Group 7-day waking average?

10:25 BS 4.5 Just finished munching a JB before starting to post! No wonder I felt lightheaded as ai got up to go to the loo & wash hands before testing! Also, good thing I’ve stayed on 86 Tresiba & still didn’t put it up: cycle is over but, I’m still dropping at times; I didn’t eat breakfast until very late as I was distracted & instead of DP when I did eat it went down from 8.1 to 6.4! Now I wake in the 4’s where there’s very little wriggle room & a JB to start the day! 🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I had a serious attack of the tingles last night on both sides: bound to happen, really; BS swinging all over the place for too long! Turned on the heater but, couldn’t feel it over the tingles but, my windpipe & asthma did as I breathed better in the warmer air! 🙄 And I managed to sleep through it, mostly, as like it or not I’m getting used to the attack of the tingles when BS is turbulent!o_O But, I’m not sure yet, there seems to be a new face on my neuropathy that’s been the case throughout these weeks of turbulence? I’ll call it the unbearable itch! I keep getting itchy around my lower back, where I have great difficulty reaching & been using a fairly long, about 10 inches?, bracelet jewellery box to reach for a good scratch! I feel very hot afterwards but, it relieves the itching that’s in a way worse than the tingles as I can’t ignore it! It drives me mad at times!😡 Oops! I didn’t know that was coming out: me ranting!😳

Right some breakfast now that the JB should have lifted me…for testing… 10:49 BS 5.8 🙂
Morning all and 5.8 it was for me.

Might have to reduce the evening levemir as the overnight flatfish was definitely swimming down hill.

Grey and damp outside but it's the snooker final so probably wouldn't have been out much anyway.

Have a good day everyone.
What is risky about taking half a unit then? I think that was a very sensible strategy. You were cautious about the size of the dose and knew that it wouldn't drop you dangerously low and it worked out really well by the look of it. Well done! You just did a successful experiment and hopefully learned that this is something that you can do safely on other occasions to keep levels in range.
Yes it had droppedd a thissssssssy bit an hour later not that much though.only checked this time because I felt disy(but im ill so it was probey that)
I feel much better than I did this morning and thanks for the words of encouragement everyone.
I'm also sitting with bgs at 20 so that will be why. Lunchtime at 20 is improvement before anyone panics.

@Griffin. I'm glad you are being told what to do and complying 🙂 As always, sending you a gazillion hugs and wishing you felt better already x
@Purls of Wisdom welcome to the thread. I hope you feel at home here.
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Something odd has happened again when putting in my Tresiba dose, now at 16:30, that’s happened a few times before! Just when I was sitting down to eat another late lunch! o_O When near the end of the pen, for me & my big doses that means less than 160 units left, I put in my dose & I know that means how ever many is left after my dose but, I’ve found 2 extra units left a few times!:confused: Which leaves me wondering two things: did I put it all in as there’s a reservoir I feel is going in but, no obvious number gauge like the NR & LR pens; how accurate is the gauge? It’s only happened when there’s less than 160, the max dose, left in the pen! Does that happen to anyone else on Tresiba or is it just the 2 units per line on the gauge of the double strength one I’m on?:confused:
@Lanny i'm on Tresiba but i use the cartridges with the NovoEcho pen. The pen shows how much was dialled up on the last dose. I've never come across the problem you are having though mine isn't double strength, it only dials up to 30. I hope there is someone on here who can answer.
Evening folks

Was 7.something at 5am after 4 shortbread fingers in the 9's last night, been on the lower side since breakfast despite reducing dinner insulin and nicking 1 of Bruce's Richmond's sausages, suppose that's what a good workout does to ya :rofl:

Struggling a bit with my shoulder mind, muscular pain for a few days but last night it got worse and then after this morning I can barely move it 🙄 xx
Sorry I have been very quiet/absent. I have felt utterly worthless and anything I might say was useless and possibly misleading. I think things have gotten on top of me. Fighting through though.

I will not give up nor surrender.

It's just a bit hard right now. Ha, as if you all don't know that on a daily basis. Sigh. I thought life was supposed to be fun and exciting. But all my dreams serm to have evaporated, or have been burned up by lifes pains....and I have it easy!!!

As I say, the only way is up..

I think finances are beginning to get to me. Costs going up out of my control and I am not particularly fond of gruel.

Oh, 4.8 BG this morning
Morning, 9.1 here. Yesterday was going very well, all in the green, until I tested 2 hours after lunch at 21.4. I hadn’t felt well and had halved the bolus for lunch as was driving and nervous about doing so with the newly perfect bgs so maybe that contributed to being so high. Struggled to get it down after that and went to bed on 14.2

Off on holidays somewhere else today, and did successfully sneak downstairs past the puppy without waking her up when i got up to go to the loo this morning
@Gwynn you are most clearly not worthless.
You are a valued, loving, considerate person who is dealing with an awful lot that many would have walked away from. You decided to stay. That’s testament to your strength of character and your resolve.

Worth saying that nobody would think any less of you if you walked away in order to protect your own health and well-being too.

When you’re ready to share what’s been going on these last few days then we’re here for you and we won’t judge.
6.2 this morning.
Yesterday afternoon was off at an open house at a cousin’s place to celebrate their daughter getting married abroad (she lives in Belgium) during lockdown.
Very low key affair, literally pop in any time from 2pm and stay as long as you like.
Lovely seeing some distant cousins I’ve not seen in a while of course.
Not so lovely that there was nothing, absolutely nothing I could eat other than picking the smoked salmon off the tiny finger rolls.
Amazing thing though is that the house is a diabetic household. Although they’re both on insulin so can eat whatever as long as they inject for it I guess.
I didn’t appreciate being told “you can have some off my insulin if that helps”!
I know right.

Still, that aside, it was lovely.

Today I’m thinking of heading down to the Vitality 10,000 a closed road race in and around the west end so I can cheer on the runners and soak up the atmosphere a bit. Pleased I didn’t sign up for this one what with recent covid bouts etc.

Anyway I’ve rambled on for ages so that’s enough for now!
7.3 today. Party went well, all the kids had a lovely time, should have worn them out for at least 20 minutes lol. I kept my distance from the SIL’s parents, certainly didn’t want to cause a scene as my daughter was so stressed, she has enough on her plate. At least they now know I am not prepared to condone what they say about me.
Went out for a carvery afterwards which was nice. Am off to car boot with my friend this morning and then off to my daughters as my granddaughter’s actual birthday is today.
Have a good day everyone xx
@Gwynn nice to see you back. Keep posting, we are here to listen and support when and where we can. I’m very sad to hear you are worrying about finances on top of everything else, you are doing such an amazing job, stay strong xx
Good morning woke to 8.1 today

good to see you back posting @Gwynn.

Hope everybody can have a great day, whatever and wherever we all are
Good morning people! 7'7. The booklet where I usually write my BG every day has finally run out of pages, so I didn't write them this weekend (was still testing, obvs). I know there was a similar booklet in my meters box, I will take that one. I know I could just download the data from my meter but I like the pen and paper method.

Yesterday at work someone put a croissant in the rolling toaster and it catched fire. It's not a first time. We should really put a big "BREAD ONLY" warning in this thing lol.

Oh! And I forgot to tell you all, on Friday we served a wedding where the meal was...a full English breakfast. No alcohol, just tea, coffee and juice. I mean, wouldn't be my choice in a wedding but it was an interesting idea! We were all quite surprised haha
Morning all. 🙂 An extremely flat fish overnight - bedtime 9.7, fasting BG 9.7 o_O- but some tweaking to do!

Lovely to have you back with us @Gwynn. We missed you. 🙂

Well done @ColinUK for resisting all that delicious food.

Where are puppy pics @Lucyr? 😛Or have you posted some on another thread? Who doesn’t love a puppy pic with their breakfast? Enjoy your hol.
Morning all. 🙂 An extremely flat fish overnight - bedtime 9.7, fasting BG 9.7 o_O- but some tweaking to do!

Lovely to have you back with us @Gwynn. We missed you. 🙂

Well done @ColinUK for resisting all that delicious food.

Where are puppy pics @Lucyr? 😛Or have you posted some on another thread? Who doesn’t love a puppy pic with their breakfast? Enjoy your hol.
Have attached some puppy pics, not my puppy but belongs to the sister I’ve been staying with this weekend. Honestly it’s like staying with a miniature crocodile. 5 month old border terrier called Judy/Judith depending on behaviour.


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Morning all. 14.1 (and feeling meh but not so rubbish as yesterday)

@Gwynn nice to see you back <3
@ColinUK I may have snarfled up the stuff I shouldn't have so well done you
@Elenka_HM I could totally appreciate a full brekkie as a wedding meal. The last wedding I went to the menu was a Sunday roast and was delish 🙂
@Lucyr I'm going to doggynap the little adorable crocodile
@SueEK glad the party went okay, have a lovely time today with her

Enjoy the bank hols today everyone if you have it off <3