Group 7-day waking average?

Well, it seems that 6.2 is popular this morning :D Budge up on that step for me as well 08:08 BS 6.2🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Just finished munching breakfast & the sun’s really come out now: was up already but, dimmer; dusky dawn is definitely past now & the dimmer switch is off! The only thing missing is some birdie songs but, those early birds have already sung, unheard by me in the land of nod, & left about their business before I, in italics, daned to get up! 🙄:D😉

Just one thing of note I accidentally snapped off my Bluetooth dongle for the meter on Monday so, ordered a new one very early, in the wee hours really, of Tuesday which arrived Thursday. In the parcel were also GlucoRx’s 2 15ml sample cans of their new Allpresan foam foot creams Basic & Intensive. I started using them both, one on each foot to see the difference, on Friday & Saturday also, some more today before bed. I had my doubts as it was a really light foam that became very voluminous but, it absorbed & rubbed in quite easily & really softened my feet albeit I’ve only had two nights application! 😉 I already had problems with thick calloused feet before becoming diabetic anyway from wearing high heels from my teens until 29 when diagnosed & maybe a few more years after that before I finally stopped wearing them for much more sensible & lower heels. Diabetes just made my already problematic feet worse over the years are they got drier & flakier too so, I semi regularly use Flexitol cream in a massive pump on prescription from my GP but, it’s a proper thick cream that takes AGES to rub into my feet & why I’m lazy about doing in!😳 I really like the GlucoRx foam foot creams & the Intensive one is better, for me, than the Basic but, it’s not on the free prescriptions list so would have to buy it at £11.99 for 125ml cans for either one or £20.99 for 300ml cans also, for either one. I’ll see how long 15ml of the Intensive lasts me, I’m using more squirts of the Basic on the other foot for the same level of softness, before maybe considering buying this as I like the application SO much more than Flexitol?:confused:
I have just read that in our heath authority only 25% of their 58,000 plus registered diabetics have had their annual checks and I suspect those are the ones who are proactive and seek to have their appointments rather than those who desperately need them.
Diabolical really.
Lovely sunny day, if a tad windy. The blossom is looking fantastic.
Good morning - 5.2.

The Libre seems to have settled down and is fairly accurate now
Ah! Just checked out the Diabetes UK online store & they do both of the Allpresan foam foot creams 125ml cans for £10.99 which is a bit cheaper.

But, TBF GlucoRx also do a 5% discount for setting up a repeat service for one every month up to one every six months.
Morning everyone. 20.7
How did I manage to get to this impressive number I hear you ask...well it involved about 4L of juice and an alarming amount of peeing (not by choice) and not a whole lot of sleep. 🙄

Anyway todays plan is to make a good set of notes and talking points for this DSN appointment tomorrow. (will update my own thread about that, looking for input there)

have a wonderful day today everyone <3
@gll, are you actually saying that you drank 4litres of fruit juice? If so, then no wonder your BGs are in the 20s. It’s SO full of sugar. Many people use a small glass of fruit juice to address a hypo.
Morning all and it was a sunny Sunday house special for me.

Not much planned today but snooker will be involved at some stage. I'd love to go to the Crucible one day but you've got to be really quick off the mark to get tickets.

Have a good day everyone.
Just back from a lovely long sunny walk.
My reading first thing was 4.3 🙂
I felt a bit weak and shaky for the first 15 minutes but it soon passed.
Have a good day everyone.

@gll, are you actually saying that you drank 4litres of fruit juice? If so, then no wonder your BGs are in the 20s. It’s SO full of sugar. Many people use a small glass of fruit juice to address a hypo.
sorry to clarify, it was sugar free squash / diluting juice 🙂 Up here juice is one of those catch all words for a drink.
Sneaking in late at the back, reporting a 10.2 this morning. Overslept so it had crept up a bit from my usual waking time…ah well, not too concerned as I think it’s still relative to Covid.

Seem to have spent the day faffing 🙄:(, it’s something I seem to be rather too good at, at the moment….am surprising pooped. I’m determined to have a more productive day tomorrow.

I hope you enjoyed the inflatable run @sg295 …I did one of these 5 years ago…it was a lot of fun 🙂

Hope everyone has had a nice day.
I had a great time thank you!

I did it about 3 years ago but my friends hadn’t done it before. We all had a good time and I’m hoping we might now do it annually! 🙂
Morning all,

Slightly lower this morning with a 4.7

But not surprising really given the crazy obstacle course and night out yesterday.

Going to have a more relaxed day today ready to start back at work tomorrow after my 2 week holiday.

Have a good day all 🙂
Good morning everyone! 6'9 today.
G-A-Y can be fun but then I’ve not been there in the last ten years I think. It’s a little young for me now I’m officially ancient!

So what else did you get up to?
Even my friend thought the girls in the bar were a bit young, and she is only 28 lol. But there was also a group of middle aged ladies, which is always nice to see (so people can't tell you it's just a phase!).

We went to the British museum this time, then Borough market which she loved, and next day with her other friend we went to Camden and had a little walk along the canal as well 🙂
Morning all.

Well overslept! Woke at 8 and then turned over and next thing I knew it was nearly 10 am (shattered after our very enjoyable, but full-on few days away.) 5.9@ 10am - a huge relief after the numbers I have been seeing!

I think I am absolute cr*p at judging carbs in restaurants + of course different levels of activity from the norm. BGs have been pretty wild whilst we've been away. Yesterday we picked up a "dine in for £10" at Tesco on our way home. We got 2 steaks, dauphinoise potatoes and peas, so calculating that was easy, hence BGs settling methinks. I put the 2 chocolate puddings in the fridge once I checked the carbs! 54g each!!! Yikes. I usually get the cheese selection, but there was little choice left on the shelf, the chocolate puds or passionfruit cheesecake.

@khskel congratulations on the HS... also @sg295 and @MeeTooTeeTwo for yours yesterday.

@Griffin. We are watching the canoe thing... it's very good, but still have at least one episode to watch... breath held for the ending!

@rebrascora glad your BGs are settling!

@eggyg I used to get "Good Food" for years, but cancelled it at the end of last year as I thought the recipes were getting very repetitive - how many sausage casserole recipes do you need? I ahave also got "Delicious" mag for years, which I find more innovative recipe-wise and "Olive" - not quite sure about that one yet, but I got 5 issues for £5.
Just woken up bs is 18.7
Not good but better than yesterday so a small win for me doggos gone out for the day I swear my walker has intentions of nicking the hellhound.. {I'm kidding} I'm a little miffed I should be packing for a camping trip up Berwick way and instead I'm walking around looking like the elephant man drooling and slurring my words the Jaws really sore today I can't swell up anymore I'll burst at edges even my ear is swollen who gets a swollen ear? Anyways grumbles over

My gratitudes for today
The NHS we may complain but they're totally lookinf after me I even go a call from the senior sister just now to make sure I'm OK
Fresh sheets and a comfy bed even tho im sleeping upright it's still the best thing ever to sleep in your own bed
My little doggo even tho she's abandoned me for a day at the seaside shes been at my side since I got home and wasn't to happy to leave me today she only went cause there was a bit of sausage involved!
Keep smiling {I would but I think ill break something}
I wonder if you are one of the people who can react badly to artificial sweeteners which are most likely used in the 'sugar free' squashes so that is not helping your blood glucose level.
I don't think so, the whole post was about the fact I went from 28/29 at bedtime down to 20 by drinking so much (diluting) juice. My waking's have been a wee bit higher all week so 20 was actually not terrible for me.
Seems I have created a bunch of confusion today and could have worded things better. Sorry <3 🙄