Group 7-day waking average?

Thanks for the idea. I didn't think of anything like that. The exhaustion reason that @Pattidevans suggested makes sense as well. I never had hayfever before, or at least I was not aware! :confused:
@Elenka_HM just wandering whether your unusual head and eye feeling could be hayfever related? While my husband and daughter will sniff and sneeze like mad, I noticed a couple of years ago that I get a headachey feeling….just a thought
Well, this morning was interesting. Got to the hospital an hour early via a friend who gave me a lift. They saw me very quickly and the heart monitor was fitted in 10 minutes. Took a bus back to Blackpool and walked from there back home as my morning exercise. Got home 2.5 hours later....exhausted.

Ate a normal tuna salad for lunch and then (stupidly but enjoyably) a whole bag of maltesers as a treat !!!

2 hours later my blood glucose was 5.2 ..... amazing.

I've got nothing for my tea and I am struggling to think of something.

I notice that my blood pressure and pulse are absolutely normal and rock steady and have been all day so the BP monitor will probably show nothing untoward. This is a good thing and yet I do have issues with a low pulse (46 was the lowest and it is usually below 55).

A good day all in all.
Less than a month after my Type 1 diagnosis I developed diabetic macular oedema (the professionals say it was due to my hba1c plummeting) but here I was told it was all my own fault as I'd continued eating carbs so queue me being petrified to go near them as my head was all over the place and they had been diagnosed far longer than me xx
Absolutely ridiculous and unkind... and also untrue. Plus, logically, if you think about it, it completely disagrees with the professionals. Also, was it actually in this forum? I know of another (name very similar) where that sort of bullying was rife.
Absolutely ridiculous and unkind... and also untrue. Plus, logically, if you think about it, it completely disagrees with the professionals. Also, was it actually in this forum? I know of another (name very similar) where that sort of bullying was rife.
I was so new I didn't know any better, yes was definitely this forum, I remember the exact member (not something I'm ever likely to forget to be honest) xx
I remember very well how strict you were with your carbs and how very wary you were of trying anything new….look where you are now, you’ve done so well, not an easy mindset to overcome. X 🙂
I remember very well how strict you were with your carbs and how very wary you were of trying anything new….look where you are now, you’ve done so well, not an easy mindset to overcome. X 🙂
Thank you 🙂, I am quite rproud of how far I've come on since all of that especially without support of any professionals xx
…and so you should be! You should also be proud, given this, how much help, understanding and good advice you have been able to pass on to others. Hope you go to bed with a nice smug feeling…sweet dreams. x 🙂
Good morning everyone.

A very disappointing start to the day. One of the heart monitor leads fell off during the night!!!

BG this morning 4.1. Ok but a tad low.

Off back to the hospital this morning to give them back their monitor. I do hope I don't have to repeat the test as it is quite hard getting to the hospital.

Having lunch with my one remaining friend at a local carvery. Should be fun

I will not be walking back from the hospital visit today.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning 5.6 today

looking forward to the weekend it’s been a frustrating few days at work so far this week,
hoping for a better day today, at least the weather looks good today.

Have a great day everyone 😎
Good morning - 6.0
Morning all. 4.9. Very tired, probably due to BS swinging from high to low throughout days and nights, no idea why. Upped basal by half a unit. Glad its Friday. Have a good day.
4.5 for me, nothing changed there.

Still eating well and enjoying my food and still making Keto bread every other day. Just stuck with weight loss neither going up or down so stable but need to drop another stone. Hope you are all well, life is good at the moment and I feel relaxed with my foods its all just normal now, my new way of eating.

Anyways just thought I would drop in.

Morning all. 7.2 this extremely wet day.
Never stopped raining all day yesterday but today should be better later on. Didn’t leave the cottage until 4pm yesterday as we were stir crazy and it was just “spitting”. Unfortunately, that changed. o_O Back at 5.30 and PJs on! Thin pickings on the photo front I’m afraid. But I did snap a lone swan on the loch. Googled it and it appeared to be a whooper swan and should have gone home to Iceland in March. Obviously wasn’t well enough to go back, I hope it recovers soon and gets home.

We’re off to the Ardnamurchan peninsula today and visiting Sanna Sands, lauded as one of the best beaches in the area. I don’t think any sunbathing will be taking place.

Have a fab Friday. Hopefully some better photos tomorrow. 🙂


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7.9 for me today. Off to caravan to check all ok and will stay over the weekend. Have a good day everyone x
@Maca44 glad you’ve popped in Mark and good to hear all is going well.
@Kaylz you are such a great asset to the forum with all your knowledge and hopefully your support will help anyone suffering from an eating disorder in that you can overcome it with hard work and determination xx
Morning peeps. 18.7

Taking kiddo to her hospital appointment today. Hoping for some good news on the surgical front but never know what to expect with them.
Hoping for a quiet birthday, her anxiety will be super triggered after hospital so will get a drive thru on the way home, she wants to treat me to lunch so kfc it is and ill just go for fillets plus she's making me steak for dinner tonight.
Did the sensible thing and got a pack of cupcakes vs a large cake to limit damage. Insulin is no where near enough to deal with all the extras without compromises.

DSN "should" be calling today to check up on me and talking insulin adjustments. If she doesn't call I will start adjusting myself tomorrow, I have the info she sent about it and can get in touch next week with her. As you can tell, my confidence in folks actually phoning me when they say they will is low.

have an awesome day everyone x
Morning all. 🙂 6.6 here.

Hi there @Maca44 - glad to hear life is gooood. 🙂

I agree @Kaylz - you’re caring and a mine of information, and have helped lots of folks on the forum. :D:D You rock!😎

Off to have my follow-up hearing aid appointment this morning, then Cymraeg and errands this afternoon. Send some rain our way @eggyg - hubby’s making a table in the garden and everything covered in a fine layer of sawdust. o_O The garden needs a shower!
A Heinz variety (5.7) today. 🙂
