Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all its a 25.1{on iv insulin} from me
Not feeling to bright today I'm more swollen than I was before I now look like a cartoon character from the beano comics or something. Op went well I was in and out in two hours spent the whole day yesterday napping and getting pain meds pumped into me no botox implants or fangs and I wasn't given any superpowers either! I was how ever given 12 stiches in my gum and cheek inside my mouth so it feels like I've got a whole bunch of loose string in there. Soft foods for at least 3 weeks no sleeping laying down for 4 have to come. Back and see the surgeon in 2 hope my b. S drops soon I feel like I've been on the booze and eaten all the carbs been told its All systems go for getting out of here at some point today. Fingers toes and everything else crossed...
Have a great Saturday gang
Keep smiling
Morning all. A very aesthetically pleasing 5.5 today. I love fives. Our first house was number 55 and our present home is number 5.

After yesterday’s low day, I reduced my evening Levemir by another half unit and this morning’s by another half unit. Fingers crossed it works. I’m sick of eating! That is something I never, ever thought I would ever say or even write down. Only problem is, today I’m not running around after a thirteen month old from 8.30am to 5.30pm and I won’t be pushing a buggy for almost five miles like I did yesterday! I will be busy, it’s batch cooking, ironing and stripping bed and washing day. Not necessarily in that order!

Hope you all have as good a day as you can.🙂
@GRIFFINLONEWALKER hope you get out of hospital today and make a swift recovery. 🙂
07:10 BS 10.2 Oops! 😱 Obviously under bolused for dinner before bed then!😳 Correction with breakfast & resume!🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Had a lovely day in the sun, briefly as it was windy, & sat in the conservatory with my sister & BIL who rang this time & I heard the doorbell, sans underwater feeling ears, while we chatted as she played her piano! 😎:D

Oops! 😳 That was actually Thursday as I was off to the health centre for my liver function blood tests yesterday! Oh dear!o_O I’m getting my days mixed up: not a good sign; HOW my once mighty fortress of my memory has fallen now I’m in my 50’s!😱:rofl:😉

It’s another super bright day & I’m continuing to read, more slowly the GOT books, no. 2 at the moment A Clash of Swords, & see how far I get? :confused:
Morning all from very dull Somerset!

9.7 this morning. Last night’s Scampi and chips methinks, though I only ate about 2 chips, but I had bolussed for them, so I had 1 scoop of salted caramel ice cream. Never mind, on our way home today via a shopping spree at Clark’s village. Hopefully I can get back to normal then!

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER sounds painful, hope you get out of hospital today. HUGS.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all, 5.8 here. Went to watch daughter having a show jumping lesson yesterday (she likes me to film it so she can go over it afterwards) and there was a keen East wind, I was frozen, even with a fleece and waterproof. I did see the first swallow of the summer sitting on a telephone wire wondering if it had made a mistake.
6.7 today after an exhausting day yesterday. Took me over 3 hours to clean the van simply because I kept being stopped by my grandson who can talk the back legs off a donkey. He’s very funny but definitely the Duracell bunny. Got back at 3.30 and we chatted for another couple of hours before mum came to get him, I happily waved him off lol. Not sure what’s happening today.
@GRIFFINLONEWALKER ouch that all sounds painful but hope you manage to get home today and heal quickly x
@Robin just had to have another look at your horse on your avatar - what a beauty x
Have a good day everyone xx
Morning all,

Omg I’ve done it…*drum roll please*….5.2!

Off to Exeter today for the inflatable 5k! Super excited for this!
Also will be repping by wearing my Diabetes UK t shirt!

Have a good day 🙂
Many congrats on your HS and hope all goes well today x
@Robin just had to have another look at your horse on your avatar - what a beauty x
Amazing how he shows his best side when the cameraman is rustling a bag of treats! (He was given one afterwards for being a good boy). He belongs to the riding school, and is a bit old and arthritic, he's a retired hunter, but he was given to the school so he could enjoy a bit of light work and some company in his old age.
@sg295 Congrats!!!

6.5 pour moi cette matin.

Quiet day planned today but will get back on The World’s Most Uncomfortable Exercise Bike (TM) for as much as I can stand whilst watching telly later I’m sure.

And congrats to @sg295 on sharing the HS step with me today.
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Morning all, 5.8 here. Went to watch daughter having a show jumping lesson yesterday (she likes me to film it so she can go over it afterwards) and there was a keen East wind, I was frozen, even with a fleece and waterproof. I did see the first swallow of the summer sitting on a telephone wire wondering if it had made a mistake.
We saw our first swallow on Thursday. A week earlier than usual. They nest in the archway that separates our little terrace. It’s a lovely feeling seeing the first to arrive and start rebuilding their homes.

7.something earlier

Been on the phone with Bruce for the last half hour, he spent most of it singing 😱:rofl: xx
Good morning, 5.9 for me. Back home and off to do food shopping in a bit.

Congrats to @MeeTooTeeTwo and @sg295 on your HS. @sg295 have a great time today. Exeter is a lovely city if you get chance to have a look around.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you are planning.
Good morning, 5.9 for me. Back home and off to do food shopping in a bit.

Congrats to @MeeTooTeeTwo and @sg295 on your HS. @sg295 have a great time today. Exeter is a lovely city if you get chance to have a look around.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you are planning.
Thank you @freesia 🙂

Yes Exeter is very nice! Not sure if we’ll get much of a chance for a look around as we also have to get back in time for a meal but I’m sure I’ll go there again soon for a shopping spree and look around 🙂