Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all.

Well overslept! Woke at 8 and then turned over and next thing I knew it was nearly 10 am (shattered after our very enjoyable, but full-on few days away.) 5.9@ 10am - a huge relief after the numbers I have been seeing!

I think I am absolute cr*p at judging carbs in restaurants + of course different levels of activity from the norm. BGs have been pretty wild whilst we've been away. Yesterday we picked up a "dine in for £10" at Tesco on our way home. We got 2 steaks, dauphinoise potatoes and peas, so calculating that was easy, hence BGs settling methinks. I put the 2 chocolate puddings in the fridge once I checked the carbs! 54g each!!! Yikes. I usually get the cheese selection, but there was little choice left on the shelf, the chocolate puds or passionfruit cheesecake.

@khskel congratulations on the HS... also @sg295 and @MeeTooTeeTwo for yours yesterday.

@Griffin. We are watching the canoe thing... it's very good, but still have at least one episode to watch... breath held for the ending!

@rebrascora glad your BGs are settling!

@eggyg I used to get "Good Food" for years, but cancelled it at the end of last year as I thought the recipes were getting very repetitive - how many sausage casserole recipes do you need? I ahave also got "Delicious" mag for years, which I find more innovative recipe-wise and "Olive" - not quite sure about that one yet, but I got 5 issues for £5.
I first got the mag last year on the 5 issues for a fiver deal. Decided to subscribe when that finished, I was enticed by the free Mary Berry book. Got to love a bit of Mary. I’m not sure if I’ll renew at the end of this 12 months. There’s too many adverts for my liking. It’s pleasant enough reading but I’ve heard on the FB grapevine they’re putting up the price by 50%!

It was 10.1 for me this morning

I generally wake up a few times during the night, last night it was much more and Bruce was also awake every time, didn't want to get up at 5am but did, had breakfast and did a few things then went back to bed for an hour 😉 😳

@gll must just be that I'm a Scot as I got everything you meant, take care hunni xx
After dinner 19.4
I knew what you meant @gll I call most things juice including my e cig liquid if its not hot its juice and if its fizzy its pop
And if its water its council pop if its hot its a brew don't matter if its coffee or tea it's a brew to me...
Hope everyone's had a fab Sunday I've done naff all and I've hated every minute of it I'm not a sit still and do nothing sort of guy
I first got the mag last year on the 5 issues for a fiver deal. Decided to subscribe when that finished, I was enticed by the free Mary Berry book. Got to love a bit of Mary. I’m not sure if I’ll renew at the end of this 12 months. There’s too many adverts for my liking. It’s pleasant enough reading but I’ve heard on the FB grapevine they’re putting up the price by 50%!
I had it for years, cancelled it and got tempted back by a free slow cooker, but had to get hubby to get the subscription in his name. Just found it repetetive recently. Buy a copy of Delicious and see what you think.

I got Mary Berry love to cook for Xmas. Great recipes I agree. Hubby loves me to experiment and try new stuff.
02:00 BS 6.1 🙂 Had actually been awake for a while, don’t know how long, & couldn’t get back to sleep so, tested in case of DP later!

Now been up in bed for just over 2 hours, at 04:09 as I type this, & fancied playing a bit of golf which I haven’t in absolutely AGES! 🙄 I’ve still got it although, there’s been a couple of completely new, to me, courses added since I last played so, didn’t know those holes & they were the only ones I lost on!:confused: BUT, I know, I know; beware the slippery slope of Golf Clash addiction!o_O:D😉

Now going to test again & see IF there’s any DP as my stomach is JUST starting to grumble: sometimes just staying in bed not moving around, apart from my right middle finger playing golf shots 🙄:rofl:, means I don’t get any DP at all or just very slow minimal DP rise?:confused:

Live pause ellipsis, hey I can spell it now, … 04:19 BS 7.1 Ah well! Half my usual DP rise of 1mmol per hour given that I’ve been playing golf in bed for 2 hours! 😳

A Very early Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’m going to have breakfast now! 😛
Morning all 7.3 today and time to get ready for work. Have a good day everyone x
Good morning 5.9 today

have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning - 4.9
Morning all. 4.6 as I laid in bed at 6.30. Got up, slippers and dressing gown on, visit to the loo and walked down the stairs. 5.8! But looking at my graph the 4.6 isn’t there, compression low. So take your pick, something in between. 5.2 maybe! 😉

No massive plans today except a quick trip to Tesco and Mr Eggy has a cardiology consultant calling him later today, we hope, it didn’t happen last time.😡

That’s all folks. Have a Happy Monday, the sun is shining up here, again! 😎
Good morning everybody. @eggyg i am joining you with a 5.2 (i shall take your average and give you congrats on it 😉).

Back to work for me today, not looking forward to it. I could easily get used to being retired but sadly, i just can't afford it. Have a good day whatever you are up to.
Goodly morning folks. 🙂 7.8 here - I didn’t want to correct my 11.7 at bedtime cos I’d been in hypoland all day.

Busy week ahead. I’ve been enjoying my new hearing aids - there’s me thinking there were no birds in my garden, but no, there’s tons of the little blighters out there, all chirrupping away in the hedges. What a lovely racket! I still can’t understand what him indoors is saying tho...maybe I don’t want to LOL. :confused:😉:rofl:
Morning everyone.

DSN appointment at half 10. Haven't thought past that for the rest of the day. Will post back afterwards.

@Bloden don't know what reaction to give, care because hypoland yesterday, love because of the improvements to hearing or cry laugh because of the last part about "him indoors".
5.7 for me this morning. 🙂

@freesia well done on the HS
By a fluke Wordle in 2. 😛
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4.2 for me and there were 2 JBs involved at 5.30am and rather a lot of red on my graph to get there 😱 but I slept pretty well until then. Basal decrease this morning and possibly tonight too depending upon what I get up to today. A trip to the supermarket and animal feed store is on the cards.

@eggyg... Love your cheek!

@freesia Congrats on your House Special this morning.

@Bloden I'm with Lou. A multitude of response options to your post but it left me chuckling so I've gone with laughing emoji.

@gll Really keeping my fingers crossed for your appointment this morning. Hope you get a switched on DSN although I am not sure how switched on you need to be to see what is obvious! Will be checking in later to see your update and keeping everything crossed for you in the mean time.
17.2 eek
Rough night couldn't settle and had three nose bleeds over the course of the evening just phoned the clinic and I've been told it's normal due to all the truama and the fact I've had steel screwed into my cheek bone so there's that to contend with now can't. Breathe out of my nose either so permenent dry mouth is a thing for me too. Heardle kicked my head today took all my resolve to not fling the laptop in a silly manboy temper because of it.
Hope it all goes well today @gll.
Congrats on the H. S everyone
Have a amazing day all
Keep smiling

6.1 earlier

Was in tears at Hudson & Rex last night when Charlie thought the guy had blown Rex up, there are only a few more episodes of this series left and there are a couple of those with actors from Murdoch Mysteries, also seen a sneak peak of the ending of the series finale on Facebook and oh my, so glad a 5th series has been commissioned xx