Group 7-day waking average?

Hi everyone! 6'8, and relieved by that. Got a bit nervous last night as I decided to check my BG before bed, after a carb heavy dinner, and found 13 something. It may not be the first time I had this number but I don't usually see it, and it was the first time my meter show me the suggestion of testing for ketones. Problem was, I was sleeping at a friend's and I didn't have ketone strips with me, nor Novorapid. I've literally spend all night dreaming of doing finger pricks and not being able to see the numbers. So I'm glad to be back to a normal (for me) waking BG. Probably was overthinking, but next time I'll make sure to carry some of the ketone strips for peace of mind!

The last few days I've noticed my BG generally a bit higher. My food choices have not been great and I've not been so physically active. So maybe I should work on those and then, if BG patterns doesn't change, speak to the nurses about my insulin.
10:40 BS 7.8 After no sleep & a bit of light dozing! My stomach feels very queasy as I have finally asked for some help, after some prompting from my sister, & have a social worker coming to look at the state of the house at 11:00 this morning! It’s been a tip for a very long time & it’s snowballed to the point that I know I can’t manage it on my own! It’s like a diabetic review the way my stomach is reacting! o_O

Can’t hang about as I’ve barely wiped my face from all the stressful tears from dry heaving from nervousness! 😳
Well! Things are never as bad as I fear: she knew I needed help & the house wouldn’t be perfect, FAR from it; never been particularly house proud anyway but, I felt like it needed to be perfect psychologically! 🙄 So, she will call around for private firms to do a BIG clean in the kitchen, living room & hall to get back to me with names, numbers & ballpark price: they’re need to see it before giving me a definitive price!:confused: She call me next week!

Now, I’ll have something to eat & get some sleep! A stream of z’s emoji!

Will catch up later! 😳
It may not be the first time I had this number but I don't usually see it
I've been curious for a while now as to why you don't test before going to bed? Even when I was on 1 unit of basal I could still need a snack to see me through if I was on the low side xx

6.4 before breakfast today, have already consumed 9 lifts

Odd day yesterday, was 7.7 come dinner time and was having a cheese and pickle sandwich and a jammy joey (I haven't had one of those since long before I was diagnosed!) we don't go light on the pickle like some have mentioned (like a small scraping just to taste it) so there was at least 5g carbs in that and then about 20g in the jammy joey, based on the previous days result (although not the same food consumed nor the exercise I had on Sunday morning) I played it cautious and only took 4 units, stood up to go and test for tea and felt a little "funny" and when I tested I was 5.1 so have no idea what went on as I still haven't applied a sensor xx
I’m super upset,

That referral has been processed by the hospital but apparently there’s ‘not enough clinical information to make a decision’ whatever that’s supposed to mean.

This has all been going on for so long now and nothing is being sorted out or is improving. I’m so sick of it all.
I've been curious for a while now as to why you don't test before going to bed? Even when I was on 1 unit of basal I could still need a snack to see me through if I was on the low side xx
That's a good question. To be honest, the nurse said I didn't need to at the beginning and I didn't think much of it. I only take my basal in the morning and don't use bolus yet, so I guess it's unlikely to go low during the night. I checked in the rare days when I had an hypo, and sometimes when I have a specially heavy dinner and want to see the "damage" (more often than not I prefer to live in ignorance tho).
Afternoon all
C t scan complete i have chronic pancreatitis so a few more days in the bin fluids meds yawn!!!! To answer your question gang I am most deffo a type 2 I had all of my lymph nodes in my back and arm pits removed 11 ish years ago and some other procedures thrown in so my endocrine system is totally shot and I get infections in random places ive battled more kidney and bladder infections than I've probs had hot drinks let's just say the last ten years has been a roller coaster of a decade I'm not going to lie I get super fed up with it all but to be honest most of the time I just get on with it all I hate fuss and having to ask for things thats whats eating me at the minute nurses have so much to do and I'm adding to the workload all because my stupid body won't behave itself for the so called superior race we really are built rather poorly...
Anyways chunter over I shall go climb back in my box now
Keep smiling
8.2 this morning after not much sleep in a tiny caravan bed, every time I move all the springs pop. Nice to be away but will be nice to sleep in a real bed too when I get back
Good morning! 6'3. Yesterday I took my bedtime BG again after some chat in the forum and a glass of wine (I like to check it when I drink). Was 5'8, not really low, but had one biscuit just in case and it seems it was not too bad. I'm curious, what level would you guys go to bed at?

@Michael12421 you seem to wake up hypo quite often, that sounds a bit scary. Hope the carbs get you up quickly.
Morning all and a 7.7 today. We have a new doctor starting today so he is coming in for some training this morning, it really helps us (and them) if they get their dictation, queries, tasks etc right. I do like to remind them that although they are talking into a machine/phone that there is a lovely lady at the other end listening to their every word, so no eating and chomping away as some have been known to do.
@Michael12421 aah! Get those numbers up quick, hope you feel alright xx
@Griffin. you sound amazingly stoical and I’m sure the nurses are more than happy to ‘run around after you’. Get better soon xx
Have a lovely day all x
Morning all. 6.2 this morning.

@SueEK I’m sure you’ll whip the new doctor into shape in no time.
Morning everyone. 5.6 for me. Tired out this morning. This sensor is behaving oddly. For the past 3 mornings i've woke to a break in the data, only a short one, but its not because i've gone over 8 hours or not scanned, i have, it always seems to break around the same time as well. Despite that its fairly accurate.

@Elenka_HM i like to go to bed in the mid 6s, that way i don't go high in the night. Any lower and i have a snack.
@Michael12421 get those fast acting carbs quick!
@SueEK i hope the new doctor turns out to be a nice one.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning - 4.3