Group 7-day waking average?

5.8 for me today. 🙂

Morning all. A very nice 5.4 today. The Scottish air must be agreeing with me. 100% in range yesterday. And I slept loads better. 🙂

We had a walk along the loch shore yesterday as far as we could go, then walked back by the road. It was quite mild without a breath of wind. Not another soul in sight. Mr Eggy was in photographer’s heaven. Something to do with “ changing light”. After our delicious tea, we went back out again, I didn’t last long, I could feel the midges starting to bite so left him and went back to the cottage. Just over six miles done. Happy with that.

I’ve put a couple of photos in the Entertainment section but I’ve added some of Mr Eggy’s potentially award winning photos from yesterday, I had a problem with my camera and couldn’t download mine, it’s sorted now. I have added one or two from my phone though. The ones taken last night from the living area and the visitor in the garden are mine.

Glad to see you back @Gwynn, even if you just post your reading and say hi, that’s enough for us if you don’t want to “talk”. Hope things pick up soon.
@ColinUK wow! Borrow their insulin? Hmmm…..o_O

Hope you all have a great Bank Holiday Monday, we’re off walking, just for a change! 🙂


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Good morning - 5.0
Morning all,

5.3 today and 5.8 yesterday.

So nice to have an extra day off today - I need it to finish off and submit my assignment.

The last academic essay I ever have to write, how exciting!

Have a good day 🙂
Good morning - 5.8 after 8 hours sleep with only one bathroom visit. Seem, at last, to be getting a bit of energy back after the 'flu or whatever it was which hit just before Peachy foaled. A most successful day of bodging yesterday: Wolf fence completed, over wintered plants planted out, beds weeded, wood into woodshed, yard tidied, the hinges of a dodgy window replaced and 3 doors adjusted, all despite a steady misty drizzle. Young Alex is 100% brilliant at practical jobs. Today: spray gravel areas to suppress weeds, final house tidy before house check, source a wi-fi thingy and a booster for the second pc so that the Ukrainians (if allowed to come) get decent internet access for lessons and checking on family back home. Need to source a secure medicine box as youngest is 3 yrs old. If all goes well need to hit up Dunelm for jolly duvet covers for the kids. Nice to be busy
Good morning. 7.6 for me. Yesterday was a day of lows then highs, all day. I struggled to get out of the 4s but then i'd get a vertical line on the graph up to the 12s! It seems to be more often at weekends but unless its a school holiday, its pointless altering the Tresiba. Though i may try tweaking by half a unit.....we'll see.

@Gwynn good to see you back. You know where we all are if you need to talk.
@eggyg the photos are lovely.
@ColinUK well done for resisting.
@Lucyr the puppy is very cute.
@SueEK enjoy the time with your daughter and grabddaughter.
@Elenka_HM i like to use pen and paper as well. Though i'm not using it atm, i often write it down as its easier to spot patterns like that than on a screen. As regards the full english for a wedding, nice idea.
@sg295 good luck with the essay.
@TinaD wow! You must had had an energy burst! Good to hear you're feeling better.

Have a good Bank Holiday Monday everybody.

7.8 today and it's blooming freezing here xx
Well, disappointingly I had a rerun of the night before last, with the same pattern.... Went to bed on 7.2 after a day of having to top up with a few carbs here and there to keep out of the red then shot up to 13s all night. Woke at 6am on 13.8 so hit it with 5.5 units of Fiasp plus my Levemir dose (-1) and went back to sleep and woke up nearly 3hrs later on 7.1. Jabbed breakfast bolus of 3.5u and got to eat breakfast with just a minimal prebolus of about 15 mins which I could definitely get used to and that all worked out perfectly, but the high levels through the night are a concern. I was loath to increase my Levemir last night as I had had quite an active day, so just gave it an extra half a unit which clearly wasn't anywhere near enough. May go to bed on a lower number tonight and add another unit. Will see how I feel at bedtime.

sorry been missing for a couple of days, 7.8 this morning. I was supposed to be running a 10K in London today, but as I had also signed up to the virtual event as well, I decided to do the virtual one rather than deal with Bank Holiday train alterations into London.

@Gwynn - pleased to see you posted, you are dealing with a lot, but we are always here for you as an outlet when you need to.

@eggyg holiday photos look good.

@Lucyr - cute puppy pics

@ColinUK - I would not have been able to resist like that.

Have a lovely Bank Holiday.
Morning all and 6.4 for me.

Jury is out on my latest levemir reduction. May have to play with evening meal bolus timings.

One of those mornings where I can't remember is I took my morning basal or not. Meter seems to suggest I did, so let's take it from there.

Last day of the snooker so may be more productive after today.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - at least it's not raining today.

Woke at 8:45 at 4.7 but according to my Libre I have been in the red all night. I tested 7.1 at 23:45 last night, then went upstairs and got distracted by looking online to see my Hba1c results (lots of results there from this week's bloods, quite a few were "abnormal" so I had to do a lot of googling, but no Hba1c). I find the overnight red line confusing as I had no warning alarms, whereas after waking the Libre was pinging every 2 minutes until the Dextrose and biscuit kicked in. I managed a straight line most of the time on my old Combo pump, but since being on the Omnipod I can see nothing but confusion!

@Gwynn welcome back

@ColinUK well done for not succumbing - it does sound like your rellies are rather ignorant regarding diabetes despite being on insulin - or perhaps they are on insulin due to not being clued up.

@eggyg the photos are excellent.. no wonder your hubby won those awards... and you have discovered some really quirky stuff!

@Elenka_HM who produced your paper diary? Usually it's one of the meter companies. If so look them up online and give customer services a ring, they are usually happy to send you a new one free of charge. Also if you google "Blood Sugar Diary" you will find a number of free printable ones.

Happy day everyone - nothing on my calendar except housework - oh how I hate it!
Morning…just. 8.4 this morning…straight line over night, so I guess night time levemir is correct…for now 🙄

Well we had a drizzly day yesterday, but if it was going to rain anyway I wish it would have rained a bit more…just a tease for the garden really. Grey and damp days are at least a good excuse to do indoor things and housework @Pattidevans , no sunshine tempting you out into the garden.

@freesia I’ve had a few days like that recently…snacking to head off lows, low line staying steady for hours and then whoosh it’s like my body has gone “oh hello carbs, hadn’t noticed you earlier, better do something with those” very frustrating:(

It’s not wet and it’s not sunny here, so can’t decide on garden, indoors latest upholstery project, homework for my language class…or tackle massive pile of ironing (that’s not going to happen today🙂);…I’ll probably just faff about all day.

Enjoy you day everyone.
Morning all and 6.4 for me.

Jury is out on my latest levemir reduction. May have to play with evening meal bolus timings.

One of those mornings where I can't remember is I took my morning basal or not. Meter seems to suggest I did, so let's take it from there.

Last day of the snooker so may be more productive after today.

Have a good day everyone.
Looks like the snooker might not take up as much of your day as first thought, if O’Sullivan keeps playing like he did yesterday…but who know :confused:
@Elenka_HM who produced your paper diary? Usually it's one of the meter companies. If so look them up online and give customer services a ring, they are usually happy to send you a new one free of charge. Also if you google "Blood Sugar Diary" you will find a number of free printable ones.

Happy day everyone - nothing on my calendar except housework - oh how I hate it!
Thank you Patti! My diary is from Novo Nordisk, the insulin company. I'll check online if they could send me more.

@freesia I also find the data on paper easier to work with, and add notes on the side. The nurses I had my appointments with also seem to appreciate having this diary.
I’ve had a few days like that recently…snacking to head off lows, low line staying steady for hours and then whoosh it’s like my body has gone “oh hello carbs, hadn’t noticed you earlier, better do something with those” very frustrating
Glad its not just me then! I find i then correct the highs for it to drop suddenly again then bounce back up. As you say, very frustrating.
I also find the data on paper easier to work with, and add notes on the side. The nurses I had my appointments with also seem to appreciate having this diary
I used to highlight highs and lows in different colours as well, it made it much easier to see. Although maybe i had too much time on my hands....😳:rofl:
I used to highlight highs and lows in different colours as well, it made it much easier to see. Although maybe i had too much time on my hands....😳:rofl:
Hmm...maybe diabetes will be my new excuse to use nice stationery, now that I'm no longer a student! I love it, I used to get a lot and then didn't use most of it. The packs of coloured highlighters and pens are so aesthetically pleasing :D
9.4 for me this morning thinking I've now chang ed my carb radios a little bit too much because things I've noticed over the last few days(reason I haven't done proper background teats is because of gow jll I've been) got a chance to see what exte unit of livermir really is doing tomorrow though. As got a scan tomorrow morning so can't have backfast.