Group 7-day waking average?

the thief the wife and the canoe anyone seen it ?
thoughts ?ive just watched the last one and im amused and shocked at it all i wonder of anyone remembers it i do it was all oer our local news at the time my neck of the woods too well 50 miles doon the road like a canny walk on a windy day as my gran used to say . bs is at 19.1 but steady as shes goes yeah ill try the whole rest thing for a few days im aching in odd places at the mo so really do need to tek it eeezey so hard wi ocd tho i keep goin off into musical crates of lovely little bits of golden ear nuggets and i cant lay down on my carpet and enjoy them to their utmost and then i have to go sit back down again its not the same at all
first world problems eh have good night all
keep smiling
Well Bruce came up just before 3 and he's been singing on and off since then! Will be fun trying to sleep if he's still in that mood :rofl: got my new duvet on the bed although doubt I'll need any of it, still warm here and Bruce is like an oven xx
Morning everyone. 20.7
How did I manage to get to this impressive number I hear you ask...well it involved about 4L of juice and an alarming amount of peeing (not by choice) and not a whole lot of sleep. 🙄

*edit - juice was sugar free diluting juice and not fruit juice and "impressive number" was in ref to sitting at 28/29 at bedtime and getting down by so much 😉

Anyway todays plan is to make a good set of notes and talking points for this DSN appointment tomorrow. (will update my own thread about that, looking for input there)

have a wonderful day today everyone <3
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Hello hello. 🙂 6.4 here.

Well, it’s time for Gwennie’s quarterly haircut n pig’s ear (she gets a going over with the clippers, which she hates, then a dried pig’s ear to cheer her up after her ordeal 😉). Other than that, there’ll be some gardening...

I’m glad you enjoyed your trip to London @Elenka_HM.🙂
7.4 today for me. Off to car boot soon just for a mooch.
@Griffin. good to hear you are home. Take the help and take it easy, it’s what we mummies say!!
Seems a number of poorly people so hope you all feel better very soon.
Have a good day all xx
Good evening people! Using the train ride to catch up, as usual. Was 7'9 this morning.

I had good fun in London with my friend. I showed her a few places I visited last month, and we went for a night out in Soho, something that I wanted to do but didn't fancy going on my own. I went for the first time to an (gay) girls only bar, the venue itself it's too small and has no windows, but people and music were great! Later we learned the G-A-Y bar (that's the actual name) in the same street is probably a better option, but I'm happy with the experience.

Today a friend of my friend joined us, and she has lived near London for years. She took us to Primrose hill, which is beautiful. Like in my last visit, I'm going home with ideas for another time. It's great knowing it's only a few hours away so I can keep doing little trips and don't feel the need to rush and visit everything in a weekend. I'm tempted now every time I get 2 consecutive days off, but my bank account wouldn't appreciate it :rofl:

Well, last little splurge of the week: a peppermint tea in the train. Those trains from London remind me of a plane with their drinks and snacks cart. I'm a small town girl lol.
G-A-Y can be fun but then I’ve not been there in the last ten years I think. It’s a little young for me now I’m officially ancient!

So what else did you get up to?

Next time you’re up in London I’m more than happy to meet up for a coffee/stroll etc
Forgot to post this picture, is a bit silly but I'm keeping the wristband for now 🙂
There used to be a few women only bars in and around Soho and it’s a shame that all there is now is the one.
Not that women aren’t welcome in the plethora of gay bars that tension but they are clearly attracting a more male clientele in general.
Try The Yard or The Friendly Society next time!
Good morning Sunday 7.5
I didn’t check in but yesterdays waking was 6. something

I had phone update regarding the house we’re trying to buy.
Estate Agent has confirmed what’s going on, quite a complicated and a unusual set of circumstances,

The seller of the house is a trust of someone who had previously passed away,
probate was applied for and granted, then before the sale went thought the person that had power of attorney, has recently also passed away, the sale will still happen just not yet.

I just need to get on with sorting my stored tools, clutter & treasures
packing up in the garage and office that is todays task.

Good to see your out of hospital @Griffin.

have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all, 6.7 here. Went out for tea to a different garden centre yesterday, and had a chocolate brownie which was much bigger than I realised, or bolused for (it was yummy, though). BGs had hit around 16 by the time I got home. Spent the rest of the day trying to get levels down, with insulin seemingly acting like water. Resisted the temptation to do a correction before bed, and went to sleep in the 10s with just the tail end of my last correction still active. Sure enough, about 1am, my levels suddenly dropped to more normal levels.

6.2 today, out for a run, bake a cake and then a 3 hour yoga session.

@Griffin. pleased to hear you are home

have a great Sunda.
6.2 this morning. Off out for breakfast and a walk and cheap opera house ticket later.
This one was £12 standing but there’s a whole row nearby of £220 seats currently unsold…
Morning all. 6.3 for after a “lie in”, in so much I was laying in bed, been awake since 7.

Glad to say I managed to stay within reasonable numbers all day. Started dipping into the fours just as I was doing the tea, altered my ratio and all was well, no need to eat at bedtime. Phew!

Had a really busy day yesterday, maybe have a more relaxing one today. My BBC Good Food magazine arrived yesterday and I haven’t even opened it yet!

Have a sunny Sunday everyone. 🙂
the thief the wife and the canoe anyone seen it ?
thoughts ?ive just watched the last one and im amused and shocked at it all i wonder of anyone remembers it i do it was all oer our local news at the time my neck of the woods too well 50 miles doon the road like a canny walk on a windy day as my gran used to say . bs is at 19.1 but steady as shes goes yeah ill try the whole rest thing for a few days im aching in odd places at the mo so really do need to tek it eeezey so hard wi ocd tho i keep goin off into musical crates of lovely little bits of golden ear nuggets and i cant lay down on my carpet and enjoy them to their utmost and then i have to go sit back down again its not the same at all
first world problems eh have good night all
keep smiling
I watched it, I remembered the story very well, enjoyed the adaptation, lots of artistic licence employed but it was a great watch. John Darwin sounds like a right one!
10.8 perhaps more of correction was required last night(this time)or perhaps more back round was as I hadn't done slot yesterday. I'm diffintty going to get so background tests done this week I was waiting for when I'm was fully recovered from whats going on but it looks like I might be waiting forever at this. Point so going to have just do them now
Morning all. 5.4 for me after two corrections at tea and before bed as it wouldn't come down. All caused by a lazy afternoon! Have a good day everyone.
Pleased to report a very respectable 5.6 for me this morning and a straight line overnight. Fingers crossed I am getting over my trip on the BG roller coaster! Got to dash as we are taking a pair to the driving club meet today. Hope everyone has a lovely day.