Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and 6.1 for me.

Trying a unit off the levemir to see if I can solve the bedtime plummet in levels.

Sneezing fit to bust. Probably just hay fever as there is quite a lot of blossom about

Have a good day everyone.
10:17 BS 8.2 Exactly what I went to bed on after an EXTREMELY LATE lunch around 8pm EXCEPT that I DIDN’T! 😱

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Well, at least yesterday was back to normal & an all green entries on mySugr, of the few tests I did for eating twice with half an oatcake DP bust sooooh, technically ate 3 times! 🙄

Oh! Before I go on to telling you lovely lot WHY I was SO distracted yesterday, I’d like to say a word to the VERY loyal service of the original, & my very first one, blue Accu Chek Softclix finger pricker that I’ve used since I was first diagnosed in March 2001! It finally bit the dust after just over 21 years of service! 😱 That finger pricker was BRILLIANT & I actually bought a replacement for it about 5, 7, don’t think it was as long as 10 years ago? After my SIL said she’d broken hers, she’s been a diabetic 10 years longer than me, & she liked using the same one! She told me that they’d stopped making them with the Fastclix & it’s not on NI’s free prescriptions list so, had to change it! So, I had a search on amazon & found, for an elevated price, the last of Softclix ever made & bought 2 of them, one for SIL, albeit it was black instead of blue that still uses exactly the same lancets! So, now been using the little black number, instead of the old blue one, yesterday & it’s EVEN gentler than the original blue one!😛 It’s why I used it for SO long: the gentlest one I ever used with 11 depths in 0.5 increments from 0.5 to 5.5; it’s still the same scale but, I need 1.5 at least instead of the 0.5 that hurt the least on the blue one! NOW my “pricks REALLY are painless” as I barely feel it at all now & it still bleeds!😛 Of course that means the people, my late mum was one, with very thick skin & needed the 5.5 of the original will not find this one enough but, Hey! it hasn’t been available on the market for years anyway!🙄 So, RIP to my original Blue Softclix & Hello to the new, in use that is, the last of the Black Softclix ever made! Long may you serve me like your predecessor did?:confused:

A long winded warning so, you can skip if you want as it’s about Final Fantasy games!

I’ve spent many of my teenage years playing the Final Fantasy games on Playstation & all of them were imported into iOS for playing on the iPhone, & iPad, quite a few years ago when I bought them all from FFI to FFIX of the original Playstation, One it’s now been called, & earlier as FFVII was the first one on Playstation but, the earlier one DID get imported into the Playstation platform too! I played them all at the time & it was revisiting my teenage years into my 20’s. BUT, FFVIII was missing & fans kept asking for it from Apple & I kept semi periodically checking if it was available & finally a few ago I found that it was & had been out for 9/10 months at the absolutely outrageous price £18:99 or I would have bought it then! 😱 Money was tight at that point & I bought the bundle of FFI to FFVI for cheaper & each of the bigger Playstation ones of FFVII & FFIX separately for cheaper too! But, I finally decided, after copious restraint on spending money elsewhere, to buy it & I find that for limited time its price has has dropped to £9:49 half the price with a big caveat: why they dropped the price while they try to fix the big bug of vehicles parked on the world mapnear to mountains, & the like, & then can’t get back into them; been warned to park more carefully as the only way round it, at the moment is to reload an earlier save!🙄:rofl: So, I’m forewarned & I get it for half price while they’re at work to fix the problem in an update that’ll come out later! 😛:rofl:

So, as one my nephews used to say, married with children, I didn’t JUST play FF; I LIVED them with my obsessive play to discover every secret of the extensive worlds! Yesterday playing FFVIII went “Just like that!” until around 04:30 this morning I finally slept after replaying over & over again refining to perfection just over an hour of game time: it’s the most military like of all the FF’s & it was the hardest one because of that military precision throughout the whole game: just passing the See Dee exam at the start of the game takes a lot of precision to get it perfect, which of course my obsession DEMANDS, takes a LONG time to get right! And it’s important as they only way to get money for upgrades & supplies is your salary that’s dependent on your rank that can, & do, drop based on your military conduct: running away from battles is a “No, no!” So, it literally pays to pass with as high a grade as possible! 😱 All the other FF’s you get money dripped from enemies in battle so, keeping your rank up is important to get all all the stuff you heed! So, it may have been just over an hour of game play but, it took me ALL day to get it bang on!o_O

It’s a good thing I was all green readings wise yesterday as I wouldn’t be able to play FFVIII if I was still swinging about! 🙄:D😉
@Lanny Sad to hear your blue Softclix bit the dust after so many years loyal service. RIP :( I dread to think how many times it has successfully punctured your fingers during that time but it will no doubt be a very impressive number! Good to hear the new one is even better. I hope the plastic on it hasn't gone brittle with it being in storage for so long, as can sometimes happen with plastics depending upon type. I bought some second hand boots once that had never been worn and the heel completely shattered the first time I wore them (thankfully not high heels). Plastics can dry out and degrade when stored for long periods. Good luck!
@Lanny I just couldn't get into FF at all. Enjoy your session though!
I got a softclix with my accuchek meter 6 months ago (I prefer the fastclix one, don't need to carry around lances). Any issues with the new one, let me know and ill bung it in the post x
@Lanny I just couldn't get into FF at all. Enjoy your session though!
I got a softclix with my accuchek meter 6 months ago (I prefer the fastclix one, don't need to carry around lances). Any issues with the new one, let me know and ill bung it in the post x
Ah! That’s good to know that the Softckix is still getting made then! It makes sense, I suppose as the lancets are still available on prescriptions here: as good as I, in italics, think it is they probably didn’t ALL last over 21 years; people still have them & using them! The Fastclix drums weren’t available available on the free prescriptions list when they first came out but, now I find that they are on it! But, I’m old school: why change to something new when the old works fine! But, the Fastclix is safer to use, I understand, as the drums of lancets aren’t exposed at all & there’s no risk of pricking yourself inadvertently when switching them over manually with the Softckix!
Its a while since I reported in on this thread, but a couple of things are going on so I thought I would drop in.

First off, I have some sore ribs. Some mornings I go down to the local post office/shop to get papers. On Thursday morning when in there I turned, tripped over somebodys foot, and simply could not stop myself taking a fall. Dunno why i could not stop myself, just could not. Banged ribs on a shelf and head on a pile of papers. Head OK but ribs still feeling the effects. No lasting damage done I am sure but I was a bit shaken at the time and well looked after by the shop owner and a couple of customers. I wonder what has happened to the mountain goat who used to scramble around the fells. No need to answer that!

On the BG front I have a suspicion that my general BG's are still rising after my stopping gliclazide. Morning BG's are never below 6 (used to be consistently 4's and 5's). This morning it was 7. I have breakfast at 6:30 or thereabouts and have taken to checking BG at around 8:00 to see how my system was coping with what is a pretty standard breakfast. In the gliclazide days I would expect something around 7 to 8. These days it is routinely in double figures and this morning it was 13. On balance I do not think that the stopping gliclazide story is over yet. Need to keep on monitoring.
6:7 this morning, impressed with that as had a long drive yesterday (9.5hrs to go 335 miles) so didn’t eat well
Blimey, that’s some journey. Ours was only 6 hours but we did stop for an hour or so. We only had 250 miles to do but the last 70 or so took almost as long as the previous miles. Good views though. Enjoy your holiday, hope it helps you feel better.
Hi all,

Sorry I’ve not been posting so much, been at 5. Something the last couple of days.

Just had a random hypo for seemingly no reason (just love it when that happens). I swear sometimes I can do a lot of exercise and be ok and other times it’s like I do nothing and go low…so weird!

Hope everyone is enjoying the bank holiday weekend 🙂
@sg295 i think i'm the opposite. I started the day with lows and am ending it on highs. Since tea at 6.30pm, its not come down, just gone up. I think my insulin has turned to water. I had a correction with tea, one 2.5 hours after and just had another. I know i'm stacking but nothing is bringing it down. Off to bed now, i'm shattered. Hopefully it will come down overnight. Night all.
Eaten really low carb all day today and BG has resolutely stayed above 6 no matter what.
It was 7.6 a few minutes ago so Lord only knows what it’s going to be in the morning.
Morning all 14.0 (and body is not happy)

Last night I reminded myself that if you aren't in the mood for omelette, don't even bother o_O.
Ended up with half a tin of aphabetti (which I kept down) and crashed.

Now this morning I'm hungry and got a bumping head so off to jab and get brekkie.
6.8 which isn’t too bad after just four hours of sleep last night curtesy of the considerate neighbours who threw a baby shower/gender reveal party in their garden from 5pm until 2am complete with hourly fireworks from 11pm.
Snap @Northerner a 7.3 for me also. Just popped the oven on for sausage rolls etc. Granddaughter’s party today, should be interesting as SIL’s parents are going who have a very low opinion of me and have voiced it vociferously to my daughter. After 16 years I’ve had enough of it and they will be being blanked by me. I wouldn’t waste my breath on them as you can’t argue with stupid so smile on and head up me thinks!
Have a good day all x
Good morning people! 8 here. A few too many bourbon creams yesterday, ooops. I'll try eat low carb today but they bring hash browns back to the breakfast buffet, I can promise!

Yesterday my less favourite chef was a real pain to work with. Some other members of stuff used strong words to define him, I won't reproduce them cause I'm a lady but I totally agree hahaha
Morning all. 🙂 7.7 here.

Got all excited about a takeaway pizza last looked great, it smelt great, it was...tasteless. Bizarre.

Great neighbours @ColinUK - NOT!!!

A 14.0 @gll - fantastic! I hope your body adjusts to lower figures and you feel better asap.

A man in a skirt who hands out cake @eggyg - wow, if only I wasn’t already hitched.
Morning all, 5.9 here. Had the briefest of brief rain showers earlier. I hope the weather doesn’t spoil the bank holiday weekend but we desperately need some more rain for the garden.