Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 5.1 today.

I was a little shocked the other day to find I’ve put on a stone in the last 2 months 😱 (since changed my Ozempic to Trulicity) so yesterday had a shake for breakfast and again in the evening.

Have a Great day everybody 😎
😳 Oops! Two boos boos this morning, already: not a good start to the day; hopefully gets better! :confused:😉 Time: don’t know exactly & BS; don’t know either as I had a sudden lapse of memory & forgot as I woke hungry & dived straight into a ham sandwich! 🙄😳:D😉 It was around 6am? :confused:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉 Though, hopefully, in less of a daze than I was?:rofl: The weird thing is I automatically washed my hands during my waking trip to the loo completely by ingrained routine then, just forgot to test!🙄o_O:rofl:

I spent most of yesterday completely wired on adrenaline & couldn’t sleep but, couldn’t see very well either, no reading posts on here, because my eyes were SO blurry from tiredness! o_O Completely appropriate emoji o_O that for my eyes yesterday! :rofl: And I ended up going to bed around the same time as usual ie. 10pm ish so, a normal length of day with no sleep at all the night before!😱 I wanted to sleep in this morning but, woke with call of nature, forgot to test & had some food! OH!😳 Almost forgot! A third boo boo I caught in time: I used the last of the pen for dinner yesterday & needed a hew pen from the fridge this morning but, forgot, of course in my daze, was annoyed & ate anyway then, forgot to inject altogether before I realised about 30 minutes later when I remembered & got a new pen to inject!😳

Now, as I finish posting, my eyes are getting blurry again so, I’ll try & get some much needed sleep as my eyes are clearly telling me! o_O Exactly what my eyes are like!:rofl:
Morning all, 5.6 here, assisted by a 4am jelly baby. I was only reading 3.9 on the Libre, and there’s no sign of a red line this morning, but I woke up and felt slightly hypo (I don’t set the low alarm overnight, because I get too many false alarms disturbing my sleep, and if it’s a real one, I wake up anyway.)
Morning good peeps. :D 4.9 here.

Well done on the HS @Sitosea.

Get some more ZZzzz’s under your belt @Lanny - you sound wrecked!

Had a very nice day out yesterday - cake, a walled garden, a wild wood full of huge rhododendrons, and cheap plants. I even managed not to run a mile in the Bug Room at the sight of a hissing cockroach (I’ll stick to dogs for pets, thanks, ugh).
Good morning all. And apart from the Scottish weather doing it’s worst, it is a good morning. Woke to 6.3, had a good sleep and yesterday my BGs behaved themselves all day. TBF I ran high most of the day.

We just had a simple day, drove to nearest village, 8 miles away. Had a walk and foind a quaint cafe, all homemade goodies. Had quiche and salad for lunch and then treat myself to a slice of lemon drizzle. Well, I had to keep the numbers up didn’t I?😛 We got back in the car and came home the “ scenic” route, 20 miles of single track road!o_O We hardly met another vehicle and there’s loads of passing places. But we did see deer, our first ever cuckoo ( terrible photo) and a handsome male stonechat. Along with lochs and mountains of course. Lovely day put, albeit a bit cooler than of late. Had a picky tea, crackers, pate etc, no bolus as was down to 4 even after lemon drizzle and a conservative amount of NovoRapid. Went to bed on my favourite number 7.2 @Elenka_HM. And all is well in the world.🙂

Today we’re going train spotting! We’re going up to the Glenfinnan Viaduct to see a steam train, and the wonderful curved viaduct. Most famous, apparently, for Harry Potter and the red headed fellow flying over it in the redhead’s dad’s car as they were late for the train! Can you tell I’m not a fan! When we’ve seen the train and took ( Mr Eggy) loads of photos from every possible angle of the viaduct, we’re off to Fort William for some petrol and a mooch around, need to get some serious walking in.

@Griffin. At least they know what they’re dealing with now. Hopefully insulin will be prescribed along with Creon, as you are now one of the weirdo diabetes that call ourselves Type 3c and/or Creonistas. We are very special. Keep well.
@Michael12421 that’s two low mornings, is the weather warming up over there? Maybe a basal reduction required? Just a thought. Hope those carbs work ASAP.

Here’s some photos from yesterday, the cuckoo one is very much cropped, it was quite a way away. Oh and these are my photos. 😉


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Congrats on the HS @Sitosea and great pics @eggyg
4.7 for me this morning.

10.4 was 9.4 two hours before depending on what number I am when I go to bed tonight I might try and get a sort of for now background test in.(or least test a few times in time) although if above 10 I'm not going to want to.
On a positive I think the Dsn I'm seeing Tuesday is debrtic herself(if thinking of the same one so It might be hellpful to discuss with her the varrious things I'm trying to to figure out a balance because I'm I'm thinking I might be getting it the ballance bit wrong at the moment. Ill figure it out eventtly though. I will Amit only having doing finger pricks is a bit hard to make discussions from
Morning all its a 15.9 from me still high but so much better than it has been for the last few mornings. Settling in to another full day of beeps whirrs alarms and footsteps finger picks and iv drips should be seeing the endocrinology fellow today see what the fuss is all about not sure I'd say stoic @SueEK more like stubbornly optamistic and bullheaded to boot.
@eggyg those photos are simply stunning I've climbed Ben nevis once or twice in the past as part of the three peaks challenge its a beautiful place..
@Lanny you must be cream crackered hope you get some sleep today
Have a great day everyone dont let the barstewards grind you down...
Keep smiling
6.6 for me this morning after another basal increase last night.
Loved the Downton movie and we had a Lebanese meal before hand which was a first for me. Shot myself 2 units and chose low carb which was quite easy to do but then they brought these bits of unlevened bread to have with dips and olives which was dellcious.... the dips more than the bread but you needed a carrier for it. I didn't have much but clearly more than my insulin would cover. Injected another 2 units at the start of the film when I was on 8 and rising slightly but still ended up high 12s after the film (sitting around in the cinema clearly did help) and after that I was stacking insulin for the rest of the afternoon/evening to get it back down.... hence the basal increase again last night.
Pleased to report my calf muscle is feeling a bit better today so need to get out for a walk. This limited activity is not helping me and needing much more insulin than I would like.

Congratulations to @Sitosea on your House Special this morning.

@Griffin. Hope you are feeling a bit more human today and they get you dispatched back home soon with appropriate treatment.

@eggyg So pleased you had a better day and night and great photos.

@Elenka_HM I don't have a set number to go to bed on. I make a judgement based on my levels at bedtime and what they have been doing during the afternoon and evening (Libre makes this possible) and if anything I tend to adjust my Levemir rather than eat carbs, although I will sometimes have some roasted peanuts if levels have been volatile as that tends dampen down any unpredictability.
Have you actually been prescribed a bolus insulin but are just not using it yet or do you not actually have any? Just wondering if your levels suddenly went high and didn't come down, if you could make a phone call to the DSN and then use quick acting insulin that you have available in your fridge, according to their advice or if you would need to attend the clinic to get something prescribed?
Morning everyone 18.3

I've got a few packages arriving today so have to stay in for all of those to show up. I got handed 3 months of my nephews business paperwork to do his accounts last night so I might as well get going on that while I'm here.

Had a lovely chance meeting with a girl I used to childmind in town yesterday. She ended up coming over for a coffee after work for a proper catch up. Was actually lovely to see her and as a bonus, she's sitting her final exams for her podiatry qualifications. She said, any problems in that department just to phone her <3.
I looked after her for over 10 years so she's always been a huge part of all our lives and totally made my day to see her, she really was one of the family.

@Griffin. <pile of hugs awaiting pickup> let us know how you get on with todays stuff x
@Sitosea nicely done on the HS

stay awesome everyone x

6.7 today, nothing much planned other than work and a run this evening.

@Sitosea - congratulations on the HS

Pleased you are having a lovely holiday @eggyg, the photos are lovely.
6.6 for me this morning after another basal increase last night.
Loved the Downton movie and we had a Lebanese meal before hand which was a first for me. Shot myself 2 units and chose low carb which was quite easy to do but then they brought these bits of unlevened bread to have with dips and olives which was dellcious.... the dips more than the bread but you needed a carrier for it. I didn't have much but clearly more than my insulin would cover. Injected another 2 units at the start of the film when I was on 8 and rising slightly but still ended up high 12s after the film (sitting around in the cinema clearly did help) and after that I was stacking insulin for the rest of the afternoon/evening to get it back down.... hence the basal increase again last night.
Pleased to report my calf muscle is feeling a bit better today so need to get out for a walk. This limited activity is not helping me and needing much more insulin than I would like.

Congratulations to @Sitosea on your House Special this morning.

@Griffin. Hope you are feeling a bit more human today and they get you dispatched back home soon with appropriate treatment.

@eggyg So pleased you had a better day and night and great photos.

@Elenka_HM I don't have a set number to go to bed on. I make a judgement based on my levels at bedtime and what they have been doing during the afternoon and evening (Libre makes this possible) and if anything I tend to adjust my Levemir rather than eat carbs, although I will sometimes have some roasted peanuts if levels have been volatile as that tends dampen down any unpredictability.
Have you actually been prescribed a bolus insulin but are just not using it yet or do you not actually have any? Just wondering if your levels suddenly went high and didn't come down, if you could make a phone call to the DSN and then use quick acting insulin that you have available in your fridge, according to their advice or if you would need to attend the clinic to get something prescribed?
Sometimes I find it’s the dips which cause me to spike much more than the flatbreads!
Morning all and 5.7 for me.

Whoops got the bolus timing wrong yesterday evening. Hypo after tea then rebound up to 13. It's a bit of a b****r having to post bolus. Nevermind I'm sure I'll get it right tonight.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all and 5.7 for me.

Whoops got the bolus timing wrong yesterday evening. Hypo after tea then rebound up to 13. It's a bit of a b****r having to post bolus. Nevermind I'm sure I'll get it right tonight.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning. 7.5 for me today. Things are moving in the right direction. Got a call from my named nurse. Making me calmer.
Thanks for the replies! @rebrascora as you know I don't have Libre, so I try to judge by my activity and what I ate before. In the rare occasion I drink alcohol I prefer to be on the safe side.
I do have Novorapid at home, ready to go! In fact I have too much at the moment because when I asked the nurse to change my prescription to cartridges for the future, they send 2 boxes to the pharmacy without me ordering o_O
Good morning. 7.5 for me today. Things are moving in the right direction. Got a call from my named nurse. Making me calmer.
So pleased to hear that you are getting some more support and good to see your levels improving.