Group 7-day waking average?

We are away for a couple of days and the sun is shining, the beach is lovely and we have a fantastic view of the sea from our hotel room window. What could be better?😎 We're in Tenby and have just had a 4 mile walk around Caldey Island, it was so peaceful. Here is a photo of the view from our room. I hope the sun is shining wherever you are!
Libre version 1 is fine, but I can see why you’re put off by version 2 - lots of people on here seem to be having problems with it. (Mi
I had a problem with the last 2 but this one is fairly accurate. On the whole, despite some issues, i'd rather have the libre than be without it!
Oops sorry, clicked on wrong photo. That was the beach at Caldey Island. THIS is the view from our room, just as good though.

Just had dinner and libre is absolutely freaking out. Just keep getting a scanning error message asking me to scan again in 10 mins and the line keeps rising…looks like it’s approaching 15 already and only ate a few mins ago!

The joys 🙂

Just had dinner and libre is absolutely freaking out. Just keep getting a scanning error message asking me to scan again in 10 mins and the line keeps rising…looks like it’s approaching 15 already and only ate a few mins ago!

The joys 🙂
If it's not reading then the rising line is surely just the algorithm guessing, so don't worry until you actually see some real readings!
If it's not reading then the rising line is surely just the algorithm guessing, so don't worry until you actually see some real readings!
Oh ok, thanks for clarifying!

Probably because I had dinner with a friend which was fairly carb heavy and probably just a big hit at once threw it off.

Hoping it won’t be as bad as it’s saying once it’s calmed down and starts reading 🙂
Oh ok, thanks for clarifying!
I'm guessing really. But it seems logical, doesn't it? I guess it might be reading stuff and deciding it's not ready to quite reveal it but is willing to update the graph a bit (maybe from several minutes ago).

That would be logical: if it's always trying to give the prediction from a couple of minutes ago then sometimes it won't be willing to give that but might nevertheless update things earlier on the graph (which were predictions but now it has readings). In that case the graph continuing to rise would be a sign things are as bad as you fear so let's hope that's wrong!
Hoping it won’t be as bad as it’s saying once it’s calmed down and starts reading
I do find that sometimes happens: it shows me a reading of 15.7 (or 3.2) but after 15 or 20 minutes there's no sign of that on the graph.

Just had dinner and libre is absolutely freaking out. Just keep getting a scanning error message asking me to scan again in 10 mins and the line keeps rising…looks like it’s approaching 15 already and only ate a few mins ago!

The joys 🙂
I had a similar issue last week. Turned out the scanner was reading 10 units higher than finger prick. It literally went nuts on day 8/9 having been perfect for the previous 8/9 days. Random things sometimes.
Morning. 5.4 on this fine day.

Up at the crack as have an early haircut appointment and I have loads of last minute things to buy before our holiday next week. Birthday cards and presents, got four birthdays coming up, three whilst we’re away. Some bits and pieces of clothes, toiletries and food. Parcel to collect from PO, bird seed to buy and a shirt to take back to Marks that could fit every member of the forum in, it’s huge! But first a visit to youngest daughter before I even get to town, to pick up Easter eggs for her eldest sister’s children that she forgot to bring to our meal out on Easter Monday. I’ll then deliver them to eldest daughter at her workplace, which is where I’ll buy my bird seeds, along with two pair of leggings her sisters bought her for her birthday nearly three weeks ago and forgot to give her with her other presents on her birthday and on Easter Monday! How comes it’s all down to me? 😉 Obviously I’m retired and don’t have a life!:rofl: Looks like I’ll be out all day. Ah well, it’ll give Mr Eggy some peace to potter around the garden doing his pre holiday bits and pieces.

Have a great day. The forecast is splendid up here as yesterday was. 😎
06:17 BS 7.8 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Finished all of Arya’s viewpoint chapters up to book 5 although there were chapters in books 4 & 5 NOT titled Arya but, managed to work out were from her viewpoint BECAUSE of watching the TV show! 🙄 Supposedly BECAUSE she was playing other characters during her training at The House of Black & White! :confused:There’s actually not that many of the HUGE books of nos 4 & 5 about her & quite a few non character titled chapters about numerous smaller characters not in the TV show at al!🙄 Things with Arya were pretty much left where they were at the end of season 5 of the show.

I checked up on the release date of book 6 The Winds of Winter & it’s supposed to be out in 2023 because Martin has decided it’s too long for one final book so, releasing THAT first before adding a book 7 to be titled A Dream of Spring! 🙄:confused:

So, today I think I’ll try reading all of book 2 as that’s still more or less “zippy”, as in the reviews before things start slowing down in 3 & positively “bogged down” by 4 & 5? :confused:
Good morning - 4.7
Good morning another high wake up 8.6 today (to much pizza yesterday evening)

we’re still unsure what’s going on with buying the house, currently awaiting update from the seller (via estate agent) but the positive is its giving us plenty of time to sort out and get ready,

enjoying the warmer weather
and it’s a relief to not need the heating on.

have a great day everybody 🙂
Morning all. A Covid coughing 11.4 for me, I thought I’d turned a little bit of a corner yesterday too…ah well :(.

House sales and purchases are so much more frustrating and time consuming than they need to be @goodybags .I hope things go smoothly.

Sounds like you’ll need a holiday after today @eggyg

Wishing everyone a lovely day.
Morning folks. 🙂 5.4 here.

Phew! @eggyg I need a lie-down just from reading your post. o_O :rofl:

I’m going to slap on the dummy Omnipod today. The webinar was extremely useful. Lots of parents on Zoom - I guess going tubeless makes sense if you’re an energetic 5-year-old tearaway. One person wanted to know if the Pod’d stay attached while playing this space (not!).
Morning all, 5.8 here. Need to jump out of bed and get moving, I’ve got an appointment for boob squishing at 8.30. Luckily it’s just down the road, the Mammogram unit parks on our Dr's surgery car park. (The staff spaces, obviously, not the doctors'. Luckily there is a general car park just alongside).
Morning all. Woke to a 3.8, whoops!! Must have been from the fish and chips last night with lots of walking. Another lovely sunny day today. @Bloden, not tried the cakes yet but will try and find them. Have a good day everyone.