Group 7-day waking average?

Still looking like my Fiasp has turned to water! I woke up at 4.15am restless and having a bad dream on 7.9. Jabbed a unit because I really don't sleep well unless my levels are lower. Woke up at 7.30am on 7.7 so that did a fat lot of good! Injected 5.5 units of Fiasp plus my increased Levemir dose (despite a good brisk walk yesterday) and 75 mins later I am still waiting to eat my breakfast.... It is still 7.3 at the moment, so a small decline but it is being really lazy and that is a big chunk of bolus insulin for me..... I was being overly generous or so I thought. 🙄 I hate these spells where I need so much more insulin and it takes forever to work. (scowling face emoji). I get tempted to rage bolus! If I eat above 5s my levels will go above 10 and I will be fighting high levels all day so my bowl of yoghurt will just have to sit here and wait. Guess I need to go out and chop some more logs.... that certainly did it the other day.
6.5 this morning for me.

And feeling quite a bit better at last!
Morning peeps. 23.6

Doggo that we have been looking after for a few months is going home today. I'd be all sad and mopey but we will be getting him back when my nephew goes to work so best of both worlds, he doesn't wake me up during the night and I still get my snuggles from him 🙂

Hope you all have a good day x
Well, I'm now 8.1 (finger prick 8.7) an hour and a half later. I have checked the pen and definitely jabbed 5.5 units of Fiasp. I'm getting really impatient now! Grr!
Other half mega pissed off as he has for the second time had his appointment for 4th Covid jab cancelled at Boots. It goes without saying there are no appointments with the GP available, he had been checking everyday fearing the Boots one might get cancelled. So thinking 'what do we do now'?
The weather is definitely a bit more gloomy and chilly this morning so a soup day for lunch, celery, leek and pea.
Morning all and 6.2 for me.

Miracle of miracles, rang the surgery re my libre sensors and it took all of five minutes to get them ordered although I do still have to book a pharmacist review. The earliest appointment being June which aren't available to book yet.

Have a good day everyone.
What do they say..... "Patience is a virtue"!
2 and 3/4 hours later and at last I am down to 5.5 and can eat breakfast! Lets just hope there is still some life left in that 5.5 units of Fiasp to deal with it! I have my doubts! So much for it being a very quick acting insulin! 🙄

9.5 after a bad day of eating, have fallen off the wagon big time, but trying to clamber back on it today.

@Bloden - congratulations on your HS
@SueEK - pleased you have your appointment through for your final op
@rebrascora - sorry to hear you are still struggling
@ColinUK - glad to hear you are starting to feel better
@GRIFFINLONEWALKER - hope everything goes well today

Hope everyone has a pleasant day.
Delighted to report it all ended well. I held my nerve and breakfast topped out at 8.3 and then slowly drifted down to 5 by mid afternoon, so I have now enjoyed a nice plate of salad with cheese coleslaw and balsamic, insulin free.

I have also just discovered that the strategy that I use for managing my diabetes has actually been documented and promoted by an American doctor who is Type 1 diabetic and is called "Sugar Surfing" Really interesting to watch his presentation and see it all described in detail as to the thought processes and actions. I feel so much better about stacking insulin doses now that there is a proper name for it.... even if I have forgotten what he called it 🙄.
I don't like the name "Sugar Surfing" though. Using sugar in conjunction with diabetes is just too much of a red herring. "Glucose Skiing" would be better in my opinion, then I can imagine floating down mountain sides of waist deep powder as my levels drop or taking a cable car back up from the valley floor when I need to. It makes my game with my Libre even more rewarding! Maybe someone will invest some graphics which you can import onto Libre Link to customize your experience like that....

Really surprised I haven't heard mention of "Sugar Surfing" on the forum before. May have to start a new thread to see if anyone else does it..... or perhaps use the search facility first.

It was an 11.0 for me this morning

I'm not feeling the best with the heat the last week, I get grumpy and lose energy

@rebrascora sugar surfing has been mentioned, I'm not sure if anyone ever went into detail but I have seen it referred to xx
it was 8.3 for me this morning
Delighted to report it all ended well. I held my nerve and breakfast topped out at 8.3 and then slowly drifted down to 5 by mid afternoon, so I have now enjoyed a nice plate of salad with cheese coleslaw and balsamic, insulin free.

I have also just discovered that the strategy that I use for managing my diabetes has actually been documented and promoted by an American doctor who is Type 1 diabetic and is called "Sugar Surfing" Really interesting to watch his presentation and see it all described in detail as to the thought processes and actions. I feel so much better about stacking insulin doses now that there is a proper name for it.... even if I have forgotten what he called it 🙄.
I don't like the name "Sugar Surfing" though. Using sugar in conjunction with diabetes is just too much of a red herring. "Glucose Skiing" would be better in my opinion, then I can imagine floating down mountain sides of waist deep powder as my levels drop or taking a cable car back up from the valley floor when I need to. It makes my game with my Libre even more rewarding! Maybe someone will invest some graphics which you can import onto Libre Link to customize your experience like that....

Really surprised I haven't heard mention of "Sugar Surfing" on the forum before. May have to start a new thread to see if anyone else does it..... or perhaps use the search facility first.
I've definitely heard of it, and probably from this forum. If you stick it into the search box, several results pop up, including a recommendation for the book.
Thanks @Kaylz and @Robin
Yes I did a search but there was very limited discussion of it as a management strategy, just a couple of brief references by @Bruce Stephens.
I wonder if it is something which may become more popular with better access to CGM via the new NICE guidelines here in the UK. Having said that, if I hadn't devised the principles of it myself through experience, I think I might have struggled to see the logic and benefit of it, but watching the webinar it put into words all the things that I do to manage my levels rather than following the standard carb counting principles.
I just find it much more flexible and less mentally demanding than the standard approach and it gives me very good results most of the time and most importantly I feel that it empowers me and enables me to feel more in control.
Still looking like my Fiasp has turned to water! I woke up at 4.15am restless and having a bad dream on 7.9. Jabbed a unit because I really don't sleep well unless my levels are lower. Woke up at 7.30am on 7.7 so that did a fat lot of good! Injected 5.5 units of Fiasp plus my increased Levemir dose (despite a good brisk walk yesterday) and 75 mins later I am still waiting to eat my breakfast.... It is still 7.3 at the moment, so a small decline but it is being really lazy and that is a big chunk of bolus insulin for me..... I was being overly generous or so I thought. 🙄 I hate these spells where I need so much more insulin and it takes forever to work. (scowling face emoji). I get tempted to rage bolus! If I eat above 5s my levels will go above 10 and I will be fighting high levels all day so my bowl of yoghurt will just have to sit here and wait. Guess I need to go out and chop some more logs.... that certainly did it the other day.
I seem to be the opposite of you at the minute Barbara. I’m struggling to keep my numbers up. I’m sitting here now recovering from yet another late afternoon hypo. Caught it early at 4 ( that’s BGs not the time) only checked as I felt dizzy all of a sudden and got a headache straight away. Treated and going up slowly ( my tea is nearly ready and didn’t want to eat too much) but now I feel sickly as I always do. I really need to get it sorted before I go away next week as we’ll be walking miles. I’m thinking I’m just going to reduce my bolus for every meal and chance being high for two weeks. It’s c**p isn’t it when you just can’t fathom it. Hope things improve soon for you. X
I seem to be the opposite of you at the minute Barbara. I’m struggling to keep my numbers up. I’m sitting here now recovering from yet another late afternoon hypo. Caught it early at 4 ( that’s BGs not the time) only checked as I felt dizzy all of a sudden and got a headache straight away. Treated and going up slowly ( my tea is nearly ready and didn’t want to eat too much) but now I feel sickly as I always do. I really need to get it sorted before I go away next week as we’ll be walking miles. I’m thinking I’m just going to reduce my bolus for every meal and chance being high for two weeks. It’s c**p isn’t it when you just can’t fathom it. Hope things improve soon for you. X
I reckon it’s a Friday afternoon thing :( I was between 5.2 and 7.1 all day then I checked before driving home and I was 4.2 So had 2 JB and half a banana and was 9.3 and rising when I got home.
I reckon it’s a Friday afternoon thing :( I was between 5.2 and 7.1 all day then I checked before driving home and I was 4.2 So had 2 JB and half a banana and was 9.3 and rising when I got home.
I also felt weird earlier, checked and was 4.1.

Was meant to be driving so had 2 or 3 dextros, next thing I knew it was an arrow pointing straight up saying 8.5
@Ian68 and @sg295 I had a two finger KitKat ( 15 grms carb) as my meal was nearly ready so didn’t want JBs as they send me into the stratosphere. But I rose from 4 to 7.8 arrow going up vertically in 15 minutes! Then I didn’t know what to bolus for my tea. I’ve just guesstimated. Goodness knows what I’ll be like at bedtime. It’s all just guesswork at the minute. I’m blaming the warmer weather, more walking done this week than usual, I’m wearing a striped tee shirt and there’s a Y in the day! :confused: