Group 7-day waking average?

A very respectable looking 5.4 for me this morning which totally belies my night almost entirely in the red 😱. I went through 4 JBs one at a time trying to nudge it up without sending it into orbit, as happened yesterday early evening when I suddenly found myself up at 16.1. I had been steady in the 5s and 6s most of the afternoon and the only thing I ate was a plate of salad followed by a little roast lamb in gravy with 8 of Ian's left over French fries which I shot myself a generous 3 units for and then went out to work with the horses so fully expected to go low if anything. I was totally gobsmacked to find I was in the mid teens! Double checked with a finger prick and it appears this Libre sensor is unbelievably accurate, even at high levels. I haven't been up to 16s since my early days of diagnosis! I really have no idea what is going on with my body at the moment but it isn't playing by the rules and I am not enjoying the unpredictability of it. I only took my eye off my Libre for an hour and a half!

@Robin It was a glorious day here yesterday but a north easterly wind blew up early evening and we were absolutely perished driving the horses round the block, so I can sympathize. Don't think I have been that cold all winter!

Anyway, many congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTwo and @sg295 on your achievement this morning and good luck to Sophie at the "inflatable 5k" ..... whatever that is??
Amazing how he shows his best side when the cameraman is rustling a bag of treats! (He was given one afterwards for being a good boy). He belongs to the riding school, and is a bit old and arthritic, he's a retired hunter, but he was given to the school so he could enjoy a bit of light work and some company in his old age.
Just so beautiful, horses are so majestic but I am nervous of them due to falling off one and knocking myself out and then another took off with me on it and I couldn’t control it, needless to say I gave up horse riding after that. My husband had a livery and loves horses, his first job was as a stable boy and I have some beautiful photos of him exercising the horses from one of the trainers he worked for who won the Grand National. Me I just stand back now and admire them from afar lol.

6,4 this morning so I am pleased with that, managed to grab the wagon as it passed and cling on by my finger tips, so hoping today I can climb right back on. Last Saturday for me, just collect something from a shop to take to my mum, oldest granddaughter is coming for a couple of hours but she is no trouble and maybe do an exercise class from the app I haven’t used in months.

@sg295 and @MeeTooTeeTwo - congratulations on your HS.
@sg295 - enjoy your inflatable 5k.
@GRIFFINLONEWALKER - hope you get home soon, sounds very painful.
@rebrascora - sorry to read you are still having struggles, hugs to you.

Hope everyone has a lovely Saturday.
8.9 for me this morning.
A very respectable looking 5.4 for me this morning which totally belies my night almost entirely in the red 😱. I went through 4 JBs one at a time trying to nudge it up without sending it into orbit, as happened yesterday early evening when I suddenly found myself up at 16.1. I had been steady in the 5s and 6s most of the afternoon and the only thing I ate was a plate of salad followed by a little roast lamb in gravy with 8 of Ian's left over French fries which I shot myself a generous 3 units for and then went out to work with the horses so fully expected to go low if anything. I was totally gobsmacked to find I was in the mid teens! Double checked with a finger prick and it appears this Libre sensor is unbelievably accurate, even at high levels. I haven't been up to 16s since my early days of diagnosis! I really have no idea what is going on with my body at the moment but it isn't playing by the rules and I am not enjoying the unpredictability of it. I only took my eye off my Libre for an hour and a half!

@Robin It was a glorious day here yesterday but a north easterly wind blew up early evening and we were absolutely perished driving the horses round the block, so I can sympathize. Don't think I have been that cold all winter!

Anyway, many congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTwo and @sg295 on your achievement this morning and good luck to Sophie at the "inflatable 5k" ..... whatever that is??
Thank you Barbara @rebrascora 🙂

Basically a 5k long route with a load of inflatable obstacles along the way, should be fun!

6,4 this morning so I am pleased with that, managed to grab the wagon as it passed and cling on by my finger tips, so hoping today I can climb right back on. Last Saturday for me, just collect something from a shop to take to my mum, oldest granddaughter is coming for a couple of hours but she is no trouble and maybe do an exercise class from the app I haven’t used in months.

@sg295 and @MeeTooTeeTwo - congratulations on your HS.
@sg295 - enjoy your inflatable 5k.
@GRIFFINLONEWALKER - hope you get home soon, sounds very painful.
@rebrascora - sorry to read you are still having struggles, hugs to you.

Hope everyone has a lovely Saturday.
Thank you @Grannylorraine will do! 🙂
Good morning - 4.7

The new Libre sensor has been a red line all night after it read 3.1 and a finger prick 4.3 which was accurate but when it read 3.6 and a finger prick 7.4 I started questioning it.Then this morning it read 4.2 and a finger prick read 4.7. So I don’t know what to do about this Libre
Good morning - 4.7

The new Libre sensor has been a red line all night after it read 3.1 and a finger prick 4.3 which was accurate but when it read 3.6 and a finger prick 7.4 I started questioning it.Then this morning it read 4.2 and a finger prick read 4.7. So I don’t know what to do about this Libre
We're you lying on sensor? But that's one of the issues I found it would really acute one(when they actually were working) minute and then letter on be way off so was never sure when to trust it.
We're you lying on sensor? But that's one of the issues I found it would really acute one(when they actually were working) minute and then letter on be way off so was never sure when to trust it.
I don’t think it was, Libre would be showing a brief drop into the red if it was a compression low before coming back up and it was entirely in the red all night
Morning all and somehow it was a 5.1 for me despite a 12.1 with an upward arrow. No correction and when it came back to earth a nice flat line.

Just received a couple of mixes from the studio so will be listening to those. Next step will be to work out how the hell to play it all live.

Have a good day everyone.
Been given my marching orders from the quack just waiting on the pharmacy to drop my meds to the ward and Im free to go thanks for all the well wishes gang I'd stick a pic up but even I'm to freaked out to look at it for too long its painful but it's manageable can't wait to go get a brew and chill out with the pup she's been with the walker since Thursday night I really do miss that fluffy little ball of energy when's she's not about planning on watching some naff on the telly and not much else although that's taking some mental prep I'm not one to sit still for very long at all always something to do!
I don’t think it was, Libre would be showing a brief drop into the red if it was a compression low before coming back up and it was entirely in the red all night
That's true. I lost trust in in them completely but that was mainly due to how often they failed.
Thank you Barbara @rebrascora 🙂

Basically a 5k long route with a load of inflatable obstacles along the way, should be fun!
Sounds like it should be great fun. I sort of had visions of you having to "Zorb" 5K which sounded like it might be a lot of hard work.... but probably fun too.
Home sweet home
Doggos on her way home carer is here making a fuss trying to not be a grumpy grump head who super grumpy with a really grumpy side of grump.. I'm not a good patient I hate being fussed over I'm very much a get up and go do it myself sort of creature..
Oh well should just accept this is the way for a bit may even go quicker if I don't fight it.....
super late posting
Waking was 22.1. Just tested a bit early for pre dinner as I felt rubbish - currently sitting at 29.something. Honestly expected to be lower and was having a crash making me feel off. Didn't drink as much as usual this afternoon as I was out. Maybe all the drinking is doing more flushing out of glucose than I thought it was?

Been visiting family today. Wee great nephew is so covered in chicken pox now you could play dot to dot on him.

Gratz on the HS @sg295 @MeeTooTeeTwo
@GRIFFINLONEWALKER so glad it is all done and you are home. Please take it easy and let your body do its healing thing 😉
Sneaking in late at the back, reporting a 10.2 this morning. Overslept so it had crept up a bit from my usual waking time…ah well, not too concerned as I think it’s still relative to Covid.

Seem to have spent the day faffing 🙄:(, it’s something I seem to be rather too good at, at the moment….am surprising pooped. I’m determined to have a more productive day tomorrow.

I hope you enjoyed the inflatable run @sg295 …I did one of these 5 years ago…it was a lot of fun 🙂

Hope everyone has had a nice day.
Morning all,

Omg I’ve done it…*drum roll please*….5.2!

Off to Exeter today for the inflatable 5k! Super excited for this!
Also will be repping by wearing my Diabetes UK t shirt!

Have a good day 🙂
I was suppose to work one of these but had to cancel it because it was just as got out of hostpal at dingoused.
Good evening people! Using the train ride to catch up, as usual. Was 7'9 this morning.

I had good fun in London with my friend. I showed her a few places I visited last month, and we went for a night out in Soho, something that I wanted to do but didn't fancy going on my own. I went for the first time to an (gay) girls only bar, the venue itself it's too small and has no windows, but people and music were great! Later we learned the G-A-Y bar (that's the actual name) in the same street is probably a better option, but I'm happy with the experience.

Today a friend of my friend joined us, and she has lived near London for years. She took us to Primrose hill, which is beautiful. Like in my last visit, I'm going home with ideas for another time. It's great knowing it's only a few hours away so I can keep doing little trips and don't feel the need to rush and visit everything in a weekend. I'm tempted now every time I get 2 consecutive days off, but my bank account wouldn't appreciate it :rofl:

Well, last little splurge of the week: a peppermint tea in the train. Those trains from London remind me of a plane with their drinks and snacks cart. I'm a small town girl lol.
Forgot to post this picture, is a bit silly but I'm keeping the wristband for now 🙂


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