Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone.

Off to the hospital this morning for a blood pressure monitor to be fitted. Shame my wife won't be with me to support me. I am a bit nervous of it all.

I may walk back from Blackpool town centre if it is not tok hot/cold/wet/windy/any excuse....

BG 4.2 nice and low but not too low.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning,

5.5 today.

1 year ago today, I joined the club no one wanted to be in….you guessed it, the diabetes club!

Yes it was a shock and yes it’s been hard, but I’ve learnt so much in just a year. I’ve gone from knowing very little about diabetes to now learning how to inject insulin, count carbs, split boluses, treat hypos and just generally become a pretty competent diabetic in such a short amount of time.

Yes I’ve made mistakes and still am, but I’m proud of what I’ve achieved already and hopefully will go on to achieve in the coming years.

Here’s to forever (unless they hopefully find a cure before then!)

Happy (I guess!) 1st diaversary - cheers!
Good morning,

5.5 today.

1 year ago today, I joined the club no one wanted to be in….you guessed it, the diabetes club!

Yes it was a shock and yes it’s been hard, but I’ve learnt so much in just a year. I’ve gone from knowing very little about diabetes to now learning how to inject insulin, count carbs, split boluses, treat hypos and just generally become a pretty competent diabetic in such a short amount of time.

Yes I’ve made mistakes and still am, but I’m proud of what I’ve achieved already and hopefully will go on to achieve in the coming years.

Here’s to forever (unless they hopefully find a cure before then!)

Happy (I guess!) 1st diaversary - cheers!
Well done!
Good morning - 6.4
Good morning 5.4 today which was a surprise as when out and about at work, ate a few things yesterday I definitely shouldn’t.

Have a great day everybody 😎
Morning folks. 20.6
Expecting DSN to get in touch today or tomorrow and I'm keen to start adjusting dose. Today is less busy than tomorrow so I'll wager it will be right when I'm out taking kiddo to her hospital appointment tomorrow 🙄

Hope you all have a fabby day x
Congratulations @Michael12421 on your House Special.
5.8 for me today.

7.0 this morning. Yesterday was below 6 all day pretty much and was 5.8 before bed.
Morning all, 7.4 today. GP training went well yesterday, lovely guy who was very interested and receptive to all I said, took notes and everythIng, think he will be fine as far as our work is concerned. A lot of change happening at work and morale at an all time low, didn’t think it could get any lower, we have a secretarial meeting for 5 hrs next week so can guarantee they will be changing things for us, I see a mass exodus happening if they try to move us all into one area, no no no, it would be like working in a typing pool but we have warned them not to do it. Time will tell. Enough waffling from me. Have a good day all xx
@sg295 well done for learning and adapting so much this past year.
@Michael12421 so good to see a better number and an HS as well - magic x
Morning all. 7.9 for me. Still running high on purpose.

It’s raining this morning and set for the day, so we’re going to just see how it goes. Yesterday was a long day so we might just read/ watch TV/ stare out of the tri-fold French windows. Or I may utilise the cottage’s washer/ dryer as we travelled light and Mr Eggy is running out of undercrackers! 😉

Yesterday’s visit to Glenfinnan went well, if you’re a train spotter. What a busy place it was, lots of French, German, Dutch and Americans obviously Harry Potter fans, they were all lined up on the hills awaiting the Hogwarts Express ( AKA Jacobite steam train). It was a wee bit murky and my morning photo isn’t so good but we stayed until it returned ( I know 🙄) and was a tad brighter. Home via Neptune’s Staircase near Fort William, the longest staircase lock in Scotland. Unfortunately, there wasn’t any boats/ barges coming through so the photos are a bit boring. A lovely area though to have a walk, we didn’t walk far though as time was getting on and we had our 3.5 minute, £10 ferry to catch to get home.

Have a great day everyone.
Congratulations @Michael12421 on your HS.
Well done @sg295 on your first year, you’re smashing it.
@Gwynn the 24 hour BP machines are nothing to worry about you’ll be in and out in no time. Just be aware it’s a strange sensation when it starts to inflate when you’re pushing a trolley round Tesco. ( other supermarkets are available). 😉
@Robin enjoy Badminton.


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Good morning - 5.9 after a bad night - think I overdid it yesterday but veggie beds will not weed themselves. Going back to bed for an hour or two having checked/fed the animals. Passed the home check so just awaiting final visa - got my MP chasing it as well as Council co-ordinator. Only really important job today is to vote but I might get a few pots planted up - bought lots of yellow and blue annuals to do a Ukrainian flag in a Belfast sink!
Morning all this sunny day!

5.9 this morning, which is better than it has been. I must be very slow indeed.... I have only just realised that my control has been much less than perfect since January when I got the Omnipod and that it's probably due to not using temp basals as I used to on the Combo pump. Looking into it I have discovered that you cannot set a temp basal if you have IOB from a recent bolus... how daft! I often realise I have over-bolussed because I haven't eaten what I have bolussed for, so a temp basal sorts it out... So last night I had to "suspend insulin" instead... you have to be careful with that as, apart from a tiny beep, there is nothing to remind you to start it again and although you might have only set it for half an hour, it won't automatically start itself again until you tell it to. Arrghhh... so tomorrow we are off to our friends' 40th anniversary and during the (long) drive I will read the manual - no I shan't be driving LOL!

Just reading the posts this morning it occurred to me that it's nothing short of a miracle anyone with diabetes doesn't develop eating disorders. All craving food that's not good for us and saying things like "I ate stuff I shouldn't have yesterday". It's fortunate that most eventually come to like the food that is actually good for us! I can't now eat bought cakes, to my taste now they are far too sugary and quite nasty in fact! Today I am making brownies to take to my friend's celebration - keto brownies which I will enjoy.

@SueEK.... eeek a 5 hour secretarial meeting.... I hope they see the POV of the Secretaries on the spaces you all wish for.

@sg295 congratulations on surviving and learning over the past year.

@Michael12421 well done on the HS

@eggyg I'm a fan of HP... just LOVE the Hogwarts express photos!

@TinaD what a lovely idea with the Ukranian flag in flowers to greet your guests.
Just reading the posts this morning it occurred to me that it's nothing short of a miracle anyone with diabetes doesn't develop eating disorders. All craving food that's not good for us and saying things like "I ate stuff I shouldn't have yesterday".
That's so true. I find it quite annoying, avoiding foods you want (or eating them feeling guilty), and then having to eat at times where you don't feel like it.

Good morning! I was in the 7'0 step with @ColinUK.
I've had a headache and a weird feeling in my eyelid (hard to describe) this morning and yesterday's. Both times tested and it was 6'1 and 5'7 so it's not hypo related. I've had headaches before when working early mornings, as I struggle to go to bed early enough. But the sensation in my eyelid is new.

Yesterday I got a few things done: laundry, hoover, cut my nails, and tried a new recipe for courgette soup. Nothing exciting but felt very satisfied after that. I don't always feel like cooking so the soup was a nice change.

Keep well everyone! 🙂