Group 7-day waking average?

5.3 for me today. 🙂

Rotten 8 this morning. Hoping to go for a wander in our lovely Hove Park this morning with my son and grandson, at least Misty will get out of the car if my grandson is there, she thinks it’s her duty to look after him. Have tried to get her out this morning but failed!! Need to take a couple of bits of clothing back that I bought so may pick something else up.
Have a good day all x
6.5 this morning.
I’m ignoring the shakes for the rest of this week and then going on then again from Saturday I think.
Why? Because I’ve got stuff in the freezer I quite fancy eating tbh!
I've hit a rather difficult patch with my diabetes this week after having a really easy ride for a couple of weeks. I spent most of yesterday between 8 and 12 and the number and amount of corrections I stuck in was nobody's business. Upped my basal last night and had 2 units of Fiasp when I got into bed on 9.3 (which was stacked on top of another 1.5 and 2 unit correction within a 2 hour period) but still went up instead of down and remained in the 10s all night waking on 10.5, so I injected another 3 units of Fiasp and an extra 2 units of Levemir when I woke up 1.5 hours ago and still only 9.6 so not making much headway. Certainly won't be having any breakfast until I am down to 5. Something is clearly amiss. I feel rubbish but then I always do when my levels are high!

I had a really nasty hypo the evening before last when I rage bolused stacked corrections because nothing was working and I had been up at 15 for 4 hours. I plummeted suddenly and very dramatically (after spending an hour chopping logs) causing me to vomit and be very close to passing out (thankfully after I had taken hypo treatment). It only took 2 JBs to treat it though and I didn't go lower that 3.3 so I wasn't desperately overdosed but I almost never hit 15, so to be there for hours and then crash must have been a huge shock to my system. Oddly after that I spent the night with a very steady line in the 6s like being ill with that hypo had cleared my system.... but it didn't last. :(

My basal needs have been static for a few weeks which has been lovely but I clearly need an increase for some reason now. Firefighting my levels with Fiasp just doesn't work well for me once levels get above 10 so I need to get my Levemir doses right.

Moving to a different subject, Wordle was a bit of a toughy this morning. Got there in 5 but was beginning to think I would dip out again.
Oh.... and Happy Birthday @Pattidevans Hope you have a really lovely day ahead. X
morning gang its a whopping 18.3
not the best but its to be expected this bloomin oramorph is like 90% sugar its super sweet and sickly i don't have sugar in anything and im struggling with the taste and the side effects of it too I'm either a drooling napping mess or i feel like I've had 10 red bulls and i cant sit still its a bit of a pain i keep needing to sneeze( its hay fever season)
so that's super painful to try and deal with too still tho mustn't grumble could be worse etc etc etc
im taking today off going to nap; read and pack a bag for tomorrows little jaunt to the hospital it drove me mad last weekend not having my stuff with me i wont be without my book and my headphones this time that's for sure.
have a great day all
keep smiling
Morning everyone. 21.8

Feeling a little bit fragile this morning. Got a rubbish hangover, only wish it was from a boozy fun night and not a migraine one 🙄.
I fully plan on going back for a nap once tesco has been.

Need to go see my great nephew later, it was his b'day yesterday and he's at his dad's tonight (my nephew) so will go give him his prezzie. Poor munchkin came out in chicken pox yesterday too.

Have a wonderful birthday @Pattidevans
@GRIFFINLONEWALKER hope tomorrow goes okay for you, what book are you taking?
@rebrascora hope you settle down again soon

will play catch up later, screen is hurting my eyes x
Morning all and it was a 6.2 for me.

Went up to collect my prescription only to find no sensors included - review required. Grrrr luckily I've just started a new one today and I've got one left after that. Can't be bothered trying to get through to the surgery this morning.

On a positive note the first reading from the new sensor was 5.2 and a finger test was 5.1. Wouldn't it be nice if that continued.

Have a good day everyone.
5.5 from my reading at home - yes, I am home now! Woo hoo!
It will be interesting to see if my readings will stay pretty much in the 5's now I am home.
I'm kind of wondering if I should try and follow my recent hospital diet with a few lower carb options in place, but maintaining the high fat element.
The meals were rather nice (and felt naughty - like with a dumpling or a hot sticky pudding ... ) but they did feel like "old days" food, but the lower BGs have intrigued me. I was mindful to eat minimum potato and rice.
Yesterday I had rice crispies for breakfast (milk no sugar), followed by a hot drink. My BG went from 5.1 to 5.3 - the highest it has been is 6.1 - this is something I would like to maintain.
Of course I have had meds stopped, altered, changed, restarted on lower doses etc etc and that must play its part too. I have yet to weigh myself - I do not think I will have a nice surprise!!! lol Ah, not as bad as I thought, I have gained about one pound, maybe a tad over, that I can live with!
Anyway, I am now to be an outpatient at two units so await appointments for both. One is in regards to a possible wayward gland, or whatever, in my neck - of which there are 4 - it could mean removal of said "glandy thing" as day surgery - I am on a weekly very high dose of meds for that right now for 6 weeks to try and sort out the high calcium stuff. The other is in regards to a small nodule on my lung - though this is a small "spot", under 5mm - I do wonder if this is new or if they have not realised I've had a small "spot" since I was 4, as a result of contracting TB .... time will tell! BTW the CT scans, with injected dye, showed no sign of cancer in lungs or stomach etc
I am happy, although surprised, that my diabetes has remained so very well behaved through all of this. I still haven't got a request to book to see my DN yet, nor for my annual COPD review, but they can wait with all else happening. I will need to have a review with my GP regarding the new and altered meds, as per hospital instructions, and that will be my priority right now.
Have a good Thursday 🙂
Morning everyone. 21.8

Feeling a little bit fragile this morning. Got a rubbish hangover, only wish it was from a boozy fun night and not a migraine one 🙄.
I fully plan on going back for a nap once tesco has been.

Need to go see my great nephew later, it was his b'day yesterday and he's at his dad's tonight (my nephew) so will go give him his prezzie. Poor munchkin came out in chicken pox yesterday too.

Have a wonderful birthday @Pattidevans
@GRIFFINLONEWALKER hope tomorrow goes okay for you, what book are you taking?
@rebrascora hope you settle down again soon

will play catch up later, screen is hurting my eyes x
I'm currently rereading the dwarves series by markus heitz I'm on book three and it's a weighty tome that's for sure I tend to read three books at a time so I have that a book on celtic mythology and a book on viking history to decide on no doubt ill settle for the dwarves book cause Ive only just started to read it glad your home @janw theres nowt better than your own bed and being able to make a brew when you fancy one..

Only just found time to get on, been catchig up on work after being off since last Thursday. &.3 this morning and struggling to get back on the wagon since Easter. Almost everything has gone now, so plan is to regroup and start again tomorrow.

@rebrascora - sorry to hear you are struggling with your numbers being high, then crashing.

@Pattidevans - Happy birthday.

It was another 7.8 for me today

Bruce only has 1 more day of being wrapped up in possibly scorching weather to go before he gets the weekend off to hopefully recover a bit, (another improvement on the OCD front coming) he's supposed to be staying on Saturday night but now not sure he'll want to

Poor munchkin came out in chicken pox yesterday too.
Hope he feels better soon, Bruce's youngest niece had them a few weeks ago, at his youngest nephews christening the big sister of the lad being christened starting scratching and developing spots on the day so chicken pox was the suspect, out of a house full of people I was looked at like some oddity as I've never had them (despite my mum trying while I was a child)

@Pattidevans Happy Birthday, I hope you have a lovely day xx