must say. I felt so ill, I just wanted to lie down and go to sleep. I couldn’t eat any more sugary stuff as it makes me so sick. Mr Eggy was really worried too and I don’t want to put him through that again either. Luckily, once we got off the boggy ground it was all down hill and not too far from the cottage. I have never been so glad to get back from a walk out. Don’t think we’ll be doing Ben Nevis that’s for sure! 😉
I discovered courgette and Brie soup last year when we had loads of courgettes from the garden. Someone on here posted it. It’s delicious. You basically make the soup and then melt the Brie into it. Yummy.
Yeah, that's the one! I also read it in here and thought "that sounds great". I just used the first recipe I found in Google, and have leftovers for today. Yay!
Am I reading this right? Did one fellow T1 make horrible comments? Since diagnosis I have discovered that a lot of T1s are terribly ignorant and wrong about things. I have learnt not to react. However, it's easier to say than do. I had an eating disorder in my 20s, but solved it by starting to smoke... not a course I would advise at all! It took me 28 years to give it up.. now smoke free for 21 years. What on earth did they say?
Less than a month after my Type 1 diagnosis I developed diabetic macular oedema (the professionals say it was due to my hba1c plummeting) but here I was told it was all my own fault as I'd continued eating carbs so queue me being petrified to go near them as my head was all over the place and they had been diagnosed far longer than me xx
I first thought that said drinking event! 🙂 I know the Scots like a nip or two but didn’t know their horses did too!
Have a good day.
Actually horses are known for enjoying a slurp of beer.
Years ago a distant relation ran a horse drawn bus service and the legend goes that the horses would not go beyond a certain pub unless they stopped for a sup of ale..... to be fair, the pub was at the top of a long steady climb up from the river Tyne and I imagine the passengers enjoyed a drink and warm up too.... There was no heating in those horse drawn vehicles you know and not just a 20 min journey "doon the toon" like it is by car..... and it may also have been the case that that relative had some proprietary interest in that particular pub. 😉
Thank you everyone who has congratulated me on my first diaversary today.

It really does mean a lot, especially as the last few months in particular have been very challenging for me emotionally.

Makes me realise that I am doing a good job and that hopefully things will improve and fall into place eventually.

Thank you again ❤️
Less than a month after my Type 1 diagnosis I developed diabetic macular oedema (the professionals say it was due to my hba1c plummeting) but here I was told it was all my own fault as I'd continued eating carbs so queue me being petrified to go near them as my head was all over the place and they had been diagnosed far longer than me xx
I came across some really hard liners/one solution members early on, shortly after joining the forum, too & I’m extremely wary of posting recipes now because it always upsets them: they post on my threads; it dents my confidence & I, in italics, eventually get upset actually! :(

I know a lot of people in the Chinese catering business, not sure about the industry in general as my experience is with Chinese food, who end up with digestive related problems later in life like liver, gall bladder, irritable bowel etc. because of the non conducive habits of not eating properly like unpredictable eating times, having to work on empty stomachs for long periods & stuffing lots of food in, often the not to be eaten every day stuff sold to the customers, late at night & going straight to bed! 😱 Any wonder some get type 2 diabetes, me, one brother & one sister in law all in the business? :( Both my parents’ type 2 diagnosis I’ll give the benefit of the doubt as they were both in their late 80’s when they came down but, it shows up a family history on both sides of my family!:confused:

All are hard working people, 60/70 hours plus a week, & you just don’t realise the difficulties that can come later in life from what you’re doing to earn a living! :(
Afternoon all.

Well I seem to have been caught up with the garden (everything’s growing like mad in the greenhouse but I can’t keep up with the weeds in the beds where the plants need to go), housework, upholstery and homework …still can’t catch up…where do the days go? I decided I didn’t really need to make a wooden obelisk I saw for the sweet peas, that desperately need to be planted out, and will make do with bamboo wigwam…I realise I don’t help myself sometimes and am way too easily distracted.

Anyway, 8.2 this morning… work in progress 🙂.

Trying to catch up with what everyone is up to while having a cup of tea. You’ve all been very busy.

Hope you have a lovely time at the horse trials @Robin
Lovely pics and completely understand why you’re taking things a bit steady @eggyg …sometimes we seem to have a low and there just aren’t enough snacks in our bags, no matter how many we have…makes a understandably nervous for a few days.

@Elenka_HM just wandering whether your unusual head and eye feeling could be hayfever related? While my husband and daughter will sniff and sneeze like mad, I noticed a couple of years ago that I get a headachey feeling….just a thought.