Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 5.6
My current libre is telling me 4.8 (This one is usually very close to my Contour reader.)
Good morning everyone. Thanks for all your encohraging and positivve replies. I had really felt very low which is very unusual for me.

Today I got up late, did my morning waking routine backwards and by the time I got round to doing my blood sugar it was 5.0. It must have bern somewhat lower at the point of waking. This is good.

My only remaining friend agreed to start occasional exercise walking. Yesterday we went for a medium walk and then a nice cup of tea at a local beach side very old fashioned (but recently upgraded) hotel. A great time of catching up and restoration for us both.

I supported him on a daily basis (for about 2 years) when his wife left him a couple of years ago and he was heart broken, a completely broken man. He was so lost and is only now, a few years later, getting something of a life going again.

Things are hard for everyone. Sigh.

I have spent the last few days gathering thousands of images of dogs on the internet especially for a special 'guess the animal/type' multiple choice game I have written for my daughters daughter. She has shown a lot of interest in my 'find the odd one out game' too. It encouraged me to bolster the multiple choice game. I have onlg 49 more dog types to get. It will probably be about 10000 images in the end. Then all I have to do is process and resize them all. Keeps me busy. In all there will have been about 110 different dog types, each with between 100 and 200 images.

Ugliest dog so far (to me) seems to be a neopolitan mastiff. Most vicious, a tibetan mastiff. Nicest, the great dane. Most hideous, the chinese crested.

Years ago we kept bloodhounds. Daftest dogs on the planet but really great fun. A bit slobbery though.

Today a day of dowloading more doggie pictures.

Fixed a major part, no, not fixed, simplified, of the App where it takes a bunch of images and automatically creates the questions along with 4 possible random wrong answers for each image. The process of simplification was surprisingly complex!!!

Thanks once again for all your support. Way more important and helpful than you probably realise.

Morning all 19.5 :( Was waiting for my body to start to kick back a bit. 🙄

Been up for a wee while and I shouldn't be left alone on the internet with my debit card :rofl:.
Ordered my birthday prezzie from the kids (needs to be me ordering as its vat relief). Got a myabetic mini backpack coming (hopefully tomorrow) so hyped about that :D (b'day friday). Was getting fed up with my current bag and lack of space for normal stuff after all the D stuff has slowly taken over. At least now I will be able to carry a bottle of juice (the non bg raising kind) in it and put away all my D bits n bobs in a separate part.

Todays schedule is clear so can hopefully get started on the mammoth task of decluttering my bedroom/office and see if there's any un-needed stuff I can clear out and donate then a deep clean. (hopefully it will bring bg down a bit while I'm at it)
After that it will be sorting paperwork that I have let pile up that either needs to be shredded or filed.
I need my zen back in my favourite space 🙂

Have a brill day everyone 🙂
Morning folks. 🙂 5.9 here.

Aw @Griffin. thank goodness you phoned Selena - hope you’re feeling better and back home with your puppy ASAP ((((Hugs)))).

Off to wander round some lovely gardens and have lunch in a posh caff with my bezzie. Looking a bit grey out there, but I’m sure the sun’ll come out for my garden snaps...can’t let Mr @eggyg win all the trophies! 😉 (Who am I kidding? Don’t think I can beat a surfing kilt or a loo with a view).
5.6 for me today. 🙂

Morning all,

6.0 today.

Seemed to have a bit of a random surge in BG at around midnight before it dropped back down again…not quite sure what that was about but oh well (is that dawn, never quite sure?)

Got online training from 10-11 today and then not much, feels very strange now my essay is done, like a huge weight has been lifted and left with very little to do. Still I’m not complaining!

Have a good day all 🙂
Morning all. And I had a lie in until 9am. 7.1 for me.

I had a lie in as I’ve had a rubbish night, following a rubbish day, that’s not quite true it was fab until 4pm. We took ourselves off for a walk about 1.30. It wasn’t far but was uphill and it was quite a sunny day, so was quite strenuous. Our plan was to find a hidden loch. We did after following a very boggy path. It was just beautiful. We followed another boggy path and came to a little beach. The sun was shining so the cameras came out. Found ourselves somewhere to sit and just took it all in. I felt a bit hungry about 3ish. I hadn’t had much lunch as I’d had a bacon sandwich for breakfast, took my BGs, 5.7. I had a packet of crisps, no bolus as the exercise would offset that. We moved on to another part of the lake to an upturned rowing boat, I sat on it and Mr Eggy took photos. I suddenly started feeling really hot and sweaty and sickly. This was 4pm. Took BGs, 3.9! Oh heck! Had three JBs, chewed them thoroughly. They made me even more sickly. 10/15 mins passed, still felt ill, still 3.9. Another three JBs. Another 15 minutes, 3.8! I was panicking now, as was Mr Eggy I think but he was remaining calm. I just wanted to lie down but we were in the middle of nowhere, on peaty boggy ground. I thought I was going to pass out. Attempted to eat a KitKat, one bite was all I could manage. Almost 40 minutes we sat there until I started to come round. Checked BGs 4.1! Decided I had to move as I wanted to go home. We managed to move a few metres and I needed to sit down again, then I needed the loo! My gastric system can not cope with sugar in that quantity and I knew I was having a gastric dumping episode. Luckily I always have a kit for such emergencies and as they say “ when you gotta go, you’ve gotta go”. I know I can tell you all this, I wouldn’t dream of telling a muggle! Started to feel better, 4.4. That was it, we were off. We were only a couple of miles from the cottage and once we got off the boggy path we were back in half an hour. BGs 6.6 arrow up! By teatime, which I really didn’t want to eat, I was 11.4! So from 4pm to 6pm I went from 3.9 to 11.4. Then the headache came, then the plummet, right down to 4.8 at 9.30. ( I had a jacket potato for tea and ony bolused for that, didn’t do a correction). Had to eat more until I got up to a reasonable number before bed. Unfortunately my stomach doesn’t like being overloaded and I’ve spent a lot of the night on the loo! Oh dear! Diabetes + gastric dumping syndrome + permanently partially block small intestine sometimes aren’t good bedfellows! Fingers crossed all is well today, I’ve reduced my basal, again, and will try and keep my numbers a bit higher. I never, ever want to go through that again. Thought we were going to have to call mountain rescue! Today we’re going for a drive!

Today’s photos are from before “ the incident” when all was well with the world. And they’re my photos from my camera.

Take care all. 🙂


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Morning all - grey again today, though yesterday cheered up and we were able to enjoy a drink in the garden late afternoon/early evening.

6.2 this morning despite a correction for a 4.2 alarm at 03:00.

@Griffin. so sorry to learn of the awful time you are having. Are you sure you have T2 rather than T1 - asking due to the ketoacidosois (though I know T2s can get it, it is unusual). Lots of gentle hugs and wishes for a quick recovery.

Have a good day everyone. covid booster for me at noon. Now my kitchen is sparkling I must spend the afternoon bringing the sitting/dining area up to the same standard. At my age I need to do housework in small bites.
Eek! @eggyg. Not something you want to happen on a remote walk! I hope you feel better today.
Are you sure you haven’t heavily retouched those photos? There looks to be some sort of blue phenomenon at the top, like it’s some sort of rare sky colour. Nothing like that down here, it's uniformly grey.
Oh @eggyg what a nightmare. (hugs)
Are you sure those pics are Scotland? Where's the grey skies and imminent thread of rain?

I'm fed up with housework already so going to pop into town with my son as he has an extra day off today. Will hit aldis as the tesco shop hasn't quite lasted this week and probs go for a coffee with him if its not too uncool to sit with mum for half n hour. 🙄
Delighted to report a 5.8 the first time I woke up and in range all night after a Levemir increase of 1 more unit. Hard to believe 1 extra unit can make such a difference! Must confess I went back to sleep after injecting morning Levemir (-1) and was 6.7 when I got up.
Off to the cinema with my friend (first time in over 2 years for both of us) this afternoon to see the new Downton movie and probably have a bite to eat, so really looking forward to that

@Griffin. Oh Griff! So sorry to hear that you DKA'd and are back in hospital. What a blessing Selena has been in coming into your life and how good of her to come back and check on you.... and well done you for ringing her. Hope you are feeling better and back home soon. I second @Pattidevans thoughts on your diabetes type. It has been a question mark in my mind for a while before this but that DKA certainly makes it more prominent.

@eggyg Blooming Heck Elaine! Absolutely stunning photos but what a traumatic experience. I imagine the boggy ground and warm weather took more out of you than expected. That must have been really scary for both of you. Hope you have a nice relaxing day today and your system settles down again.
10.7 it could have have been slightly lower If not for some things I know I said I have I have to change today to see what that extra unit of liverir is doing this morning but I shouldn't justify liting it portentonty sit there for hours. I know I should be doing proper background tests but I don't feel like im angle to well ill I just have to work out adjustments as best as I can until I've worked out what's going on with me
@Robin and @gll it was definitely Scotland. Short lived but glorious. Today slightly murky! Back to normal.
@rebrascora I think you’re correct about the boggy ground and the heat. I feel tired and headachy this morning. Just forced myself to have a slice of toast. We’re going to drive out to our nearest shop and get provisions and hopefully find a cafe for lunch. There’s no chance of getting too hot today and I definitely won’t be walking on any boggy ground.



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Morning all and 6.2 for me.

Seemed to get bolus timings right yesterday evening but overnight graph still going downwards overnight. Give it a couple of days and perhaps knock another unit off.

To everyone that's ailing a speedy recovery and the best day possible to one and all.
So after a kidney infection a broken head and a monster cold it's still not over currently in hospital getting insulin and fluids pumped Into me and being tested for keytones I have no recollection of getting here I was completely out of it apparently I called selana last night was babbling and slurring my words asked her to come take me for ride in the car she got worried came back to my house and found me passed out in the bathroom my bs was nearly 30 I and was in ketoacidois have no idea why I didn't do anything out of the ordinary ate really well avoided carbs stayed hydrated and it still happened waiting on a C. T scan and to see someone tomorrow. I'm fed up grumpy and I'm soooo over being sick at the moment. Im truly thinking about trading this stupid body in and asking for a new one...
I've had my three now.... Enough universe please and thank you
Keep smiling
Fingers crossed that’s your bad luck over and done with. Hopefully you’ll get sorted ASAP. Take care.